The ceremony is a lot easier to get through, now that the initial pressure is gone and we have our little secret. After the ceremony the streets are lit up with lights and fireworks, much like the festival we went to in Konoha. I lost Kaida to Ino and Temari shortly after the attention was turned toward partying instead of us. They'd said something about 'costume changes' or something along those lines. A few minutes later I spot her in the crowd heading toward me, her white kimono exchanged for a knee length blood red one with white flowers. She rushes the rest of the way over once she spots me and I catch her as she jumps up to tackle me in a hug. She kisses my forehead and giggles as I kiss her in return.
"Hello Husband." She cooes.
"Hello my lovely wife."
Her smile grows when I say it and I feel my heart soar. She's officially mine. I put her back on her feet and she takes my hand to lead me toward everyone else but Temari and Kankuro appear and stop us. The music playing suddenly stops and I feel as if she and I should run to avoid whatever it is they're trying to do.
"Not so fast love birds."
"It's time for the first dance to kick everything off."
"You two are not twins, you can't do the creepy finishing sentences thing." Kaida mutters.
"No distractions."
"Let's go!"
Temari turns to the crowd and draws their attention, causing everyone to create a circle around us.
"I forgot about this part..." Kaida mutters, attempting to hide behind me.
I take her hand and lead her to the center of the circle as the music starts. I twirl her around as we dance along to the music. The whole time we're dancing, she's staring up at me looking happier than I've ever seen her. I know how she feels. I've never been happier. The song ends and the crowd bursts into applause.
I lead her out of the center of the crowd and over to the steps of the temple so we can sit down and relax for a moment. She rests her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her waist. Our group comes up to us a few minutes later and take seats around us. We all just talk about idle things like the wedding and our plans afterward, and sadly a quip from Ino about children. Children will come whenever Kaida wants them, I'm in no rush. Many of the villagers approach us at random to congratulate us and properly meet Kaida. She greets them back in her usual sweet manner and I can tell the villagers will love her. I hear people gasp and my body automatically tenses to fight. I stand and scan the crowd to locate the source of the commotion and find two raven haired men walking through the path made between the villagers. Kaida stands with me and I lightly push her behind me for safety until I can identify the men. Everyone else stands up next to me until the two get close enough for us to recognize. Kaida laces her fingers through mine and we walk together to meet the two, drawing more gasps from the crowd. Kaida bows to the men and they bow in return to my surprise.
"Hello Father, Onii-chan. What brings you here?" She asks.
"We heard that the Kazekage was getting married and put two and two together. Just wanted to stop by."
"That's nice. Oh, by the way Onii-chan, I owe you this." She steps forward and slaps Sasuke across the face before pulling him into a hug. "I missed you."
"Why did you slap me?" He asks, hugging her back.
"I wake up from being dead and find out you left Sakura alone with a child. Also, what kind of name is Sarada? Go see your child. We'll catch up later."
She nods at the pink haired girl a little ways away with her child in her arms. Sasuke walks over to her and the wander off into the crowd. Her gaze lifts to Orochimaru's and he smiles down at her.
"Good job on surviving. I wasn't sure if you would, when did you come back?"
"I was dead for two years. I came back on my eighteenth birthday."
"Gone. I still have chakra of course, but I can't manipulate it into anything, not even sound. Now I just have rainbow eyes as far as I know." She explains quietly.
"If you would like I could run some tests to see if I can restore your powers."
She looks up at me but I shrug, leaving the decision to her.
"For now I think I would like to try being a hand to hand based ninja. Maybe in the future. One of the best nurses we have around her said there's a possibility I could come back, though only five percent chance."
"So," he starts, looking down at me. "Can I borrow your wife for a dance?"
I nod and he walks away with her to an opening in the crowd and twirls her around to the music. The villagers calmed down once they saw that Kaida and I were on good terms with the two. I watch as they talk and laugh, almost like a normal father and daughter. I don't trust him at all, but as long as she is happy and safe, I will be alright. Sasuke drifts back through a little while later and he begrudgingly agrees to dance with her, well... she forcibly dragged him away to dance and he finally conceded, same thing. At sunset when everything is finally supposed to come to a close, fireworks shoot up into the sky, casting bright colors over the village. Kaida and I watch it together before thanking everyone for attending, then head back to the house to change and grab our bags. We're heading to the Yugakure for a week for our honeymoon before we have to return to our duties here. Ino rushes up to us as we leave and tells us to get started on making children while we're gone, causing Kaida to thump her on the forehead. We say our goodbyes and leave the village behind, ready to start our vacation away from Suna. This is the start of forever...
A/N: This is the last chapter of this story. D: I may create a short piece of a time skip for the ending to show how their lives have progressed, but I've done all I can with this story. I hope you've enjoyed. <3

The Return (Book 2 of It's Not Forever) COMPLETE
Fiksi PenggemarThis is Part 2 of It's Not Forever. It will follow Kaida Hattori's story and well, you'll have to read the rest! Feel free to comment, rate, or message me as you please! I'd love to hear feedback.