Chapter 9: Sadie- THIS AGAIN?!?!

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We all sat there looking at the boy on the ground. I saw he wore black everything with an aviator jacket.

"Nico!" I broke the silence and ran to him. He didn't look injured and his breathing was steady. He just was sleeping. I looked around. Carter was now by my side but everyone else just stood there. I could feel my face getting red. 

Carter must have sensed it and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him. He looked up with only his eyes at the top of my head. I exhaled. Angry hieroglyphs were probably swirling around the top of my head. Just what I needed.

I glanced up to the Apollo table. I looked at the blonde kid named Will. "I thought you were bloody worried about him." I said.

Will shook his head and snapped out of his trance. He jogged over and kneeled on the other side of the sleeping teen. He put his hand on Nico's forehead and sighed in relief.

"He is fine. Shadow traveling takes a lot of energy and he hasn't done it in four months. He just needs rest to give him strength. Can one of you help me carry him to the Apollo cabin?"

Carter stood up and helped pick of the son of Hades. The boys carried him to the Apollo cabin and did not come out.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jumped. It was Annabeth. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I snapped and shrugged off her hand.

"Last time I saw dead stickmen floating above your head is when Carter didn't tell you about us half-bloods."

I sighed. "It's nothing." I mumbled but she didn't move.

"I date Percy. I know when 'nothing' is 'something'."

"Hey!" I heard Percy say. Annabeth grinned but still looked at me.

"I'm going see Nico." I said abruptly and walked to the Apollo cabin.

When I walked in Nico was laying on a bed and Carter and Will were having a conversation.

"–found that on his jacket." Will was saying as I walked in.

"Found what?" I asked.

Will pointed at the sleeping teen. I walked over to him.  He had some red dust on his jacket. I put some on my finger and realized it was not just normal dust. It was basically steaming with magic. 

It seemed familiar...

"What is it, Sadie?" Carter asked.

"Huh, I never thought I would hear you say those words brother dear."

"I'm serious."

"The dust is red and it seems magical. Happy?"


"Come see for yourself."

Carter got off the chair and got some dust off his jacket too.

"It is." He said after a minute of studying it.

I rolled my eyes. "What do you think it is?"

"It seems so familiar like...Egypt."

My eyes went wide when it just hit me. "ANOTHER BLOODY RED PYRAMID?!?!" I shouted so loud I was sure Jaz heard us. Will and Carter jumped.

"What?" Carter and Will asked at the same time.

I facepalmed. "Evil Setne. Magical red dust. Put them all in the Duat and you got another bloody red pyramid!"

Carter's eyes went wide then he cursed in Ancient Egyptian.

"Why would he build another pyramid?" Carter asked.

"Because wants to be evil duh!" I yelled.

I yelled so loud, Nico sat bolt upright. "All I hear is 'evil duh'." He says.

I sighed in relief. "Your okay."

"Yeah. I am far from 'okay'." He said.

"Did you go to a red pyramid?" I asked.

"How did you know?"

"I told you!" I pointed a finger at Carter. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Nico exclaimed. He looked at Carter. "Zia said to be safe while she's not there."

"You saw Zia?" He asked in disbelief.


"Did you see Walt?" I asked.

"I did. He said hi."

I blinked. I decided that when we rescued them, I would probably punch my boyfriend in the gut.

Carter was holding back a laugh. "Shut up." I snapped.

Will stood up from his chair. "I hate to break this up but we need to let Nico rest." He glared at me. I glared back.

Will pushed us out the cabin and walked back to the dinning pavilion.

"I have a feeling this will not end well." Carter said.

The Revenge Game {A Nico meets Sadie Crossover}{slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now