Chapter 10

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I breathed in the wonderful smell as I opened the door. I'd always loved the smell of the Lucky Cat Cafe. As the little bell jiggled, two heads turned to me. Hiro and aunt Cass. "Why hello. Are you new here?" I sighed. I'd known that they wouldn't remember me, but it still kinda hurt.

"Aunt Cass, it's me. (Y/N). Tadashi's girlfriend." Her eyes widened a little.

"You're the girl he always asked us if we remembered." I smiled and nodded as she looked at me in amazement.

"He told me not to expect you to remember me... I spent so many hours in here though. I remember Hiro when he was in diapers." Hiro, overhearing this as he talked to some people he must've met at SFIT, looked up at me. So did four other people - the ones sitting with him. I knew who each of them were from a conversation with Tadashi on the way to the cafe. "He described each of you perfectly. Honey Lemon, Gogo Tomago, Wasabi, and Fred." At this, the four exchanged looks, and Hiro came over. He squinted a little as he looked at me.

"You don't look any different." I smiled as Hiro smiled at me in recognition. "I always wondered if you'd find out. (Y/N), Tadashi... He's gone." He gave me a somber look, but I only laughed.

"If that's so, then how come he was just describing your friends over there? He told me on my drive here. You know genius, I thought you would've figured it out." He looked at me in shock. They all did. "Oh Hiro, 'Dashi's alive. You really think he'd have left us like that?" A wide grin spread across his face as I ruffled his already, as always, mess of raven-black fluff.

"He's alive? Are you serious?" I pulled up my phone messages, showing him.

"He's alive. Look at the contact name." His eyes widened as he looked at the name. For some reason, I hadn't wanted to put Tadashi... Something about Sunfire seemed right.

"No freaking way... He's..." A stupid, lopsided grin spread across his face.

"Hiro?" He started laughing in relief and amazement.

"Show them." I smiled as I showed them the name. They all started at it, dumbfounded. "I can't believe we didn't figure it out... How did you though? You were so far away." I rolled my eyes.

"Hiro, me, remember? I'm a writer. I had a job at the newspaper with a column. I wrote about two things - Sunfire, and Big Hero 6. Plus my books. You know I like to write about what's around me." He gave me a look as I mentioned Big Hero 6. Almost... Spooked. I chuckled. "Hey, earth to braniac. You still in there?"

"Yeah. Just... I can't believe he's alive. I'm sure you know how much it hurt to lose him. So... Do you still love him~?" I chuckled happily.

"More than anything. What made it better is he still loves me back. God, I have missed this place! When my mom made me cut ties with you guys... Well, you know how it affected Tadashi, I'm sure." He smiled and nodded. All the while, Cass had been giving me a quizzical look. She still didn't remember.

"Yeah. Every night, he went over to the window and said, 'goodnight, (Y/N).' Then he would go to bed, and he doesn't know, but he mumbled about you in his sleep every night. I always wondered if you remembered. He did too. Especially after... After everyone forgot you." He gave me an apologetic look, but I shook my head.

"My parents forgot you guys, too. It was so weird. Especially... Since they forgot what happened. They acted like we'd never moved. They didn't even remember-" I cut off, remembering how he'd felt for her. He sighed and finished for me though.

"They didn't remember Clarissa. The fact that you moved because she died." Everyone but me gave him a shocked look. Of course they didn't remember. Tadashi's friends didn't know her to begin with. Me though, I gave him a sad look, pulling him into a hug like I'd done when he was still so young.

"I'm sorry, Hiro." He forced a smile, hugging me back.

"It's okay (Y/N). It's been a long time. Besides, I have new friends now. I don't need her and Tadashi like I had then." I smiled at him, concern still in my look.

"You've grown up a lot, haven't you? It's been so long... You sure aren't the insecure little kid you used to be. You made friends." He rolled his eyes as I gave him the "Look how much you've grown!" speech. "And SFIT! When Tadashi said you had finally been willing to go, I couldn't believe it. Though there is one thing that surprised me the most, though you always could surprise me, couldn't you?" He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to tell him what had surprised me. "I'll tell you later. For now, I promised I would meet him somewhere when I got here." I turned to leave, but Hiro gripped my arm.

"You're going to see him?" I nodded, and he gave me a pleading puppy face. "Please take me and Baymax with you. I wanna see him, and Baymax can check him." I rolled my eyes. I'd been wondering if he would ask. I should've figured he would.

"Alright, hurry up. I'll let him know you're coming with me." He beamed and raced up the stairs like a little kid. Like how I remembered him doing with Clarissa so many times...

ME: Where do you want to meet? Also, Hiro's coming. He's so excited that you're alive.

SUNFIRE: No! He can't come... I don't want him seeing me like this. He'll freak, I know it...

ME: Tadashi... You're his brother. He missed you as much as I did.

Hiro came down, pulling a white robot with him. He beamed at me, but I looked at my phone in confusion.

SUNFIRE: No, please... Just you. I don't want anyone else seeing me like this.

"(Y/N)?" Hiro's face fell as he saw my expression.

"He doesn't want you to see him." He looked at me, obviously hurt. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry Hiro... He's just scared. I'll talk to him. Don't take it personally, okay?" I forced a reassuring smile and ruffled his hair. He pushed me off, shook his head, and ran upstairs though. I felt my face fall as I looked at the stairwell. Tadashi meant everything to him. That probably hurt more than when Tadashi was "dead."

"Hiro..." Honey looked up at me. She was the more caring of the group; so she probably felt really bad. That's when I heard the loud crash.

"HIRO!" Without hesitation, I raced up the stairs. Tadashi could wait. I had to make sure Hiro was okay. When I got upstairs, his door was shut. I knocked softly. "Hiro, open up, please." I heard an almost whimpering sound. It was a pained sound though... Not a hurt, crying sound. Fearing what could be wrong, I instantly opened the door. Memories of the night Clarissa died flooded me. When I looked in, I saw Hiro, on the ground. Clarissa. I ran over to him. "Hiro, are you alright?!" The others were behind me quickly. Gentle tears were falling down his face, and he was clutching his arm. "What happened? Hiro, talk to me." I rubbed circles into his back, and he looked up at me painfully.

"(Y/N), it hurts..."

"Let me look at it." I reached for his arm, and he reluctantly let me look at his arm. He'd relaxed as soon as he knew I was there. I gently took his arm, being careful. He winced nonetheless. I started humming a gentle tune I remembered from when he was still a baby, pulling him into a hug. "Sh, it'll be okay. It's not broken. You'll be fine." Tadashi had always been amazed by how easy it was for me calm anyone down. He smiled, relaxing completely as I hugged him like I had when he was a kid.

"Woah." His friends watched in slight wonder. Aunt Cass looked at me in wonder, finally seeming to recognize me.

"(Y/N), sweetheart... Is that really you?" I smiled at her.

"I told you it was me." She smiled back at me. Hiro had calmed down, hugging me back like a kid. He still had that innocent look to him after so long... I would never understand it.

"So you're the great girl he talked about endlessly... Never thought we'd actually meet you. He really loves you, you know."

"Oh, I know. I love him too, with all my heart." I was still rubbing gentle circles into Hiro's back. He seemed to be hugging me with relief, almost.

"Where had you been?"

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