Chapter 7

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Okay so I'm just gonna write what I remember so it may not be like by the episode but it will be pretty close I guess. Anyways you know I just realized I was spelling Kohona wrong the whole time?! It's supposed to be Konoha, do you know how many Naruto stories I have and I'm going to have to go back and change all of them.... Also I hope you've watch most of Naruto shippuden cause I may use some things you won't learn about to later on. Nothing like big or like spoiling but like I feel like you wouldn't understand what the hell I'm talking about, anyways just know certain new things were not made up by me. All of Naruto and Naruto shippuden belong to Masashi Kishimoto!!

"Alright.... Alright." I said holding my ear piece.

"Okay we've got something, Dad?" I turned to him and he nodded.

"Okay let's go." He said and we all headed outside.

Though the old lady followed after us, "Wait, let me go with you! I know one of the Akatsuki..." She said as we stopped.

I turned, "Sure you can handle your self old hag?" I asked with a hand on my hip.

She looked to me with a frown, "I can take care of myself just fine, young lady." She snapped.

I shrugged, "Fine whatever, don't expect me to save you if you get into to trouble." I said and turned around grabbing Naruto's hand.

"C'mon lets hurry, before it's to late." I said to him as I pulled him with me. The pain had gone down quite a bit thanks to Sakura's medicine but if we take to long I fear that Gaara might die. The scent trail ended up leading us back into a forest area after exiting the desert area, so it became easier to travel from tree branch to tree branch.

The closer we got the worse the worse this feeling I had in my stomach got. I sighed and closed my eyes silently preying to whatever god was out there that Gaara would be alright, soon we made it out to a clearing and stopped cause there stood Itachi Uchiha. Dad has stopped Naruto, Sakura, and I knowing how strong he was.

"Don't look into his eye's, he can cast a genjutsu just by making contact with his eyes." He warned.

I scoffed, "Nah dip Dad, not the first time I've met him. Though last time it didn't work." I smirked and looked at Itachi's blank face.

"Right Itachi?" I asked. He looked at me and said nothing, I frowned with a glare. I hate being ignored, especially by the little Duckbutt's older brother.

A flash of a memory with people screaming, blood, and murder. Then the man standing before me looking back with tears running down his face. I frowned again and stepped back grabbing my arm, I felt uncomfortable with being one of the only people who know his secret. That he was ordered by the ANBU to murder his own family, lie to his brother making Sasuke hate him, then join the akatsuki. I had ignored Naruto and Sakura talking angrily to Itachi about whatever, I didn't want to be apart of that. I shifted off to the side and held up a single hand sign, "Kirameki." I whispered and hid my chakra as I disappeared. This was a jutsu that I created that allowed me to disappear, I slipped away and climbed up a tree very close to Itachi's position and stayed silently and quickly as I only had 15 seconds before the jutsu wore off.

    I turned my head when Itachi held up and hand pointing out a finger with his ring on it at Naruto. 'The bastard put him in a genjutsu', I thought when I saw Naruto freeze up. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Hi no ame...." I said as I finished the hand signs. Slowly but surely I made tears fall down my face, I winced as they were boiling hot like fire running down my fave. I still held my hands in a sign of fire and knew that a storm would be brewing above and tiny bits of fire would rain down on Itachi, like tiny little meteors to come and cause a lot of unavoidable pain. I felt a lot of my chakra drain from my body but I had to keep it up long enough for Sakura and the others to realize and get Naruto out of the Genjutus, I groaned since at the exact time my eyes decided to bother me with growing pain. I scrunched up my face and felt nauseous for a moment before I fell sideways losing my breath, I hope I distracted Itachi long enough.

The Black Fox Princess 2016-2017 (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now