Chapter 9

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"What is it baby?" I drew in a deep breath. I knew my choice was going to be Tadashi. It had to be. I felt bad though, because I knew it was going to break Caleb's heart. Either was, I held up my phone.

"I'm not doing a roleplay... It's Tadashi. He's not dead. He messaged me yesterday, right before you asked if I wanted to go with you... I'm sorry, I just..." Instead of letting me stutter around for an explanation, he put his finger to my lips.

"I know you love him. More than you would have ever learned to love me. You don't have to explain." He smiled at me softly in understanding. I sighed in a mixture of relief and guilt.

"I'm sorry. I know you really do have feelings for me."

"And I knew I wasn't going to get to keep you. It was obvious when you were so hesitant. I planned on asking you about it on that trip. Don't worry about me, alright? You two were meant for each other. How many people get this kind of second chance?" I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks Caleb." He hugged me back in a friendly way.

"Go get your guy." I smiled as I looked down at my phone.

SUNFIRE: You're the best girl ever though... You have another boyfriend by now, don't you? I've been "dead" for three months. Plus with all that time of no contact...

ME: Tadashi, I love you. I considered you my boyfriend through all this time. I still have the ring. I wear it on a necklace every day. I always have.

SUNFIRE: <3 :) See? Best girl ever. I've thought of you every day since you left. I missed you so much.

ME: I missed you too. More than most could imagine. When I lost you, it felt like I lost part of me.

SUNFIRE: Everyone said I was crazy when I mentioned you. They thought I lost it because I was the only one who remembered you. After two weeks, you were my past that only I knew. Even Hiro forgot what happened. He was the one who saw what happened, so at first I thought it was his way of coping... Then the others didn't remember though. They looked at me like I had two heads when I asked them if they'd heard about your new books.

ME: The same thing happened here. My parents seemed to forget why we moved. They acted like we didn't move at all! I always figured the only reason I remembered was because I loved you so much.

SUNFIRE: I thought the same thing. I had it so you would be in my obituary... Everyone thinks I'm dead, so... Do you know if they did?

ME: They did. Knowing you remembered me... Then thinking you were gone... *hugs you* It hurt so much. I'm so glad you're okay. I love you more than anything.

SUNFIRE: I love you too. *hugs back* I'm sorry for doing that to you. I just... I was scared of what you would think of me like this. I'm a monster, (Y/N). I burn everything I touch.

ME: You're not burning your phone.

SUNFIRE: I made it. It's fire proof. You know I'm a tech person. SFIT, remember? I got in. Hiro did too. It's why we were there. The student showcase. I hope he still went...

ME: I'm sure he did. Tadashi, that's amazing! I always wondered if you got in like you hoped. I always told you you were a genius, didn't I?

SUNFIRE: Yeah. Didn't you normally say something like... Your handsome, genius, kind, caring boyfriend? Lol that's what I remember.

I blushed furiously as I read that. He had it word for word. How did he remember that? Wait, nevermind... It was Tadashi. Of course he remembered. He was perfect like that. It was all part of why I loved him. I loved him because he was Tadashi.

ME: Exactly. I love you. You always called me your beautiful girl... You could always calm me down. I still remember that night crystal clear... I was about ready to kill someone. Then you gave me the second I needed to breathe, and Clarissa told me how she really felt about our mom. In a way, I wish I'd listened to her sooner.

SUNFIRE: Your mom is still like that? Babe... You're old enough now. You should find somewhere else to be.

I smiled at the message. Good old sweet, caring Tadashi. That's when a thought struck me. San Fransokyo. Hiro. Aunt Cass. Our friends. None of them remembered me. My parents didn't remember a thing about that place. I did though. I still remembered how to get back. I had a car now; I could pack up my things... I smiled as a plan formed. Go get a job at the cafe. Move in somewhere close. Reminds them of who I was. Suddenly, I jumped out of the bed. Caleb gave me an odd look.

ME: I will. Right now. I'm done being at home with my grumpy family. I'm moving to San Fransokyo.

"Where are you going all the sudden?" I smiled as I looked at Caleb.

"I'm finally gonna go home, like I should have the day I turned eighteen. I'm gonna move back to San Fransokyo."

SUNFIRE: You're really gonna go right now?

ME: Yep.

Caleb smiled at me as I went to my closet, pulling out suitcases. He got up, coming over and taking one from me before I dropped them. "I'll help you pack, okay?" I smiled gratefully at him as he carried the bag over to my bed.

"Thanks Caleb. Put books in that one." He nodded, heading for my filled bookcases.

SUNFIRE: Be careful, okay? Let me know when you get there. I'll meet you somewhere. I can't wait to see my beautiful girl again. :)

I smiled and put my phone in my back pocket. I couldn't wait to see him again, either. Well, see him in person. I'd seen thousands of pictures of him since I'd tracked him like I had. In person though? To be able to see my beloved boyfriend, Tadashi, again? It was like a dream come true. Caleb seemed to notice my sudden excitement since I started packing faster. When I finished - it didn't take long since I didn't have much thanks to my parents - He hugged me tightly. "Don't forget to keep in touch. The others'll kill me if I let you go and we never hear from you again." I smiled at him, giggling as we pulled away.

"Don't worry, I'll keep in touch. You'll all be invited to the wedding." He looked at me in slight amazement. He hadn't noticed earlier as I'd put the promise ring on my finger.

"Wedding? You really think you're gonna get married?"

Of course. He asked me before I left. I've told you guys why I always wore the ring."

"(Y/N)... He's not human. At least not anymore. How do you expect that to work out? He'll burn his suit! And forget about going near him. He'll burn you alive. I thought you were the one of us who thinks." I looked at him in slight wonder. I hadn't thought about that. We couldn't go near each other. Not unless... I smiled at him as a plan started up in my mind.

"San Fransokyo is an amazing place. Nothing there is quite normal. We'll find a way. You'll see. I'll call you when I get there." I smiled at him as we carried my bags downstairs to my car.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?" I drew out my sweet, vengeful answer as I turned to my mother.

"You," I took a step closer to her. "no longer have any control over me. Tadashi is alive, and he still loves me as much as I love him. I'm going to San Fransokyo. We're going to have a life together, just like I always told you. I no longer live here, bitch. Find someone else to bother. Actually, no, don't. I don't want you putting anyone in danger like you did with Clarissa. We both know that if you hadn't treated her like you did, then she would have just come home. She would be alive." Before she could answer me, I stalked off back to my car. I have Caleb one last hug. "You'll find a nice girl. You might want to try your luck with Sky."

"What, seriously?" I chuckled as I got in my car, and he smiled a little victoriously. I knew it. I smiled as I revved my car's engine, signaling to my mother her loss. My life was finally mine.

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