Chapter 7: Sadie- I Find A Friend...And an Enemy

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Carter and I walked back to the group of demigods after I stopped crying.  That was really embarrassing for me. If Carter ever told, he would get more than a black eye.

Once the half-bloods noticed us Percy immediately said, "Sadie, I'm sorry I–"

"It's okay." I snapped.

"So, what do we do now?" Carter asked.

Before anyone could answer, a voice said, "Leo?!"

We all looked in the direction of the voice. It was a group of demigods led by a man in a wheelchair.

Leo sighed. Probably because he knew he was either going to get beat up or crushed to death in a massive group hug or both at the same time. "Hey! How you doin?" he said casually. "I came for my funeral. Am I too late?"

"Yah that is definitely Leo." A guy said behind the wheelchair man.

"Indeed." The man said. Seriously? He was one of those people. Instead of just saying simple yes they say indeed. 💁🏼

A blonde boy walked up to the front and said, "Where is Nico? He has to go rest." I assumed that this is the kid named Will Nico was talking about.

I decided to be straight forward with him. "Nico was taken by an evil magician who looks like Uncle Vinnie." Carter backhanded me in the arm. "What? He asked." I said.

"He's what!?" Will asked.

I sighed. " an...evil–" I said slowly like I would for a child.

"I heard you the first time!"

"Then why did you ask?"

"Sadie." Carter whisper scolded me.

"Yes brother dear?"

"Shut up! Do you want to make a bad impression on them?"

"I think they are more concerned about the scrawny one than us."

"Hey! The scrawny one has a name." Leo said.

"Actually my dear, we are more curious about you." The man in the wheelchair said.

"Wow I feel loved." Leo mumbled.
Piper elbowed him.

"Why?" Carter asked.

The wheelchair man came forward and sized us up. "I am Chiron." He said finally. "And welcome Camp Half-Blood magicians."

"Ho–how did you know we were magicians?" Carter asked.

"Whoah cool!" Leo said. "Can you make Drew disappear?"

"I heard that Leo!" A girl called from the crowd.  She sounded familiar...

"Wait, her name is Drew?" I asked.

Chiron raised an eyebrow. "Yes why?"

"Because I know a Drew at my school...." Realization crept over me. Lacy told me she went to a camp..... "Lacy?" I called.

I heard a squeal and the familiar blonde pigtails and braces. She came running out of the crowd, screamed, "Sadie!" and hugged me.

The Revenge Game {A Nico meets Sadie Crossover}{slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now