Chapter 1

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My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I smiled as I sat down at my computer, writing my story. I was waiting for my best friend, Tadashi Hamada, to call me. I was only seven years old. Tadashi was almost a full year older than me, but we were in the same kindergarten class. We'd become instant best friends. His little brother had just turned three, and Tadashi had turned eight a couple months before that. Tadashi loved his little brother, Hiro. Between the two boys and their parents, they had a picture-perfect family. Their father was a major robotics person. They had been staying with some friends, but their parents were just getting back to town from a big convention that day. That faithful day that ended up changing everything...

"(Y/N), sweetheart, can I talk to you for a second?" That one sentence was the last thing I heard before everything changed. That and the cheerful sound of birds chirping. They'd been chirping a sad song that day. Being young, I'd asked them what was wrong... This was when I was going to get my answer.

"Coming mommy!" I hopped down from my desk. I may have only been seven years old, but I was already smart at the time. At least for my age... I was going to be skipped to third grade at the end of the year. I could already read and write like no tomorrow. "What is it mommy? Did Tadashi call yet?"

"Sweetheart, it's about Tadashi's parents..." I looked up at my mother that day with a sweet innocence. If the day before, someone had told me what she was going to tell me right then, I never would have believed her.

"What about them?"

"They were in a car crash on the bridge. They both died. Tadashi's going to be going away to the town on the other side of the bridge... San Fransokyo. Him and his brother are going to be moving in with his aunt, Cass." That was the day my entire world changed. The day I lost my best friend... For the first time.

Seven Years Later

I stared at the computer, the endless page and blinking cursor driving me insane. I decided that I'd check my email while I tried to kick my writer's block. When I did, I had an email that surprised me. The name of the sender? Tadashi Hamada.

TADASHI: Hey (Y/N), I know it's been a really long time... I couldn't believe it when I heard about you on the news. I had to email you. How have you been? It's been so long... I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even remember me.

ME: Oh my God, Tadashi!!! I can't believe it! It has been way too long. How have you been yourself? I'm great. It's been so long, but I still remember you. How could I forget my best friend?

TADASHI: Things have been great for me too. :) My aunt owns a cafe, The Lucky Cat Cafe. She's an amazing cook. You'd never get tired of her food. When I saw you on the news the other day, I couldn't believe it! You seriously have a book published?

ME: Yeah. I'm working on other stuff too... I couldn't believe it when the publisher actually answered me! So how's your brother? He's what, ten now? Geez, I can't even imagine that tiny toddler growing up...

TADASHI: Pesky, and seriously a genius. He definitely got our dad's smarts. He is ten, but he's a freshman in high school. We have classes together.

ME: No freaking way. That is amazing!

TADASHI: Not always... Think about it. Being ten in high school? The size alone. Plus being a super-nerd...

ME: Oh, wow... I see your point. Poor boy. He's got you there to protect him though. :)

"(Y/N)!" I sighed as my little sister called for me. She was under a year younger than Hiro.

"What is it Clarissa? (If your name is Clarissa, feel free to change it to something else.)" She just turned nine a few weeks before.

"Can you help me with my homework? I'm stuck on this one problem..." I smiled as she stuck her head in my room.

"Sure thing, kiddo. Just let me tell someone goodbye, and I'll be right there." I turned back to my computer and sent Tadashi a quick message.

ME: I have to go help my sister with something. Can't wait to talk again. :)

With that, I closed my computer and stood up. "Okay, what have we got?"

Tadashi's POV

Since when did she have a sister? "'Dashi, who are you talking to?" I smiled down at my little brother.

"Just an old friend. They had to go though. You need something Hiro?" He smiled and shook his head. He may be ten, but he looked more like six or seven. He was an adorable little genius.

"No. I finished my homework earlier." I ruffled his hair, and he giggled. Somehow with all of his bullying problems, he still stayed so cheerful... I would never understand how. I wondered what he would think if I told him how much I actually admired him.

"You really are something. Why don't we go down to the park? I bet I could get my friends to come down. Maybe we could all play something together." He smiled enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" I chuckled.

"Just let me call them, okay? While I do that, go downstairs and see if Aunt Cass'll give us some snacks to share." He nodded and raced out of our bedroom and down the stairs. I picked up my phone and started calling people. Of course, I never mentioned to any of them that Hiro was coming along... My friends were great, but they hated when I brought him along to do things. They would never understand why I was so close with him.

At The Park

"Hey Tadashi! Hiro." We were walking down to the park when I heard Sabrina call our names. I smiled and turned to her.

"Hey Sabrina. You here for kickball?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I come?" She smiled brightly at me. Now, here was the thing about Sabrina- she was a great friend. She was one of like, three people who didn't mind having Hiro along. The problem with her? She had a huge crush on me. She got all giggly-school-girl every time we were together. What she didn't get was that I didn't like her back. At least, not in that way.

"I dunno... Homework or something." She smiled and ruffled Hiro's hair. He giggled like he'd done earlier and smiled at her.

"Hey Hiro. Tadashi, you didn't mention you were bringing him along." I smiled sheepishly.

"You know how the others get... I can't just leave him home all alone all the time though."

"See, there you go again being the sweetest guy ever. Why can't more guys be like you?" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess it just comes from growing up with Aunt Cass."

"'Dashi, when are the others coming?" I smiled down at my brother. He still had that innocent look to him. I knew I'd lost it a long time ago when our parents had died. Hiro was too young to remember them, but I remembered them just fine.

"They should be here soon. Why don't you go do something while we wait? Just stay where I can see you." He smiled and ran off to the playground. I sighed as I thought of how the others were going to react when everyone was here and I said I was going to go get Hiro. They didn't say anything to him because they were my friends and they knew my brother meant a lot to me, but behind his back...

"Yo, Tadashi! I was wondering if you'd ever call us up. I was ready to set up a kickball day without you." I smiled and rolled my eyes as John came over.

"Sorry. I've been busy. The cafe had a lot of customers, so I've been helping Aunt Cass out. Speaking of which, once everyone's here, I've got snacks." He smiled and reached for the bag.

"Ah ah ah, now wait until everyone's here." Sabrina made a playful look as she scolded him. Those two were... Something. If Sabrina didn't have an obvious crush on me, everyone would probably say they were dating.

Within a few minutes, almost everyone had gotten there. "Just a few more people... Huh?" Hiro had run over, crying. "Hiro... What's wrong?" (I'm sitting here imagining mini crying Hiro... AHH CUTE ATTACK!)

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