Chapter 2: Nico- I learn that a monkey could eat me

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We walked down some stairs into a large room with a couch, TV, a statue of some dude with a bird head, and a monkey.  Still not the strangest thing I have seen but it is in the top ten.  A bunch of kids were running around and I was sure I saw a penguin.

"This way." Sadie directed me over to two big wooden doors and walked inside. It was obviously a library with a ton of scrolls and clay men.  Another thing in the top ten list.

She led me to an African looking American boy with some burn scars on his head and a black eye who was hunched over some scrolls on a desk.

Sadie smirked and motioned me to be quiet.  She tiptoed up to him and went, "Boo!"

The kid was unfazed and just said, "Sadie, I could here you coming from a mile away."

"Whatever, Carter." She rolled her eyes. "You need to meet someone."

"I don't need to meet anybody." Carter snapped back.

"And I thought I was the sarcastic one." She mumbled. "He could help us."

"I never said that." I said. Carter quickly looked up at the sound of my voice, but I went on, "You thought I was different because I looked like your boyfriend who you apparently call some god of funerals.  Then you brought me here."

Carter studied me, but there was pretty much nothing to study.  My black hair was always a mess, my aviator jacket had ketchup on it (which I quickly wiped off), my jeans were ripped, and  my Stytigian iron sword was on my left hand side.

Carter looked up at me and asked, "Who are you?"

"Nico di Angelo."

He winced like I poked him in the eye. "Don't say that in front of Khufu."


"Our monkey." Sadie explained.

"Oh, why?"

"He tends to only eat things that end in O." Carter explained. "Cheerios, Oreos, etc..."

"Well then..."

Carter raised an eyebrow.  "You don't seem surprised that we have a monkey named Khufu that may try to eat you, shabati walking around, and a mansion on the roof of an old factory warehouse."

"Where I come from, we have a Pegasus named Blackjack, strayrs and nymphs walking around, and a giant pine tree that used to be a girl's soul."

"Well that explains a lot." Sadie said.

Carter looked stunned. "Come with me." He got up and we followed him up the stairs and into a room what I guessed was his bedroom and closed the door. He sat on the bed with Sadie while I just stood.

"Did you say 'Pegasus' earlier?" He asked me.

"Yah, why?"

He twiddled his thumbs and finally asked, "Do you know a guy by the name of Percy Jackson?"

I was stunned.  How did this guy know Percy?  "Yyyeesss.  Why?"

He looked at Sadie.  By their body movement, I could tell that they were close, but not relationship close.  Almost like a brother and sister...

"Are y'all two related?" I asked.

Now it was their turn to look stunned.  "How did you know?" Sadie asked.

I shrugged. "The way y'all react to each other.  I can tell you two are close, but not dating."

"We are brother and sister, but usually people think we just know each other."

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