Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 1

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           A/N: I decided just to skip ahead of some parts, so don't ask.

Also, I didn't mean to copy off of the episode "Vacation", but instead of a flying ship and all, I made it just a regular ship on the sea. Screw the rules! I'm doing this my way!


         "Oh, thank you, but are you sure I can borrow it?" I said before subconsciously rubbing my sore side/belly.

         "It's fine, I don't need it, anyways," she said before we paused right in front of her door.

          I sighed and went in to start packing my bags.


Your P.O.V//First P.O.V

          "All aboard!" the Warden shouted as the inmates loaded onto the ship. I followed behind them, making sure to stay clear of any gore fests or attacks of some sort. Alice was next to me, holding her huge luggage like it weighed nothing (I secretly envied her for that). As of I? I was struggling to hold mine, considering Alice gave me a bunch of shit because she thought 'I needed it'.

          I sighed and tugged on my new uniform, which after the brief meeting with the Warden, I asked for a few pairs of the inmates' uniforms, just for the hell of it. The Warden didn't appreciate it, but after a while of talking, I coaxed him into giving me the uniform, anyways. 

          My eyes landed on Alice, who was already in her bikini, which honestly, showed too much for me to bare, so I just avoided to look at her at all costs. Hey, at least I'm not bluntly shouting it, plus, if I did so, I'd probably be thrown in a meat grinder by now.

          "Oh, (Y/N)! There you are!" the Warden called and waved me over by the ship's entrance. I reluctantly headed towards him, keeping a close eye on the inmates, before situating myself in front of the Warden.

          "What is it, sir?" I asked.

          "Oh, no, no, no, call me Captain!" 

          "Uh? Captain?"

          "Anyways, there's a feast inside the Galley for all of you, I hope you would be attending," the Warden informed. 

           "Of course I would, I haven't ate in a couple days, so why not?" I accepted. The Warden cheered before leading me inside with Alice in tow, her being ignorant to the Warden's presence. 

          The inside was nice, it was clean and fashionable, adorning a multitude of different artifacts and decorations, I couldn't help but let my features slowly upturn into a light smile. Maybe this won't be bad after all?

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