Chapter 5: Nico- Why me!??!

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{ok so I just wanna say that the narrators (like Nico and Leo so far) will not be in any special order. Just sayin}

Seriously?! I thought we would have at least another 30 minutes before he found us!!

I drew my sword and Calypso's eyes went wide. "Is that Stygian iron?" She asked fascinated.

"Thank you and yes!" Finally, someone who I don't have to explain it to.

Percy uncapped Riptide and Annabeth got out her dagger. It was a present from her mom. Piper drew Katoptris and Jason flipped a coin that turned into his Imperial Gold sword. Leo got two hammers and handed one to Calypso. Carter took out a curved sword and Sadie, her staff.

Setne just laughed. "Oh demigods.  You have no idea what you are messing with."

"What the heck man!" Percy shouted. "What happened to the snowglobe?!"

"It kinda sorta got knocked off my desk by someone." Carter said.

"WHAT?!?!" Annabeth and Percy yelled at the same time.

Setne chuckled. "Yes, yes. Now time for my revenge." He rubbed his hands together then pointed to me. "Give me the spawn of Hades and I will leave your little camp in peace."

"Why me?!!?" I demanded.

No one answered. They seemed to be thinking about how to answer that. Fight this evil magician and most likely destroy camp and a few demigod or just give up the annoying goth kid. I was really waiting for one of them to push me towards Setne and say, "Here you go. One spawn of Hades. Enjoy."

Before they answered though, Setne said, "Do you really want some son of Hades in your camp? He will just creep out the new recruits. Let's be honest here. Just hand over the boy and I will leave you. Just give me him." His words were so commanding that I almost wanted to give myself up.


Everyone looked at me except for Sadie, Carter, and Piper.

"Uhhhh..."Leo said.

"Guys!" Sadie shouted. "He is using words of power on you! Snap out of it!!"

No one payed any attention.

"Stop now!" Piper charmspoke.

They shook there heads and looked around. Jason looked at Piper. "What did we do?"

"You were about to give Nico over to Setne!" Sadie answered for her.

Setne scowled. "A child of Aphrodite. How odd. Usually they are easier to manipulate."

"Well Piper is anything but normal." Leo said. Piper glared at him. "I meant that as a compliment." She just nodded.

"Hadi!" Sadie yelled. A hieroglyph blasted in front of Setne. {pic in media}

There was an explosion right were Setne was and when the dust settled, Setne was nowhere to be seen.

Sadie, Carter, Percy, and Annabeth seemed stunned. "He's gone?" Sadie asked. "For once something actually worked right!"

Someone behind me suddenly picked me up by my aviator jacket. "Hey!! Put me down."

"Yah, Sadie. I am perfectly fine." Setne said behind me. Sadie cursed in a some ancient language. I'm guessing Egyptian. "Well I'll be going now. You won't see the last of me. I will be back. Now I just have two to collect."

"Two?" Carter asked.

"Oh nothing, Carter." Setne teased. "It's just, I haven't been to the first nome in awhile...."

It took Carter a second to process what he said. Realization washed over his face as Setne along with me melted away to a different place away from my friends.

The Revenge Game {A Nico meets Sadie Crossover}{slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now