OH SHIT!!!!!!!! I'M FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!

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Before I start this chapther I would like to say WOW I got a lot of reads and votes but all I wanna see your asses comment is update more or something that is similar to those words :) also this chapther is supposed to be funny and shocking some of my inspiration comes from Kevin Hart Kat Williams and my ghetto ass friends.Also there will be a girl name Kerri in this chapther her picture will be to the side.

I can't belive after all those years that bitch is still here I ain't even get to beat her ass yet.I just ignored her but I could'nt cuz I was right behind her in the Dunkin Donuts line.The line moved quick she got her order and I got my dunkin donuts order.I quickly sat at a window seat.Than that trifilin heifer decided to come sit with me smiling and shit she better take her happy ass somewhere else.Than her happy ass came to sit with me ugh!!!!!!

Alix:Hey Monique 

Me:Listen Imma make this easy on you show no drama or nothing take your avacado head and food in anther fucking direction.

Alix:No need to be all angry what we had in the past is over focus on the future.I start putting my hands in prayer postion whispering important stuff.

Alix:Why are you whispering?I finish praying.

Me:Ok listen Alix you got bout 10 sec. cuz the lord is the one right now holding me back from slapping the shit out your ass take that fuckin koolaid smile off your ass.Actually keep it on imma be the one to slap it the fuck off.

Alix:I wanted to say can we be friends?

Me:No you trick you tried to kill me I ain't forgiving shit yet I honestly wanna jump over this dunkin donuts table.I don't have a reason cuz no point of smackin the shit outta you now cuz that problem was in the past.Alix please say something slick to me.I wanna bitch-slap you so freaking bad

Alix:"Um.......I'm sorry ok and I guess I got jealous I mean me and Jacob went out but broke up because he just was fucking too many bitches.I found out the hard way and I'm sorry I was stupid young,and irresponsible I was in control of my actions but used them immaturley" Iwas shocked at what this heifer just said.

Me:Ok Well I have my own career I don't care about Jacob you wanted to date Jacob and you did and Alix (I said sweetly like spongebob sweetly) man the fuck up and stop being a 2-faced whore I said what I had to say and you said what you had to say it's all done now the 10sec. are way up so I will get up now take my donut and my shake and leave because god gave me a lot of strength to not bitch-slap you right now so have a good life."I got my food and shake and left.I ddrove off to the park.I actually was in sweatpants and a tanktop both gray.I listened to some music on my iphone I decided to listen to some Keisha Cole "Trust and Belive" I accidently bumped into someone while walking.I feel on top of them.

"Ow,sorry I was'nt watching where I was going"I said while finally opening my eyes oh give me a break turns out it was Jacob latimore

"Monique wow hey thanks for trying to ruin my life but I got it up and working and a lot more fans"Jacob said.I felt kind of guilty but decided not to show it.

"Niqqa look what the fuck you did I wasted my damn donut it fell on the ground it cost 1.00+ TAX but at least my shake is still ok.Niqqa see the shit you just did rocks are in my shake this shit is bullshit this shake was $3.99+TAX niqqa you owe  $5.00.Also have a good life I don't care about your career also after what you did to me you deserved it so go back to your life of fucking bitches and making music"I snapped back.

"Wow still the same Monique well can I make it up to you taking you out to lunch" he said.I tried to say strong I mean Niqqa rule #1 never turn down a free meal but I stayed strong and I got up off of Jacob and left but he pulled me by my ankle making me fall to the floor.

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