Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 5

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Maybe this is what I needed to feel better?

I beamed at the gang, engrossed in a child-like blithe, as we laughed on with stupid jokes and antics.

Indeed, it is.


I groaned, my heels and the bottoms of my feet sore from the two hours we've been walking. The Warden persisted that we should explore all these places, but honestly, I was sick of that shit. I was beginning to get extremely bored to the point where I thought death was a better option than walking around in this humid fucking forest. I was quite agitated, to say the least.

"Are you alright?" Ash rasped, setting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled a little at the male, appreciating the fact he cared.

I let out a humorless laugh before retorting, "I could say the same to you, too, bud."

He chuckled in turn but it was awkward and didn't settle well with the atmosphere. I frowned. Something didn't seem right . . .

"What is this queer contraption?" I heard the Warden say from afar.

Curious, I peeked over the crowd yet again, only to let my mouth fall agape. The Warden was prodding at a type of slightly hidden mechanism but I could see from the likes of it that it was a trap. At least, that's what I could infer.

Before I could stop the Warden from prodding the mechanism anymore, a faint click sounded across, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Everything went silent.

At first, I thought it was a dud and I was about to laugh with the others about how stupid it was, but that thought was cut short when four thin, metal poles protruded from the ground, fast enough to encase us without any the wiser. Before any could escape the box-like contraption, a faint, repetitive whir interrupted the silence and continued onward. Curious about the strange noise, I observed the poles, staying far back, just in case.

My curiosity was satisfied when a couple inmates decided to escape. Unfortunate souls, they were.

Upon impact on the invisible barrier linking the four poles together, the inmates shrieked in pain, before letting out a blood-curdling scream. After a minute or so of impact, they fell to the ground. First one, then the other. After that, I could only look at the two inmates in complete, utter shock as they writhed in pain, their skin burnt and full of blisters. Their eyes were popped, one of the convict's heads actually bursting into flames after the other dropped to the ground. The smell was absolutely putrid. The acrid odor smelled like burnt liver with a coppery smell. The worst part is that during the process of being electrocuted to death, one of the inmates let loose most of their bodily fluids, making the fetid smell ever more pleasant. Honestly, the sight was sickening.

"Holy shit," Nicky muttered quietly, his eyes glued to the atrocious scene. Honestly, I felt horribly bad for the two.

The other's were mostly terrified, Paul covering his mouth, his eyes wide open. Jean looked indifferent but I knew he was moderately repulsed. Stingray scowled, but I knew he was scared due to his body posture. Ash was trembling while the Warden frowned profusely.

"Now, how did this happen?" was the Warden's response to the situation, oblivious to their recent actions. I almost barked at him why he would say such a thing but the wind picked up, forcing me to look to the sky. The trees surrounding us swayed viciously, whipping around wildly. Avians of all variety protested copiously to the large mass, flying about in an agitated array of flamboyant colors. The wind whipped up dust making it hard to observe the intruder, so I involuntarily covered my eyes with my arm to obstruct the dirt from getting into my (e/c) orbs.

A behemoth of a flying ship descended down next to us, adapting a blindingly pink coloration. It was huge and intimating. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared nor trembling.

When the ship finally met the ground, long 'legs' holding the ship high off the ground, the terra firma beneath us trembled under its immense weight and I toppled to the ground, unprepared for the quake. After a brief moment of shock, above, on the ship, a door slid open, exposing a blinding light, silhouettes standing by the entrance. Then, inexplicably, a set of stairs descended and settled firmly on the ground. From this, the group descended to meet our vulnerable, quaint group.

My eyes bulged when I saw their figures clearly in the dim light. They were those UltraPrison chicks Alice told me about!

"And what do we have here?" a woman adorning bright attire, looking oddly similar to the Warden, acknowledged us, holding a . . . was that a riding crop?

I guess we're dealing with some BDSM freak, a chick with intangible hair that could probably kill a person, a chick with probably a bigger dick than that of the Warden's, and the bitchiest robot I could ever fathom.

Today's going to be great, I can tell.

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now