Job offers

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Job offers"

I have been looking for a job for quite a while now.Maybe even a job at Dominos,Alberstons,Bjs,Publix.They don't sound like bad jobs.I was looking through the papers,and computer.My eyes froze and were glued to the computer screen when I saw this Job offer.It said "Hiring anther Backup Dancer for Jacob Latimore".I screamed my lungs out.Until my mom bust into my room with a broom.

"Who,What,Where the fuck is it!!!!"

I told my mom to chill.I showed her the Jacob Latimore Job offer.She hit me in the back of my head.

"Ow what was that for"

"Cuz you had me worried I was bout to go Chinese on someone." She replied

"We'll sorry"

"Wait aint this Jacob Fagmore Natimore whatever on tour.


"Oh than you're not doing that job"

"Mom please"I kept annoying her and I gave her my puppy dog face.

"Ugh fine show some responsibilties,don't get pregnant and you may go to this job offer.

"I love you mom!!!!" I kept kissing her and hugging her.I gotta find out what to wear next week.

Galleria's Pov

"Ahh!!!!!!" Monique screamed into the phone.She told me all about the Jacob Latimore background dancer job offer.

I screamed also.

I told her I am gonna help pick out her outfit,How her hair was gonna be,Nails,and accessories.

"No" she replied

"What why not!!!???"

"I don't need all that stuff I'm going to wear sweatpants.I am dancing I have to make up my own moves.Find a sing to dance to. Accessories like bracelets,and Necklaces are not nesscary but you may do my hair."

I pouted,"Fine but I'm still found your hair.Also what cute kind in workout clothes you're gonna wear.

"Whatever I got to go" Monique said.

"What to do"

Monique's POV

I am at my house making up my dance moves.Im sweating like crazy.I decided at the end to do a backflip than a split.


I check who it is than open the door it's Galleria.

She grabs my hands pulls me up to my room.She said she will be picking out my workout outfit.I told her Ok.I said I have to practice I'll be back in my room in 1hour and 30min..She told me ok.Thats how long she will need.


Galleria's Pov

I finally found an outfit out of all these clothes.It was gray sweatpants with a black line on each side.A black addida tanktop.Last but not least addida shoes.

Monique comes into the room sweating like a pig.Smelling like booty.I pushed her into the bathroom telling her to go take a shower.She did as told.I febreezed the air.I left her a note telling her I'm tired and going home.Ugh what a day.

(I would love it if a lot more people read my story I will continue writing more.It will get interesting I promise because someone special will be in he next chapter.)

YOU COME FIRST(A JACOB LATIMORE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now