Chapter 7

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Year Later

I sat at my computer, tears pouring out of my eyes as I read the article. The news had finally reached Erie. The title? LOYAL STUDENT TADASHI HAMADA DIES IN SFIT FIRE TRYING TO SAVE PROFESSOR CALLAHAN. Tadashi was dead. What was worse was the obituary. They'd found something in his stuff in his lab - a picture of me, along with a note that had said to put, "His loyal, beautiful, wonderful girlfriend (Y/N) (L/N)." He'd remembered me after all that time.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" My best friend John had called, and he heard me crying through the phone. "Are you crying?!"

"Y-yes... It's Tadashi... H-he's dead..."

"I'll be right over." The call clicked off, and I let my phone fall to my bed.

A few minutes later, I heard a gently knock on my door. "Come in..." The door opened, and there was John. He hesitated for a split second when he saw my state. He closed the door behind himself though, coming over and sitting on the bed. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so, so sorry (Y/N). I know you loved him." After all that time, I'd kept his promise ring. It was on a necklace, and I wore it everywhere.

"What's worse though is he remembered me... He had them put me in his obituary... Plus this was a couple months ago, so I missed the funeral by a mile..." Why? Why was it that everything was falling apart for me? Half of my family had died in the past year. My parents were lazier and bitchier than ever. The only good thing left in my life had been the small chance that I'd see Tadashi again, and that we'd get married, just like he promised. Now that hope was gone though. "Tadashi..." What had been weird is my parents had totally forgotten him over the year we'd been in Erie. Everything about San Fransokyo and our past seemed to be nothing. I was the only one who'd remembered them. I used to think it must have been Tadashi. My love for Tadashi.

"Dammit!" I was ready to throw my computer across the room. I'd had the same laptop for my entire life, and it was pretty much dead. I'd been working on my next book - I'd published three more already - when it decided to shut down. I'd been on a roll for about twenty minutes. It had full battery. I'd done scans the night before, so there were no viruses. I thought half-hour marks would be okay to go without saving. Looks like I'd been wrong. I sighed and glanced out the window. I needed fresh air. I grabbed my phone and my headset, heading out the door. "I'm going out mom!" It was about two weeks after I'd learned about Tadashi. The characters in my story were in turmoil due to my constant bad mood. That's what I got for being an emotional writer.

After learning about Tadashi, it wasn't long before I heard about Sunfire. Literally a man made of flames. Being the pyro I was, I followed his movements. Tracked him, really. Something about him felt... Right. Of course, the part of this I'd never tell anyone was why I felt so connected to him - I was sure it was Tadashi somehow.

"(Y/N)!" I jumped and paused my music. I'd been sitting under a tree when I heard someone yell. I looked up to see one of my other closest friends.

"Hey Sky. Sorry, I had it blasting. Trying to drown out the world... That and my hatred for my laptop." She shook her head.

"I'm just glad I finally found you. The guys are all waiting for you in the park, (Y/N). They want your answer." I sighed as she slid down next to me. By "the guys," she meant John, Caleb, Nick, and Kohl. Four of my friends. What was so special about them? What answer did they want? Simple - they wanted to know which one of them had the "privilege," as they saw it, to be my boyfriend after Tadashi. Despite not having contact with Tadashi, I'd still considered him my boyfriend. My fiance, really. Now that he was gone though? They wanted to know who was next.

"I don't want to be with any of them though... I want Tadashi. I know it's ridiculous since he's been dead for almost three months, but I still love him. Heck, I love him more than ever." Tears were forming at the edges of my eyes, and she pulled me into a hug.

"I know you do. You have to move on though. It would be for the best, and you know that, deep down. I can feel that you do." I nodded sadly.

"I don't know who to go for though."

"Go for Caleb. He really loves you, (Y/N). Plus he's a great guy. Not only that, but he understands about Tadashi. I know it's your decision, but it's who I'd go for." I let out a chuckle and smiled at her.

"Caleb it is." She smiled back, and we stood up. I wiped my tears away as we headed to the park.

"Finally! There she is!" They smiled at me in anticipation. I smiled back nervously.

"Okay, those of you who I don't pick, promise not to be mad?" They all nodded eagerly. I took a deep breath before saying it. "Caleb." He beamed and hugged me tightly. The others all gave him a dirty look that they tried to hide from me.

"You won't regret this, I promise." He'd whispered it to me so the others couldn't hear him. I smiled, but it was slightly forced. I knew instantly that I'd made a mistake, but I couldn't back out that quickly. Who knew? Maybe things would even be okay.

"Yeah..." I hugged him back, but it was partially for show at that point. I already knew Tadashi was the only person I could ever truly love.

Later that day, we'd gotten to my house. Caleb had been so excited by my choosing him that he dragged me around the rest of the day, and we did stuff as a couple. He was dropping me off at home, and I was taken completely by surprise when he pressed his lips to my cheek. "I love you (Y/N). I promise I won't leave you like what's happened before." I forced a smile and edged into the house.

"Thanks Caleb... I better get to bed." He smiled and nodded, and I closed the door. I sighed in relief. "How did I get myself into this...?" I headed up to my room, booting up my laptop. I quickly tapped on Google, and I typed in my usual search.

Sunfire recent.

"Oh my God..." I clicked on an article. RECENT, UP-CLOSE PICTURE OF SUNFIRE. That's what the title had screamed. When I clicked on it, it was slightly blurry, but I recognized his jet-black hair and big, brown, mesmerizing orbs. "Tadashi." I whispered it to myself, a smile spreading across my face. For the first time since I'd heard about the fire, I went to bed without tears.

When I woke up the next morning, I had the weirdest text. I looked at my phone.

Sky- Hey, I got this really weird text this morning from a random number... I know you do a lot of stuff with weird/supernatural stuff. Think you could help me out? It's in a different language or something.

Me- I can try. What did it say?

Sky- ótan to té zei na archísoun

I looked at the message in complete confusion for a second. Then it struck me why it was so familiar. I quickly typed back.

Me- What number sent you this?

Sky- (081)-120-0114

Me- I'm gonna message them. Leave things to me, 'kay?

Sky- Sure. Thanks! :)

I took a deep breath before messaging the strange number.

Me- Who is this? Why did you text my friend ótan to té zei na archísoun? How do you even know that language?

(081)-120-0114- I thought you would know considering you are mine...

I stared at the message in confusion. I recognized the language. I knew it was someone I was close to when I was a kid. My mind was stalling though, just as it did every time I was supposed to know something simple like a person's name.

Me- If you really know me, then you know I'm horrible with people's names. Just tell me already.

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