Gaara and I walk together to the Hokage's office and I already dread the conversation that is about to take place. A guard stops us inside and has Gaara stay behind while I go ahead into the office. Lady Tsunade's office reeks of sake. Lovely. Just the kind of person that should be running the Leaf Village. The woman behind the desk is blonde and very busty.
"Hello Lady Hokage." I mutter, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"Hello Kaida, it's nice to finally meet the infamous Hattori girl."
"The pleasure is all mine. I'd been meaning to talk to you but life is chaotic sometimes. You wished to speak to me?"
I sit down across from her and prop the crutches against the other chair.
"Yes. It seems you've been living in the village for years without being a citizen. I'm not happy with that, especially with how things are in the world. Also your involvement with the Akatsuki and Orochimaru greatly disturb me. Care to explain?"
I sigh and tell her the gist of my past that led to my staying in Konoha, then my kidnapping and return, then re-return.
"That seems like quite a story." She finally responds.
"It's not a story, it's true." I growl in annoyance.
"And how do you expect me to believe that? As far as I know, you could be working for the Akatsuki."
The door opens behind me before I can retort and I can feel the anger rolling off of the Kazekage. As he comes to a stop beside me, I can feel the sand whipping dangerously around his feet.
"With all due respect, Lady Tsunade, if you are doubting the allegiance of a woman who has done more for your village and my own than most ANBU have ever done, then you are a fool. She protected the lives of countless people at the Chunin exams, she tried to help bring Sasuke back when he left, she even escaped the Akatsuki and fought her desire to return to her home for two years to keep the Akatsuki from invading the village. After that she tried to single handedly bring down Sasuke and Orochimaru, though she was unsuccessful. She came to Suna after Orochimaru thought her to be useless and helped my village greatly. She attended the five kage summit and defended us all against Sasuke, someone she used to see as a brother at the cost of her life. She has led a very troubled life but never have her loyalties wavered."
As he finishes I'm awe-struck. I'd never heard Gaara speak that much or even with that much conviction in his words. Hell, I'd never even heard someone speak about me in that way. I realize his hand is resting on my shoulder and I lift my hand to lay on top of his before turning back to face the Hokage. She's sitting silently with her hands under her chin, thinking.
"I see. I suppose with your high appraisal of her, I think it'll be alright to allow her to become a citizen."
"Thank you for this. I do have a request though, if it is alright to ask it?" I interject.
"What is it?"
"I would like to be allowed to travel to Suna as I please."
Gaara gives her a look before she grants it. She fills out a form and has me sign it to mark myself an official resident of Konoha. She allows me to leave and asks Gaara to stay a few minutes longer to discuss 'important matters'.
When I reach my apartment, Ino, Temari, and Shikamaru are all sitting inside waiting for me. I finally notice that everything is as I'd left it, including the hole in the wall where I'd punched it the day I left again. They ask me what happened and I fill them in, causing the girls to 'oooh' over Gaara defending me the way he did. He comes back a short time later and updates us on what has been happening in the world since the summit. Sadly I learn of Kisame's death. I'm silently thankful that I wouldn't have the possibility of going against him at any point, but I didn't want to lose him. Gaara and I are left alone in the apartment around midnight, when Shikamaru and Temari go back to their apartment and Ino goes home. It's strange to be in Konoha again but having Gaara here makes it seem easier to deal with. My stomach growls and I move to get something to eat, but he stops me and moves to the kitchen to find something for me to eat. Ino told me that she still came by every so often and kept everything clean and made sure the food wasn't spoiled so if I came back I'd have fresh food. I think she just came here to escape her parents so there ended up being food in the house, but I don't blame her. Gaara comes back a few minutes later with a bowl of ramen and a soda.
"Thank you Gaara-kun." He goes to respond but I hold up a hand to stop him. "Thank you for everything. You defended me with Tsunade and helped me become an official part of the village. No one has ever said anything like that about me."
His cheeks tint pink and he nods in response."She was being stupid and rude. You deserved tohave yourself defended."
"Aren't you so sweet." I coo, causing him to blush again and look away."Gaara-kun, you need to go back to Suna to prepare your village for war. Idon't know what is going to happen in the future, but it's going to be bad."
"What about you? You need to be safe." He mutters quietly.
"I will stay here and prepare as well. I need to learn how to control the airnow and work with combining different powers. I'm going to fight in this, Iwill die however many times it takes to make sure Tobi and Sasuke are broughtdown."
"You don't need to get hurt."
"If I do, I won't be dead for long. I'll come back to life. No worriesGaara-kun, I promise."
He stays silent for a moment before sighing and muttering that I worry himsometimes. I stick out my tongue at him and tell him that I'm going to bed andhe should attempt to sleep before leaving for Suna in the morning. He nods andstays sitting so I hobble over and take his hand and lead him to the bedroom.
"Sleep." I command, then climb into bed and pat the empty space beside me.
He hesitates before complying.

The Return (Book 2 of It's Not Forever) COMPLETE
FanfictionThis is Part 2 of It's Not Forever. It will follow Kaida Hattori's story and well, you'll have to read the rest! Feel free to comment, rate, or message me as you please! I'd love to hear feedback.