Chapter 6: Carter- My Sister Does Something Nearly Impossible (for her at least)

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We stood there stunned for at least two minutes.  Setne just took him. Just like that and Nico and Setne was gone. Dissolved into the shadows.

Sadie took it the hardest. She kicked the dirt and started cursing under her breathe.

Percy's eyes went wide. "And I thought Hazel's horse was bad."

Sadie stopped abusing the ground finally and said, "It's not bloody fair! I helped saved the world four times and I can't even relax for half a year without something happening!"

"Sadie, calm down." I said.

"Don't tell me to calm down!!" She snapped. "I am perfectly calm!!"

"Perfectly calm people usually don't scream that they are perfectly calm."

"Shut up, Carter!"

I had to be quiet now. Every since Sadie learned my secret name, well, let's just say it hasn't been good. Sometimes she is nice and doesn't care. Most times she uses it to her advantage.

But Annabeth had her secret name...

"Annabeth." I whispered and nodded towards Sadie. She nodded her head in understanding.

"Sadie, what's wrong." She asked.

"Walt. He has Walt." She said simply.

"Who is Walt?" Percy asked.

"Ugg!!" Sadie stormed off into the woods.

"What did I say?"

Annabeth hit him on the head. "Her boyfriend doofus."

"I'll go talk to her." I said and raced off to find Sadie.

She went to the bronze dragon we rode here on named Festus.

"Sadie." I said.

"What, Carter?" She snapped.

"We will get Walt back. Don't worry."

Then something that NEVER EVER IN A MILLENNIUM happened. Sadie hugged me then started crying.

I know right.

At first I was too shocked to do anything than to think up questions for this Sadie imposter.

I then realized that she really cared about Walt/Anubis. So much that she would cry....IN FRONT OF ME! Of all people!

I hugged her back. Festus raised his big metal head and looked at us then went back to sleeping.

"We will get everyone back Sadie. I know we will."

"It's not bloody fair Carter." She looked up at me. "What did we do to deserve this?"

"Nothing Sadie."

"Then why?"

These are the times I actually feel like the big brother.

" really don't know Sadie. Bad things happen to good people when good people just sit there and do nothing."

"But we do things. We don't just sit there!"

"Sadie, as these Greeks would say, the Fates work in mysterious ways and they are seeing how far they can push us until we break.  Prove to them, Sadie Kane, that you will not break."

She considered this for a moment then let me go and wiped her eyes. "Okay Carter." She pointed a threatening finger at me. "If you so much as utter a word about this to anyone especially Wa–"

"Don't worry I won't. You have my secret name after all."

She rolled her eyes, wiped her eyes one more time then started to walk back to camp with me following close behind.

The Revenge Game {A Nico meets Sadie Crossover}{slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now