Chapter 15

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    Where am I? It looks like mine and Shikamaru's field back in Konoha, but I know that's not where I was before. I feel light and airy, almost giddy. A giggle escapes me and I spin around in the flowers while rain pours down despite the sunshine above me. A blur twirls into my vision and I stop long enough to see Kisame standing in front of me. I thought he was dead?
"Hello Little One."
"I thought you were dead Sharkie. What are you doing here?" I ask as I jump into his arms.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm playing in the field of course. I like the rain and the flowers. It's so pretty!"
"You're not supposed to be here, Little One."
"Why not? You never told me why you're here too."
"I am still dead Kaida. This is the land of the dead. Why are you here? Try to remember."
He puts me down and I rack my brain to figure out how I ended up here.
"I don't know... I can't remember. Oh well, now I can be with you and Onii-chan and Moo-Moo-chan and Haku!"
I hear something next to me and turn to find Itachi standing next to me looking rather paler than usual.
"Hi Onii-chan! I'm here now to be with you guys! Aren't you excited?"
He frowns and looks to Kisame for help. Kisame shrugs and says that Itachi was the last one there. Whatever that means.
"What happened Little Sister? You're supposed to be down there fighting the war."
A violent scene and the scent of blood wash over me and I remember.
"I was in the war... I-I think I sacrificed myself to help everyone."
I look up to them as if they would have the answer.
"How did you do it?"
"I focused my chakra to my chest and summoned all of my powers together, including air and spirit that I'd gained since you two died, then forced it into my chest then outward. I don't know what it did but my mind was telling me to do it and how to do it. Did I do well?"
They share a look before looking down at me. "Yes Kaida, you did very well."
Haku and Zabuza appear next to them and I hug them before talking with them as well and trying to convince Haku to dance in the rain with me. He declines repeatedly, to my dismay, and Itachi suddenly takes my hand.
"If you're going to be here with us now, let's get you out of the rain. Besides, there are people you need to meet."
"Okay Onii-chan. We get to be together forever now, right?"
"That's right Little Sister."
I stare at our intertwined hands as he and Kisame lead me away from the field and I call out goodbyes to Haku and Zabuza along the way. I notice that the scars on my arms are gone and I imagine the rest of my body is blemish free as well. The land of the dead seems pretty nice. I think I'll enjoy it here. The field gives way to a small cottage type house just outside of the forest behind it. Kisame and Itachi stop and Itachi lets go of my hand. I look up at them and they both muss my hair before telling me to go inside and they'd come in in a moment. I smile and head up the cobblestone path to the door. I turn the handle and step inside.


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