Chapter 4: Leo- A Reunion with exploding sinks

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Nico had to give permission for Sadie, Carter, and Calypso to enter. Once Carter and Sadie went through the magical barrier, sparks flew and it wasn't my fault. Honest!

"It must be from us being Egyptian." Carter said.

Nico just nodded and quietly walked forward.

What is wrong with that kid? I thought. He hasn't seen me in months, thought I was dead then I come back and instead of going, Oh my gods Leo you are alive! Thank the gods! , he yells at me.

Of course I couldn't say (or think) much because he was right.  I should have Iris messaged them, but I was busy!  Setne literally attacked us once every two days.  That was why it took us four months to get here.  I tried to lead the crazy Egyptian version of Elvis off our trail and one day I just gave up and knew it was hopeless.

Meanwhile in the real world, we reached the entrance to camp.  I saw Jason and Piper sitting on a bench with their backs to us.  I saw that Piper was crying and Jason consoling her.  I heard him say, "We will see Leo again one day.  Don't worry."

Piper just started crying more.  I turned to Nico. "What is happening? Is she still crying about me?"

"Who is she?" Calypso asked.

"Piper and Jason.  They are together so don't worry, Sunshine.  Back to the original question." I looked at Nico.

Nico cursed in Greek. "I forgot.  Your "funeral" was supposed to be today. We never had a proper one since there was no body.  Chiron said that we needed to have one and I scheduled it today."

"Whoah, why are you in charge of funeral and stuff?" Sadie asked.

Nico's mouth formed a straight line. "My dad." He said simply.

I looked back at Piper and Jason who was still crying (just Piper was crying not Jason).  I couldn't help but smirk.

"I'm going to say hi." I announced.

Before Nico or Calypso could stop me, I walked up behind them quietly.

"I just wish he let someone be with him so he could have taken the Physician's Cure." She was saying.

"He knew that it was impossible for that to happen Pipes."

"I just miss his corny jokes."

"And his tacos?"

She sniffled. "That too."

I smiled and whispered, "Did you miss my inventions?"

Piper stopped crying and Jason straightened. They both slowly turned around to look at me. "Well, did you?" I repeated.

"LEO!" Jason and Piper yelled loud enough for the kids back at that mansion to hear.  The both reached over the bench the used to be sitting on and hugged me.

"Whoah!  I would take that as a yes?"

"Leo Valdez!" Piper cried. She punched me in the chest, but it didn't hurt. "Where were you?  We thought you died.  Nico and Hazel said–"

"So I have been told." I interrupted.

"But where were you?" Jason said.

"Tell ya later.  Can y'all get Percy and Annabeth for me.  Do NOT say anything about me to the other campers for now.  I don't want to draw too much attention."

"Leo Valdez, you have been gone for four months and everyone thought you were dead and now when you return, you don't us to tell anybody?" Piper asked in disbelief.

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