Chapter 16

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Clarissa wasn't in bad shape. She'd had that one cut on her arm, but they patched it up pretty quickly. They'd had to give her more blood... She'd be fine though. What was better was when the doctor came out and announced, "Mr. Hamada, she wants to see you. Do you wish to visit her?" I perked up instantly.

"Yes." He didn't have to show me where, and I didn't give him time to. I ran straight for her room. When I got there, she was laying down; staring out the window. I went over into her line of sight, not wanting to shook her. "Clarissa," She smiled at me as I sat down, hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much. You're supposed to be dead... I saw your body in the coffin. They buried you."

"Hiro... I never died. At least, not exactly. My body was in shock from the impact. My mind never stopped. What they buried was a doll. They didn't want to get your hopes up if they couldn't save me. I was supposed to come back home, but my parents didn't want me... They picked me up like they were supposed to, but then they dropped me in the woods. I've been trying to come home ever since. It's been... I think six months. Then I saw you through the trees after someone attacked me..." She started crying, but she was smiling. "I was so scared out there. I'm so glad to be back. There were so many times I thought I'd never see you again..."

"Sh..." I held her tightly, letting her rest her head on my chest. She seemed so different... She still seemed perfect though. Before I could change my mind, I leaned down and kissed her softly. She looked into my eyes, her own eyes wide. When I pulled away though, she talked before me...

"I love you." I felt my face heat up a little, and she giggled. "You're cute when you blush." I of course blushed harder at that. She giggled again, and I smiled at her.

"I love you too... And I missed you so much." She leaned over, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm here though. I'm never leaving again, either."

Your POV

"Hiro!" Me and Caleb were at the cafe, looking for my fiance's younger brother. He'd run past and told Caleb to call 911, but by the time we'd gotten to the cafe, he was gone. When I asked aunt Cass, she said she had just gotten back from a shopping trip. That's when I gave up...

ME: Hiro where are you?? What happened? You ran off forever ago!

No answer. I started at the screen until it went black. I sighed worriedly. What could have happened? Where was he? That's when a clrasp of thunder sounded across a darkening, angry sky. We looked at it and exchanged worried looks. "Why wouldn't he answer us?" Shit... That knucklehead! Where is he this late? It's nearly... "Seven." They looked at me, worry written across Cass's face. She'd joined us to look for him.

"Cass, (Y/N)!" We looked over as Gogo jogged over to us. "What are you doing out here?" We looked at her, and I finally lost it.

"Hiro's gone, he ran off hours ago telling Caleb to call an ambulance, and it's going to storm! He isn't even answering his phone!" She blinked at me, then busy out laughing.

"(Y/N), he's fine. He's at the hospital with the girl he found. We went up there to see if he was okay when he didn't answer us. His phone is in his room. He wanted you to go see who it is, actually. The girls gonna be fine, but he says it's important you see her." I looked over at Caleb nervously. What could that mean?

"He's okay though?" She nodded, morning for me to follow her.

"He's better than fine right now. Whoever this girl is, he's got it bad for her. I swear when he told us he was with this girl, I swear he swooned. Hiro. Swooning." I tilted my head questioningly. She shrugged though, and that left me thinking... Who could make Hiro act like that? The only person I've ever seen him act like that around was Clarissa... There's no way though. I saw her... I felt my stomach churn as I thought about it. Caleb must have noticed, because I felt arms wrap around me.

"Hey, you okay? You're looking a little green." I sighed, snapped back to reality by his voice.

"Yeah. I just let my mind wander to Clarissa. He only ever acted like that with her." He gave me a sad look.

"I know, you've told us. Shouldn't it be good though? That he's getting over losing her?" I sighed.

"Yeah... I'm just trying to figure out who this girl is." He chuckled.

"Well, we'll meet her soon."

I'm bad at conversation so... Timeskip! :)

When we got to the hospital, Gogo led us to a room. When she got there, she knocked lightly. "Hiro, I have (Y/N) with me... You had her worried. Are you in there?" There was a sudden burst of laughter rang from inside the room. A moment later, the door opened to reveal a beaming Hiro.

"(Y/N)! Perfect, come here." He grabbed my arm, pulling me into the room. I gave him a confused look as he gestured towards the bed. "Look at who it is." I looked, my eyes widening.

"Clarissa!" I ran over and hugged her tightly. She giggled, hugging me back. "Oh my god you're alive!"

"Yeah. I thought you knew I was alive...? Mom should've told you. Though since she did what she did, obviously she was hoping they would lose me..." She teared up, and Hiro came over, resting his hand on her shoulder. She turned towards him, and he instantly wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

"Hey, you're here with us now. It's alright." I smiled at him. I knew he had to be as happy as I was to have her there with us. To know she was alive. "Why don't we get you home? Aunt Cass would love to make you something, I'm sure." She smiled at him, and he smiled back. Then, what really didn't surprise me at all... He kissed her. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. He looked up at me, beaming and blushing. His eyes screamed what he wanted to tell me. "She's alive and she likes me back and she's so close to me right now." They were like that for a second... Then Clarissa did something I hadn't expected. She let her arms fall to his waist, and she leaned up and kissed him deeply. It might have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but I was sure she pressed her entire body closer to him as well... Especially her crotch. Hiro turned a bright red, but he seemed to melt.

"I love you." She looked right into his eyes as she said it, and I smiled. Hiro was a blushing mess though... I giggled.

"I-I love you t-too." He appeared to be looking back in her eyes, but as I payed more attention, he kept glancing down... Towards his own crotch. Clarissa was seemingly oblivious though, as she tightened her grip on his waist and kissed him again in what had to seem like a teasing way to him. As she kissed him, she'd closed her eyes. He looked over to me with a pleading look. I cleared my throat, and Clarissa blushed and pulled away to look at me. Hiro mouthed "thank you," as she looked at me.

"Yes?" I gestured to the two of them.

"Let's not do this. At least not here. Unless you want your doctor to catch you." They pulled away, blushing a little. That's when the doctor came in like I'd predicted. He smiled at me instantly.

"Are you Clarissa's guardian?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yes. (Y/N) (L/N). Thank you for helping her... I know it's your job, but I couldn't imagine life without my little sister." He chuckled, reaching out to shake hands.

"Don't mention it. It's this part - seeing people's smiling and relived faces - that makes me want to do this. Speaking of which, you'll be happy to hear she can go home now. I just need you to sign these release papers. I'll need her social security number and such..." As he continued, handing me the paperwork, I but my lower lip.

"Well... I don't have this information, is the thing. You see, our parents aren't exactly good parents. I just recently turned eighteen, and that's when I took custody of her, but she's technically declared dead right now... My mother still has all the information, but I don't have it." He blinked and looked at me in slight surprise.

"Well you need this information... Is there a way you can get in contact with them?" I sighed, knowing I was going to have to explain everything.

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