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"Will!" I called as I passed Thalia's tree on my way to town, "I'm going out!"

"Fine!" Will Solace called back. "Just don't shadow travel unless absolutely necessary. Got that? I don't want one of my patients to turn into a shadow on me."

"Ok doc!"

I rolled my eyes. Ever since that battle with Gaea a few months back, he has been my "Doctor" so to speak. He is worse than a helicopter parent and let's just leave it at that. The only reason I was allowed to go outside of his line of sight was because I said I had to use the restroom and snuck out. I had to tell him where I was going or he was going to kill me when I got back or have a heart attack .

Campers used to not be able to go outside of camp in the summer, but Chiron changed to rules and said older and more experienced demigods were allowed to go outside of camp. It is a privilege he says. You had to be fifteen or older and go on at least two quest. But of course once you turn twenty, you can permanently leave camp, but still.

I didn't complain. That just meant Will couldn't follow me.

I went to McDonalds and got a burger with fries. On New York standards, the the streets and sidewalks were not too crowded so I sat at an outside table at some other restaurant. I got one furthest from the streets and in the shade.

Hazel said that I needed to get in the sun more, but jokingly told her that I would turn to ashes if I did.

The streets were loud as normal, but after living here for awhile, you get used to it. Everyone talking, the sound of honking cars, and pigeons pecking at breadcrumbs.

I even drowned out the sound of a girl calling someone, "Walt!" Well, until she yelled, "Anubis!"

I perked up. Anubis was an Egyptian god of death and funerals. Why would she be calling his name? It's not like-

"Anubis!!" She called again, this time more angrily. I came to the conclusion that Walt was a normal dude who somehow earned the nickname, Anubis. Poor guy.

"Anubis!" This time it sounded like the girl was right behind me so I turned.

In fact, she was right behind me. The girl had sandy blonde hair with red tips and icy blue eyes. She had on a dark green shirt with jeans, a messenger bag, and combat boots. She reminded me of a more dangerous looking, younger Annabeth. She was scowling, but she was looking directly at me.

"I can believe you! We were worried sick! You are coming back to Brooklyn House this minute young man." She said. I could tell that she had a faint British accent.

"Who are you?"

"Don't play dumb, Anubis. You are my boyfriend."

"Whoah, hold on there lady. I don't know who Anubis is but I am definitely not your boyfriend. I am single for starters."

"But-" her facial expression slackened, "Uh...sorry. You look just like him. Just replace that jacket for a leather one, with combat boots, and you two could have been twins. But I am sorry again. I should-" she turned to leave.

"Wait. I know it's none of my business, but why do you call your boyfriend a god of death?"

She stopped and turned back to me. She seemed to be considering whether or not to tell me when she asked, "Who are you?"

"Nico. Why?"

"Just wondering. I am Sadie by the way."

"Ok, but you never answered my question."

She bit her bottom lip. "Do you trust me?"

"Ummmm....we met not even five minutes ago."

"Do you trust me?" She repeated.

I bit my lip too and said, "I guess, but why?"

She grabbed my arm and said, "Follow me." She started to pull me as she walked away.

"Whoah, girl!" I yanked my hand free from her grip. "One, I don't like being touched. Two, where are we going? And three, can I take my food?"

"We are going to my home in Brooklyn and yes you can as long as you share with me."

"Why are we going to your house?"

"I can tell you are different. My brother can help."

"Help with what?"

"Just follow me before I tie you up and carry you!"

"Fine jeez." I got up and put my fries in the bag and followed Sadie.

She led me to the roof top of a building where a giant bird-lion thingy with a canoe boat doohickey tied to its belly was eating frozen turkeys.

To be honest, I saw weirder stuff that that. I went to Tartarus and back for crying out loud!

Sadie lifted an eyebrow. "You seemed...unsurprised like you have seen a griffin with a boat tied to it before."

"You have no idea what I have seen."

"I trust you on that one." She climbed into the boat and motioned for me to follow. I stupidly did.

FRREEAAKKK!!! Cried the griffin.

"What I don't understand about mortals is that they hear that and think they hear a siren or something." I said.

The griffin launched into the air as Sadie gave me a confused look. "You are not mortal?"

"Uhhh...well, let's just say I won't answer that if you don't answer my question."

"Touché." She said.

The griffin went down and suddenly, everything was blurred. "Whoah." I said in surprise, but I wasn't uncomfortable. It felt normal to me like when I was in my father's realm...

Sadie arched her eyebrow. "You seem strangely calm for not going to the Duat before."

"I don't know. I just am. I feel calm." I shrugged.

"Huh." We stayed silent for the rest of the ride...which was only two minutes long.

Everything was un-blurriedfyed and we where in the air again, circling a tall, abandoned factory warehouse with graffiti on it.

"No offense, but you live here?" I asked.

"Not in the factory thing. We live up top in a mansion."

"What mansion?"

"Look harder."

And sure enough, if I looked hard enough, I saw a five story mansion perched on top of the building.

"Annabeth would freak out." I said under my breath.

"Did you say something?"

"No." I lied.

The griffin landed on the roof of the actual warehouse where a makeshift stable was made. Sadie undid the boat and he went in his house and fell asleep immediately.

Sadie walked up to the building and looked up. She turned into a black bird (a kite I think) and flew up to a balcony. She transformed back and looked down at me.

"Pa." {A.N.-ok, that was supposed to be the word for fly but I am not sure so just go with it} She said and I thought she was calling her dad for a second, but some symbol blared in front of my chest and I started floating up towards Sadie.

"Whoah, whoah!" I exclaimed. I have flown something like this with Jason. I hated that. Mainly because he was touching me. This was a little more terrifying only because I at least when me and Jason flew I knew he wouldn't let me fall. I had zero idea what was happening.

When I reached the balcony with Sadie, I fell on my back. "Uufff." I complained. Sadie, meanwhile, was sweating like she actually hauled me up here by herself. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"I am fine." she puffed. "Follow me."

I got up and followed her off the balcony into the house.
Hey, I hope y'all like the first chapter! Don't mind the typos. Blame autocorrect 🤗 and my terrible spelling 🙃🤗😇

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