Chapter 19

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After a little while, he stopped crying, but he stayed still; holding onto me as though he would die if he didn't. After a minute of complete silence, I gently reached up and started playing with his hair. "Incredible. Still soft like it always was." He still stayed silent, and I gently pulled him away from me to face me. "Hey, I'm here, okay? Things are going to change." I leaned in and kissed him softly and reassuringly. He kissed back halfheartedly, obviously still upset.

"Okay." He curled back up, resting his head on my shoulder again. He'd sounded like a little kid, almost... I hated seeing him like that. After a moment of silence, he sighed. "I've missed this so much... You're the first person who touched me and didn't get burned. I don't understand why you're special about it, but I'm glad you are."

"It probably has something to do with the same reason no one remembered me here, or how my parents didn't remember living around here or Clarissa or any of that." He sighed - again - and nodded. I smiled still, though now mostly to reassure him. I gently traced a line through his hair with my finger. "Please don't be sad. Cheer up, think about the good things. Like I'm finally out of the house and I got to come down here and see you." He smiled a little at that. Caleb was sitting out of the way, letting us have some time. I smiled at Tadashi, pecking his lips yet again. "Things are turning up, so let's act like it, okay baby?" He smiled and hugged me.

"Alright, alright. You always could make me smile without trying..." He chuckled, and I noticed him sent Caleb a nervous glance about him just sitting there. "Why is he just sitting over there? It's kinda creepy if you think about it."

"He's trying to give us some time to talk. He was my best friend in Erie. Saw me cry over you more times than I could count. There were a lot of times when I thought I would never see you again... I never gave up hope though. I always kept the ring. I always will." We shared a smile at the last part. "You want me to call him over so you can get to know him? He wouldn't hurt you. I trust him. He knows what you mean to me."

"I..." He got nervous, which I expected. He then looked right into my eyes. "You trust him?"

"I trust him." He took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"Alright, if you trust him, that's good enough for me." I smiled and pecked his lips, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay," I turned towards Caleb. "Hey Caleb! Come over here!" He smiled at me as he turned towards us, coming over. He kept a distance though, looking at me.

"I don't get how you can withstand that heat. It gets hot here, and I'm the one of us who likes warm places." Tadashi sighed, and I shot Caleb a glare. "What's up?"

"What else? My boyfriend and my best friend, meeting. You know how much I wanted this to happen. It finally is. You couldn't imagine how happy I am right now." My look was for Caleb, and he understood. It said, "shut up now or die."

"Yeah. You know, she would not shut up about you. Plus once for a pool class she left the necklace on the deck. I took it to hand it to her at the end of class, and she freaked out on me. Ironically enough it was that moment of acting like a total psycho that made me want her as a friend. We've been friends since." I rolled my eyes, snuggling in Tadashi's lap. He didn't want to let me go, and I didn't want to get up. How perfect could life be? Not much more than right then. That's for sure.

"Only my girl." Tadashi smiled at me, and this time it was a real, content smile.

"No kidding. She's the only girl that can scare the shit out of me, that's for sure. If I remember correctly, my exact thought was, 'holy shit she's scary. Please tell me she'll talk to me again.'" Tadashi and I laughed, and he smiled at me. I nodded my approval at him, to which his smile widened. Tadashi missed our little interaction, and he kissed me softly; cheered up.

"(Y/N) wasn’t always scary. She was the sweetest little girl. Everyone loved her when we were kids." Caleb made a pouty face and looked at me.

"You? Sweet and loved by all? How and when did that happen and change?" I blushed as I thought of my answer. I hugged Tadashi tighter, and flashing my innocent, cute smile, I gave my answer.

"My 'Dashi moved away from me." He blushed and smiled sadly. Caleb looked at me like I'd lost it, and I just smiled.

"You looking sweet and innocent? Holy hell I just watched the world end." Tadashi and I laughed, and I went back to my now normal look.

"I used to be a lot different. Life changed that. Changed me."

"She'll always be my girl though." Tadashi smiled and kissed me. I couldn't help snuggling against him, loving the closeness. I'd missed him more than I realized.

"Yeah, your girl. Sure..." Caleb sighed, and I instantly felt bad. I was the first girl he'd fallen in love with. He told me that so many times. Then here I was showing off my boyfriend to him.

"Caleb?" He looked at me, smiling but hurt. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine (Y/N). I promise I'm fine. I'm gonna wait in the car okay? You two deserve some time alone." He walked away before I could protest, and I felt instantly bad. I hadn't thought about how he must've felt about all of it. About never getting to call me his like he'd always wanted. I sighed in annoyance at myself.

"Are you okay?" Tadashi looked at me, knowing something was up. I knew I couldn't hide it, so I just started talking.

"He loves me. When I heard you were killed in the fire, it broke me... And then the guys all started wondering which one of them was next for me. I picked Caleb because my only female friend there said he was who she'd go for. Then right before he tried to make plans to go on a road trip with me, you texted me and we came here. I didn't even think about how much he must hate this." He nodded sadly and kissed me.

"Don't worry about him alright? If he really loves you then he'll be happy that you're happy, even if it's not with him. He's obviously trying hard. You can talk to him later I'm sure?" He seemed hopeful that I wasn't leaving yet. I chuckled and kissed him.

"I'm here for a bit, don't worry. What about you though? Where are you going to sleep?" Suddenly a ton of stuff rammed into my thoughts. "What do you eat? Are you hungry? Have you been feeling alright?" He laughed and cut me off with a kiss. I smiled into the kiss, happy to be with him again.

"I'm okay. Everything has been okay. Don't worry so much (Y/N), please?" I sighed and nodded, smiling at him. "Good, because I hate seeing you worry like that. No more worrying about me, okay? There's enough for you to think about, I'm sure. Like... Do you have a job? A place to stay?"

"Yes and yes. My books are good enough until I get a good position somewhere, and aunt Cass said I can stay at the cafe with her and Hiro. Don't worry about me either. San Fransokyo has always been my home. You know that." We shared a smile, knowing that neither of us would ever stop worrying about the other. It was in our nature to worry about each other.

"Alright, you got me. You should go home then. I'm sure they want you to eat with them. And to hear all about me." He sighed, and I knew his family was on his mind.

"I can bring them to visit you. You don't have to stay hidden from your own family Tadashi. They love you all the same. How could they not? You're still the amazing, one and only Tadashi Hamada. No one could stop loving you because of this." He sighed and shook his head.

"I really don't know (Y/N)... I miss them. Hiro is my baby brother, and aunt Cass took care of us from the time we were little. They're important to me, but... Once they get close and see me, they're going to think I'm a monster." That peirced through my heart, and I looked at my fiance like he'd lost his mind. Maybe he had. It sure sounded like he did. How could he say that? "I hurt everything I touch now. I'm a monster."

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