Chapter 4

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"I don't know. She went off with a couple other girls." I facepalmed.

"Clarissa... I swear..." Tadashi gave me a worried look.

"You want some help finding her? San Fransokyo is huge. You could get lost way too easily." I smiled at him.

"Would you?" He smiled back.

"Of course. Come on Hiro, show us where they went." Hiro nodded, and we followed him. At one point, he stopped and pointed down a path.

"They went that way." Tadashi smiled at Hiro and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks Hiro." We headed in that direction, and when we neared a busy road at the end of the park, Hiro grabbed Tadashi's belt nervously. He really didn't like people.

We wandered down the street for a while. I mumbled to myself after nearly a half hour. "Why do you do this to me Clarissa...?" Tadashi caught what I said.

"She does this stuff a lot?" I sighed and nodded.

"All the time. I take her out somewhere, and I look away for a split second... The next thing I know, I can't find her anywhere. Don't get me wrong, she's a great little sister... This though? It's kinda ridiculous. Woah!" Tadashi yanked me into an alleyway. I glanced at him questioningly. "What are you doing?"

"There's a bot fight." I felt a chill run down my spine. I knew what bot fights were - they were illegal.

"She better not get herself arrested..." Tadashi had a hold on my hand while Hiro had a hold on Tadashi's belt. It was actually kinda cute... I smiled at the younger Hamada. I don't know how he seemed to be so innocent, but he did. It seemed to be his gift. I understood why Hiro meant so much to Tadashi.

"Here we go." We came up to a crowd that was surrounding a ring. What angered me was who one of the two battlers was.

"CLARISSA (L/N), GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Tadashi looked at me with wide eyes, and my sister dropped her controller. That was the end of the fight. Clarissa looked over at me. Hiro had shrunk a little, hiding behind Tadashi. A few of the big guys snickered as Clarissa handed the robot to another little girl and came over to me. She was hanging her head, looking at her feet. "What on earth is wrong with you?! You know what this is! You know it's illegal! Do you WANT mom to have to come get you out of jail?! She would ground you for a year!" Tadashi rested his hands on my shoulders.

"(Y/N), come on. Let's get out of here, okay?" I took a tight hold on Clarissa's hand, and Tadashi led us out of the winding alley. We were all completely silent. With Clarissa, I wasn't surprised. She knew she was in trouble with me. As for Tadashi and me, I was trying not to blow, and Tadashi was trying not to agitate me further, as he knew that nearly anything would set me off then. What confused me was that Hiro stayed absolutely silent, and he seemed to be enjoying the quiet, despite the obvious tension. That is until he finally broke it.

"'Dashi?" He looked up at his brother innocently. Why did he always seem so innocent?

"Yeah Hiro?" Tadashi looked down at his brother.

"What you said earlier about couples... Is that what mom and dad were?" Tadashi froze, and the four of us stopped.

"Well, yeah... What made you ask that?" Obviously Hiro had to have known that their parents were dead. He was too young to remember them though. The way Tadashi seemed so surprised, I knew that this was the first time Hiro had mentioned them. At least in a very long while.

"You said couples love each other. To have wanted to have us together, mom and dad must have loved each other." He knew the birds and bees talk? Well, he was in high school... That meant ninth grade health class. (*shudders*) Tadashi smiled sadly at his little brother.

"Yeah, they must have." Hiro smiled brightly at Tadashi.

"Tadashi?" We were at his house, otherwise known as the Lucky Cat Cafe. He looked at me. Hiro and Clarissa were down in the cafe helping the boys's aunt.


"Earlier, when Hiro asked you that question... You seemed really surprised." Tadashi sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"When Hiro was growing up, he asked why we lived with Aunt Cass. I didn't really have much of a choice but to tell him what happened. Ever since I told him our parents were dead, he's avoided the topic. I think it's because he never got to know them. I mean, I'd told him about them... He knows all about our dad and how he got our dad's amazing robotics skills and smarts, and he knows how our mom was just the most caring person in the world; the best mom ever... He doesn't remember them though. He was just too young." I nodded sadly.

"Yeah, I can't even imagine... He was just a toddler. Who remembers anything from when they were three?" Tadashi gave me a knowing look, indicating he knew what I was talking about. I glanced at my phone, sighing. "I don't want to say this, but we should probably get going. Our mom wants us home by dark, and it's like an hour ride." Tadashi smiled sadly and got up, kissing me gently.

"Don't worry about it. We can email later." I smiled back at him. He just had that effect on me... I couldn't help returning his smiles.

"Yeah. I'll let you know when I get home." He kissed me again before I finally left. As I headed down the stairs, I heard giggling. Clarissa. Since when did she giggle? "Clarissa! Come on, we have to go home." I was down in the cafe, and she looked over at me with a pouty face. Her and Hiro were smiling. They'd been having fun.

"Aw, can't we have a few more minutes?"

"Sorry kiddo, but mom wants you home by dark. We gotta book it as it is." She kept that pouty face, giving me her cute act. "You know that doesn't work on me anymore. Come on." I took her hand, and she sighed. "We can come back another time, okay?" She perked up at that. "Bye Hiro." I waved to him. I noticed that the second we turned away, he raced upstairs. "Weird..." I put on my helmet, and Clarissa was doing the same. She climbed into the trailer. I'd made it for her to ride with me. It even had a seatbelt. "So did you have fun with Hiro?" I started pedalling.

"Yeah! He showed me these neat gadgets he made!" She was smiling brightly. I hadn't seen her smile like that in a long time.

"Good. He needs some friends his age." As I got going, I went faster and faster... Clarissa loved it when we went really fast. I heard her laughing behind me when we got to the bridge.

"Mom! We're home!"

"'Kay!" I sighed. So like my mother. When I was Clarissa's age, we did all sorts of fun things together. Our dad took us hiking, we played board games, we went camping every summer for a whole week... Then my parents adopted Clarissa about two years ago, and everything just kind of stopped. It's like getting her was the switch that shut them down. We barely even saw our dad anymore. He spent almost all of his time in their room playing video games. Once a few weeks before, I'd asked him if he wanted to do something... His reply was simply,

"Get online and we can play for a while." I'd kept pushing, asking if we could do something outside like we used to. When I mentioned leaving the house, he looked at me like I had two heads. "Go outside?" He'd asked it as a genuine question. I'd just sighed, shook my head, and went to my room to work on my stories. It was the only thing for me to do half the time.

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