Chapter 15

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Clarissa smiled at me, looking up. "Good. Now come on, I have some games I wanted to show you on my computer." She pulled me over to the simple desktop she had, waking it up. I watched as she opened her games file, scrolling through. She beamed and clicked on one. I looked at it in confusion.

"What game is that?" She giggled, beaming at me.

"Just a little something..." She stood up, taking my hand and pushing me towards the chair. "Try it." I gave her a hesitant look, but I turned to the computer and hit "new game."

"Again?!" Clarissa feel back on her bed laughing. I'd lost for the twentieth time. What was up with me? Clarissa had shown me by beating it... She's done it with ease. Why was I having such a hard time with it? "I give up. Clarissa, you beat me." She smirked and laughed again as she came over to me.

"You only spent... Four hours on it. We should go to bed." She smiled and exited the game, pulling his arm. "Come on. I know you gotta be tired." I yawned in answer, and she smiled as she pulled me to the bed. "Lay down in my bed. I'll sleep in my cot."

"That's no fair. It's your bed. I can sleep on the cot, really." She shook her head and pushed me down onto the bed.

"You're my guest. I want you to be comfortable. I'll be fine Hiro. Besides, this is your first sleepover! I want you to be happy." She dashed for her cot and jumped in before I could stop her. I sighed as she turned out the lights.

"Alright alright." I laid down, snuggling under her blankets. I heard her giggle as I fell asleep.

"HIRO!" I shot up as I woke to Clarissa screaming. I heard a loud thump... She wasn't in her bed. Plus I heard muffled crying. I raced for the sound. I slipped on my way down the stairs... Or... Ramp. I slid down right next to Clarissa. She was crying, and she had bruises across her... I wrapped my arms around her.

"Clarissa... What happened to you?" What was weird was that she was wrapped in a blanket. (Y/N) was no where in sight, which surprised me. Clarissa wrapped her arms around my torso, sobbing into my pj's. That's when I noticed why she was covered with the blanket... She was naked. I felt my face flush as I realized that. "What on earth...? Come here." I sat up, pulling her up with me. She adjusted to me, curling up against me.

"Hiro..." I rubbed her back gently, and she hiccuped through her tears.

"I'm here Clarissa. What happened?" She shook her head, and I pulled her into a standing position. She stayed close to me the whole time. I pulled the board out of the way and led her upstairs to her room. She was shaking. "Here, lay down, okay? Are you hurt?" She was still crying, and she had started hiccuping... What was weird though was that she reached for my arm.

"Don't leave Hiro. Please." She was looking at me almost... Intensely? I want sure how to describe it. Fear and... Something... Was mixed in her look as she looked right into my eyes pleadingly. I sat on the edge of the bed, smiling reassuringly at her.

"Where would I want to go? Don't worry, I'm not leaving." She reached over, wrapping her arms around my waist. She closed her eyes, crying still... She seemed to be crying with relief though. I laid down next to her, but above her blankets. "Don't cry, okay Clarissa?" She nodded and tried to wipe her tears away. I wasn't sure why, but suddenly I reached over and helped her. She smiled at me, yawning. It wasn't long before she fell asleep. I tried to get up, but she tightened her grip on me I my sleep.

"Hiro..." I felt my face flush as she whispered my name in her sleep. That night, I fell asleep holding her...

"Hiro," Caleb snapped his fingers in front if me as I sniffled, tears rolling down my face. "you okay? You're zoning out." I looked down, shaking my head as an image of the last time I saw Clarissa's smiling face.

"I know we were too young, but I was falling in love with her. Then she died right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do, and 'Dashi got sad when (Y/N) had to leave, and then the fire... The entire time I was so clueless. I didn't know what was really going on that last night. I didn't know Clarissa felt like that about me, and I didn't know that she was yelling at (Y/N) because she didn't want to see her big sister like that..." Caleb rubbed my arm gently as I rambled.

"Hiro, you're insanely smart. You were the odd-ball that was socially awkward. She didn't care though. She knew you could grow up to be a great guy. Now, I never met Clarissa personally, but from what (Y/N) told us, she sounds like she was smarter than most thought. She was just smarter in a different way-"

"Emotionally and with people's feelings." He looked at me, smiling a little. "I figured that out a long time ago."

"Exactly. And you know what I bet she would tell you if she could?" I looked up at him.

"What?" He looked up at the clouds.

"Not to cry. She'd say she's sorry for hurting you like this, and that she still loves you, but you have to move on. There's someone else that you'll find that you can fall in love with. Someone who can do what she couldn't."

"No... I can't. I love her. There's no one else who could be that special. She's always going to be my one and only, no matter wha-"

"Hiro!" I froze as I heard the almost strangled cry. I looked towards where it came from, my eyes widening. It was Clarissa, and she was coming out of the woods where the hiking trails are... She was hurt. She fell to her knees as soon as we made eye contact. I was instantly off running.

"CLARISSA!" I ran to her, kneeling next to her. She was crying really hard, just like that night at her house... Her arm was dripping blood. There was a decent gash... "I'm here." I took my sweater off, using it to cover her arm. I tired it tight like a tourniquet and picked her up. I ran back as far as I could. "Caleb, call an ambulance! Gave them go to the Lucky Cat Cafe!" I didn't even slow down. I ran straight for home... For Baymax.


"Sh... I've got you. Don't try to speak. Save your strength." When I got home, I ran straight upstairs. I set her on my bed gently as I said that key word... "Ow." Baymax inflated instantly. "Baymax, take care of Clarissa's injuries." He waddled over, waving at her.

"Hello, my name is Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Seven? Eight? I don't know, it fucking hurts!" Definitely my Clarissa.

"Okay. I shall scan you now... Scan complete."

"Baymax, there's paramedics on the way. Just do what you can for now." I went over, sitting on the other side of her from him as he gave her a real bandage. She looked up at me, tears rolling down her face.

"Hiro, it hurts..." I gently pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I know. I'm here. You're gonna be alright. I promise you'll be okay." She looked at me painfully, but she didn't disagree. In a moment, I heard sirens. I knew they were gonna ask me questions like no tomorrow. "I just got you back, I'm not losing you again."

"Hamada, you up there?"

"Yeah! Would you hurry it up?!" The paramedics came upstairs, and they went right to work. One of them came over to me though.

"What happened this time? I didn't hear about anything going on, and you're not..." He trailed off, not wanting to give away my big secret.

"I don't know for sure. Technically, this girl is dead. This is Clarissa. That girl I've mentioned? That died in this room? I was at the park, and she came out of the forest like this. I'm not sure if I should be laughing hysterically that she's alive, or be worried that she's not gonna make it... For once, I'm stumped." They all looked over at me in slight sick as the heard that. One of them put her on a stretcher, and I followed. When we got in the ambulance and settled I for the short ride, I couldn't hide a small smile.

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