Chapter 3: Beer, Beer, and More Beer

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        I grinned, finally spotting Alice's door and went inside without hesitation. I sighed and jumped onto the bed, relieved by it's plush softness. Then, subsequently, I fell into my subconscious and drifted into the vast wonderland of my dreams and visual representations of the past or perhaps my plot of future events. For short, I slept without a second thought.


Your P.O.V//First P.O.V

           When morning came, instead of a peaceful awakening, I was instead introduced by a blaring noise. Jerking up in a confused and shocked manor, my eyes darted from place to place. I spotted the commotion, which was, in fact, a large air horn jutting out from the wall.

           I got up in agitation, exclaiming a loud, "What the fu--!" before finally calming down and getting dressed. Luckily, Alice didn't push me out of the bed, more so for me to notice her presence and latest absence. I shrugged, knowing that she either hooked up with a guy last night or was just THAT sneaky. The last part seemed impossible, however, for her tall and buff stature.

           Finally getting into the horrid uniform, I exited but as I did so, quickly did I come to the realization that I had no idea whatsoever, what to do. My pupils skimmed the hallways for any trace of any employees. Nope. Nothing but the occasional inmate that was somehow let loose of his confinement. 

           I once again shrugged and decided I could probably handle this on my own, so instead of going by the 'rules', I decided I'd probably go back to the bar.

           Remembering the note Jailbot gave me, I quickly scurried into my room to capture the crumpled hunk of oddly useful trash. I succeeded and went on my way to get a few more beers to spare.

           It took quite some time to get there, however, as the corridors were like a maze and I'd get stumped every once in awhile, but finally, after a few involuntary attempts, I found my destination with glee, and entered to be met with a slightly boisterous room as of before, but like I mentioned, was a bit more crowded from whence I last saw it. Though as my anxiousness grew, it lowered as I spotted a certain familiar robot, this time accompanied by the Warden himself, who looked really drunk. I actually smiled at the scene, knowing fully well sometimes you need to take a little break every once in awhile.

           Sitting down on the stiff, plush bar stool, I ordered a mug of beer, with absolutely no fees! What an awesome jail, indeed.

            In no time, Jailbot came back with a mug of fizzing beer which I downed it halfway in no moment to spare. I wiped my mouth of any excess liquids and sighed happily, that is, until the Warden spoke up.

           "H-Hey, (Y/N), long time, no see," the Warden slurred, I only nodded in a pathetic attempt to shoo him away.

            "Hey, leave the ol' gal alone, Warden," a strange voice piped up, which I felt very offended at the comment. I'm certainly not gaining any flattery around here, am I?

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now