Chapter 1

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    As I spot the gates in the distance, a soft sigh escapes my lips. This village is one I haven't visited in two years. Things had gone so wrong so fast after my departure that I hadn't been able to make it here until now. I wonder what's changed. When I reach the gates there are no ninja guarding them. That's new. I stroll in, adjusting the hood on my head against the breeze. My eyes flit over everything, noting similarities and differences. Few villagers pay me any attention and I just ignore their gazes as I walk the familiar route toward my apartment. I'd very much like to shower. Travelling is not good for hygiene. When I reach the door, I pull one of my drum sticks from the waistband of my shorts to get to the key dangling from it. The key still works, to my surprise, and I walk inside after tucking it away again.
Nothing has changed inside, most everything left exactly how I remember it, though a faint smell of cigarettes has settled over everything. Who has been smoking? I lock the door and take a few hesitant steps further inside. I don't hear anything or sense anyone's presence in the apartment, so I investigate the rooms individually. My old bed has been slept in at some point, probably Shikamaru, and I find a few of his belongings on the dresser and in the bathroom. This doesn't feel like my home anymore, though everything belongs to me and I lived here for several years it's lost the connection of home for me. I turn away from the bedroom and return to the living room to stare at the pictures on the walls. All of the friends and memories seem so distant now, like it'd been fifteen years instead of two. My gaze lands on the photo of Haku, Zabuza, and myself and a ghost of a smile crosses my face. I'd visited them after I left. The Mist was my first stop so I could pay my respects. I was told by a villager where the two had died, and I spent three days there, talking to them even if they weren't there. I shake my head to clear the thoughts before spotting the pictures I'd taken with Shikamaru that morning. We looked happy though the hint of being miserable and dread are in our eyes. We made it a good day even though I had to leave soon. I wonder where he is right now... On impulse I pull the picture of Haku and Zabuza down and tuck it into a pouch on my belt before walking out of the house. The want to shower left my mind once the emotions tried to come forward. I'd bathed the night before in a stream I'd found not too far away, so I'll be alright for now.
I lean on the railing across from the door and take a deep breath. I shouldn't have come back. I hear footsteps climbing the stairs and I push myself off the railing and walk past the person, our shoulders accidently jarring each other. We both pause and I mutter a quiet apology and hear one in return before continuing. A moment later I hear the person call out, causing me to stop. I turn around, keeping my gaze down and wait for them to speak.
"Is there anything I can help you with? I haven't seen you around the apartments before, are you lost?"
That voice causes a shiver to run down my spine.
"No... I'm fine. I just made a mistake, that's all."
When I turn back around to walk away, someone crashes into me, knocking my hood back though my body didn't move. An orange jumpsuit assaults my eyes as I look down to see who hit me. Oh, Naruto, you really haven't changed. He'd gotten taller and his outfit changed slightly, but that seems to be about it.
"I'm sorry Lady! I wasn't paying attention and- hey you look familiar. Where have I seen you before?" He asks, peering up at me.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about... You must have me mistaken." I stutter out.
I don't know why I'm so worried about people recognizing me, I'd come here to see everyone again. I suppose I'm just worried about what will happen.
"You're Kaida! I got it! You left so long ago! What happened to you?"
I freeze as he jumps up and pumps his fist into the air. I can feel the shock pouring off of the man behind me and I want to bolt, but I can't get my body to move.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Sir. I have to go."
I manage to say that much atleast before pulling my hood back up and walking briskly away.
A hand latches onto my forearm from behind and on instinct I grab it and flip the person over my shoulder, slamming them on the ground in front of me. I hear the person groan in pain and I look down to see the person that I wanted to see the most and the least. A small gasp escapes my lips and I back away slightly as he stands up.
"I really need to remember not to approach you from behind..." He mutters, rubbing his back. "Why did you pretend you weren't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Stop it, I know it's you Kaida."
His hand comes into my view and tilts my chin up to face him.
"Why are you hiding?" He asks quietly.
"I don't know. It's been so long and everything is just so much right now..."
"Come with me, let's talk." 

The Return (Book 2 of It's Not Forever) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now