The stone is covered in names, many from the years before I was even born, but I can tell where the newer ones were carefully etched in. As my eyes skim the names, I realize I don't know most of them. I stop at my name and trace over it. I never thought my name would be on the stone, let alone me being alive to see it written. I continue down the list and gasp.
"Shikaku? No... Poor Shikamaru. He was a great man. Inoichi too..."
I can't believe Ino and Shikamaru's fathers died. I continue on and find Neji Hyuuga's name carved on it as well. I hit my knees in front of the stone and talk to the ones who were killed, thanking them for their sacrifice and protecting those who needed it. All of these important people with families and loved ones left behind had to die, but I survived. These great men and women deserved it more. I feel so guilty.
I thank Shikaku for raising a great man and treating me like a daughter throughout the years, then the same to Inoichi for raising Ino and myself. I hear my voice crack as I talk but continue through it, even as tears start to spill over. Gaara is kneeling next to me, his hand running soothingly up and down my back as I start to sob, the reality of the war finally setting in.
"I didn't know you died... I didn't know... I-I'm sorry. I wish there was a way to bring you all back, to atleast hold your loved ones one more time and let them know how much you love them. I didn't get the chance to say goodbye... You didn't get to say goodbye... I'm so sorry..."
"Kaida, there wasn't anything you could've done, please don't blame yourself for it. They died protecting those they love and they will be forever remembered for it. Their sacrifice lets their families know that they loved them." Gaara's voice is thick and I immediately feel guiltier for upsetting him.
"I'm sorry Gaara. Let's go. I want to see everyone." I wipe at my face and smile lightly.
He helps me to my feet and uses his thumbs to brush away the remaining tears before kissing my forehead and leading me down toward Shikamaru and Temari's home.
Apparently Shikamaru and Temari moved out of the apartments and moved into a house of their own, but that's all that Gaara will tell me about them, much to my annoyance. I've never been one for patience. After looking to him for confirmation that this is the house, I pound my fists on the door excitedly until it opens. Temari's voice drifts out from behind it, barking at me to keep my pants on. She opens the door and I'm greeted by her running commentary of annoyance.
"-I swear I can't even take a-" She stops as she looks up and realizes who we are. "Gaara? Kaida? Shikamaru!"
I hear his complaints from further into the house as she smothers me into a hug. I hug her back and feel her shoulders shaking lightly a moment later. I rub her back and feel myself start to cry as well. I'm turning into Ino. Ew.
"What do you want woman?"
I look up to see Shikamaru standing in the doorway behind her. He looks up at me and his eyes grow wide before he looks behind me to Gaara.
"Quit crying on her Temari, let them come inside she doesn't need to be standing." He snaps out of it faster than I'd expected but she complies, leading me by the hand into their house.
She instructs us to sit on the couch and Shikamaru settles in an arm chair across from us. We all sit in silence for a minute until a door opens down the hall. Temari sighs and we all turn to face the hallway. A toddler hobbles out holding a blanket and a stuffed panda in his arms. He looks up at Shikamaru with wide eyes and holds up his arms. Shikamaru picks him up and he settles against his chest and stares at us.
"Oh my Kami..." I mutter quietly.
"What is it?" Gaara asks.
"You... You had a baby! He's so cute! He looks just like you! Does he talk? Say something." I smile broadly as the kid smiles back at me.
"Troublesome!" He coos, and I sigh before looking up to his father.
"He's definitely your son... What's his name?"
"Tell Aunt Kaida your name." Temari tells him.
"Wait, is that my panda?"
Shikamaru's face turns red and I stare at him until Temari explains.
"In case you weren't coming back, he wanted something for Shikadai to know you by. We hope it's alright?"
"He can keep it. It makes him look cuter."
As I look at the child in Shikamaru's lap I realize he is literally a mini-me of his father except for his eyes. Shikamaru clears his throat and looks over at Gaara, then apologizes for punching him in the face. I look up in shock and turn to Gaara. This is news to me.
"It's alright." He tells him, then looks down at me. "When you died we both blamed ourselves, but he blamed me for pulling him away and not stopping you myself, so after the war when I tried to take you away, he punched me and well we fought until we were dragged away."
"Geez. A woman goes and blows herself up and everyone loses their minds."
They both glare at me and I hold my hands up in surrender.
"My bad. So, you two are married now? How sweet! I miss everything cool."
"Well if you hadn't killed yourself you wouldn't have missed it, Lady Kaida." Temari says, causing me to toss a pillow at her.
"Don't start with that Lady stuff. That is not me."
She rolls her eyes and we all catch up and I get to play with their son who warms up to me quickly and absolutely adores his 'Unc Gawa'. We leave close to their dinner time and Gaara leads me to Ino's house.

The Return (Book 2 of It's Not Forever) COMPLETE
Fiksi PenggemarThis is Part 2 of It's Not Forever. It will follow Kaida Hattori's story and well, you'll have to read the rest! Feel free to comment, rate, or message me as you please! I'd love to hear feedback.