Chapter 3: Nico-Evil Elvis attacks Brooklyn House

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We made it to the roof of the mansion somehow without causing a disturbance.  Before we saw who/what it was, we heard it.  It sounded like a fifteen year old girl.

"Are you sure it is okay to stop on top of someone's house?"

I heard someone reply, but couldn't hear the words.  All I knew was it was a dude.

"I know we are almost there, but what if the owners come to see what that noise was?" The guy answered her.  "But what if your friends don't like me?"  He said something again.  "But what about...him?" She said him like it was dangerous to speak.

We finally got in view.  The girl we heard was about fifteenish, golden brown hair, pale, with almond colored eyes.  She wore a white blouse with jeans and had her back to us.

I couldn't see much, but I saw something bronze looking and it moved up and down like it was breathing...

The guy answered her again, but it seemed like he was inside the bronze thing.

"I know Festus needs work, but did we have to land on a mansion?"

Festus?  But Festus is....

A boy suddenly appeared from behind the bronze.  He was scrawny, dark hair and eyes and covered in machine oil.

It was Leo Valdez.

"I will be fast.  I just have one more thing to fix quickly and Festus will be able to make it to Camp Half-Blood."

"Carter," I whispered, "undo the fog stuff.  I know that guy."  Carter nodded, said some words in some other language (Ancient Egyptian?), and the black smoke dissipated.

"Leo Valdez!!" I shouted angrily cause I was.  He has been gone for months and all this time we thought he was dead and here he is alive and well with some girl.  Everyone jumped at my outburst, even Carter and Sadie.  Leo was too stunned to say anything so I did.  "What are you doing here?!  We all thought you died!Hazel and I both felt your death!"

"Oh, um hi Nico." He said awkwardly. "Nice to see you too."

I walked up to him.  "Listen, Nico, I would have come back sooner, but I don't know how long I was out and to get here from–"

"It shouldn't have taken you four months to cross the Atlantic or wherever you came from on a metal dragon and who is the girl?"

"Nico, Calypso.  Calypso, Nico." He looked over my shoulder. "Who are your friends?"

I turned around.  Sadie had a staff out and Carter had a curved sword.  "Leo, Carter and Sadie.  Carter and Sadie, Leo."

"Hi." All three said at the same time.

"Nico, I know you are mad, but I am going back to camp right now.  I just need to fix Festus."  Leo said cautiously.

"Fine, but just wait till Jason and Piper see you."

"Oh gods of Olympus Piper will crush me."

"Yeah, but–"

Evil chuckling cut me off.  Festus the dragon raised his head, Leo grabbed a hammer from his tool belt, and the girl named Calypso drew a dagger.

"Seriously," Leo said. "This guy again?!"

"Who is it?" I asked.

"He has been following us and tried to kidnap us every time.  And he is apparently fire-proof."

"No, Leo." Calypso said. "He just absorbs your fire."

Leo sighed. "Does he get burnt?  No.  Then I consider him fireproof!" Calypso rolled her eyes. 

The Revenge Game {A Nico meets Sadie Crossover}{slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now