Chapter 20

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I stared at him in complete shock. "'Dashi..." He looked at me in shock as I stared at him. A few gentle tears ran down my face at the horror of what he was saying.

"(Y/N)... Don't cry, come on." I glared at him.

"Never say that again. Do you hear me Tadashi? Never do I ever want to hear you utter those words again! You are far from a monster! Don't you dare ever think that again!" He reached around and rested a hand on the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss. I hugged him tightly, crying into the kiss. Losing him was my biggest fear, and if he started acting like that...

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry." I snuggled into him, never wanting to leave his arms. "I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Tadashi." He held me tightly, and we let everything fall silent. We knew that just being there together was an amazing thing now. "I missed you so much. Life was hell without you."

"(Y/N)!" My eyes widened as I heard the voice. "Where are you?! Please!"

"Hiro..." We shared a look. "I have no clue what he's doing here."

"(Y/N), answer me, please!"

"That's it, something's wrong. I'm gonna go talk to him. Love you, bye." Tadashi nodded as I got off him and ran towards Hiro's voice. "Hiro! Over here!" I saw him turn to me. He smiled a little and ran over to me, tackling me in a hug. Tears were running down his face, hard and fast. "Woah, hey, it's okay. Sh sh sh, I'm here. What happened?"

"They're gone. I turned around and they were gone. I thought something happened to you too... How's 'Dashi?" He looked up at me, broken. His voice had been cracking, and he was obviously forcing himself to talk steadily. I picked him up like when he was a little kid.

"We're gonna go see him right now. Okay kiddo? 'Dashi misses you." He hiccuped into sobs as he smiled a tiny bit and held on to me tightly. I could barely keep it together myself, worry coursing through me.

"Okay sis..." He rested his head on my shoulder, his arms around my neck gently in a hug.

"Tadashi, Hiro's here with me." I didn't hear anything as I rounded the corner. What I saw nearly made me drop Hiro. "Tadashi?" Hiro looked up, a pained look on his face. "Tadashi!"

"'Dashi..." Hiro tightened his grip on me as fresh sobs escaped his mouth.

"Kiddo... Hey, don't cry okay? We'll find them. I promise you we will find them." He nodded miserably, and I held onto him as I headed away from the alley.

"(Y/N), please don't let go... I don't wanna lose you too..." I nodded and held him tightly. I sighed when I saw my car... And Caleb passed out inside.

"Caleb, get your ass up and in the back." I opened the door and straight up kicked him.

"OW!" He startled awake, glaring at me. "What the hell? I was waiting for you. Why is-" He froze when it hit him that Hiro was crying and I was close to it. "What happened? What's wrong?" That was my breaking point. I broke down crying, and he got up and wrapped us both up in a hug. "(Y/N), don't cry..."

"They're gone, Caleb. Everyone is gone." He held me tight, and Hiro cried in between.

"God... I'm here (Y/N). Get in and sit okay? I'll drive. Where are we going?" Hiro shook his head.

"The nearest hotel." Caleb nodded and headed off, me and Hiro together in the back. During the ride, Hiro fell asleep curled into my arms. Sometime after, I fell asleep too, lulled by the quiet and soothing music Caleb had put on the radio.

When I woke up, I was in a bed, covered up with blankets. I snuggled into the blankets before a thought struck me and I looked around. Hiro was at a desk in the room, watching tv. He didn't seem to be paying much attention though. "Hiro?" He snapped out of his daze and looked over at me.

"Oh, morning. Did you sleep okay?" His eyes were bloodshot from crying. I could tell he was about to cry again, and his voice had nearly cracked.

"Hiro, come here." He gave me a confused look, but he did what he was told. "We're gonna find them kiddo. I promise you, we're gonna find them. For now we got each other okay?" He nodded as he started crying again. I pulled him into a tight hug, laying him down with me. I gently rubbed his back, and he held onto me.

"I'm scared, (Y/N). I don't want to lose them. Please don't leave..." I cuddled him, holding him tight.

"I'm right here, Hiro. I promised you I'd always protect you remember?" He chuckled sheepishly and nodded.

"Yeah, when I was real little..." He smiled a little, laying against me. He had his head resting on my shoulder, and I was glad to see him calmed down.

"You feeling better?" He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, thanks sis." I chuckled as he called me that.

"You know, I'm not your sister." He eyed me with this special look that I'd only seen him give Tadashi. That look said a lot. He looked up to me, I meant a lot to him, I'd been a big part of his life, I'd always been there for him... That I was part of his family.

"Yes you are (Y/N). You and Tadashi were always a package deal, you know that. If Tadashi was there, so were you. The four of us were inseperable. Even if you and Clarissa started fighting all the time, the four of us have always been our own family. You know you can't deny that, (Y/N). You can't." I smiled and chuckled at him.

"Alright, I can't deny that. Nerd." He smiled back at me.

"Badass." He chuckled and punched my arm playfully. I laughed and smirked.

"Bad idea." His eyes widened a little.

"Wha-" He got cut off by me flipping us and pinning him down. He groaned inwardly as I laughed. "(Y/N), no fair!" He gave me his cute puppy-dog plead pout look. I laughed as I let him go.

"Cutie." He chuckled.

"You know it sis." He smirked at me, about to say some witty remark, when the door opened. I looked up to see Caleb, smiling and holding a bag.

"Hey, you two are up. How're you feeling?" We sighed at the reminder of the day before, and Hiro inched towards me a little. Caleb sighed sadly, giving us a sad look. "I'm sorry. Hey, (Y/N), I got you some of your favorite snacks. Ice cream, chocolate, candy... Of course gummy bears." He chuckled, and Hiro's face lit up.

"Gummy bears!" I laughed, and Caleb gave me a look. I chuckled as I answered.

"Hiro is where I got my gummy bear addiction." Hiro chuckled sheepishly, and Caleb laughed.

"Wow. Well that explains a lot." I smiled sheepishly as I chewed on a gummy bear, holding the bag out to Hiro. I laughed as Hiro scooped his hand into the bag and grabbed several, popping one into his mouth and holding the others. Caleb smiled as he put some things into the mini fridge and freezer in our hotel room. Then he just flopped onto his bed, letting his legs hang over the edge of it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just waiting." He sat up and looked at me. "What else can I do? I know you. I know that pretty soon here you'll figure out what you want to do with what happened, and if I try and change your mind I might as well dig my own grave. If you don't figure anything out soon enough I'll take charge, but right now, it's up to you." I sighed and nodded, looking down slightly. Aunt Cass. Tadashi. Honey Lemon. Gogo. Wasabi. Fred. All gone. Four of them I barely had met, and yet I could tell that to Hiro they were important. Then it hit me...

"Hiro where's Baymax?" Hiro looked up at me in slight surprise.

"I didn't know you knew about Baymax... I'm not sure. He was active when I went upstairs. They were all talking. Then I came downstairs, and the café was empty. There weren't even any customers. I don't get it, nor do I like it. I tried texting them, but no one answered. At first I thought they just went someplace, but no one answered and aunt Cass wouldn't leave the café like that. So I came to look for you because I was scared you were gone too." Looking at him, something seemed to click. He looked at me with his childhood innocence that I'd always found so cute. He'd lost that look years ago though... He looked down and tried to cuddle close to me, but I pushed him away and shook my head. He looked back up, hurt. "S-sis?"

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