Vacation: Day 2 ; Part 2

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     A/N: Before anyone says anything, I know that I messed up on the last chapter with the swimsuit stuff, but whatever, just think of whatever for it, I guess. I honestly don't want to change it.

     Also the story format may be off because my computer shut down and stuff, so now I'm on a phone. This should change in a week, more or less, so please excuse my mistakes .


     I muttered a little to myself unknowingly, before I shut my eyes and wrapped myself in the blanket's folds. I blinked a little, before taking a moment to let out a long, deep yawn.

     My eyes surveyed my surrounding before settling towards the digital clock by my bedside.

     3 a.m.

     I let out another yawn before finally closing my eyes, but before I went to sleep, I heard a light chuckling coming from beneath me...

     "Goodnight, (Y/N)," it chuckled deeply.


Your P.O.V//First P.O.V

     My eyes opened in uneven slits, my irises glinting with the sea's reflection gently glinting off of the light cascading from between the small window's curtains. I tossed the blanket aside, groaning as my groggy mind repeatedly commanded for me to get up and finally, I got up, only to hiss at my body's soreness.

     "Really? F-ck," I cursed, rubbing my aching body. I let out another sigh and made my way to my suitcase, taking out another uniform before shrugging and throwing it on the ground. I can live with wearing this old saggy piece of clothe for another day.

     With that, I sat back down and rest my back on the cushioned surface of the bed, my back popped and I groaned in satisfaction. The aching sensation ceased but I continued to lie there, clearly unsure of what to do next. The boat was still in motion, surprisingly, and no one really needed me to do much, despite the sounds outside my door that told me, likewise. I rolled over, bored, and muttered a few more words under my breath, preferably profanities, and got up yet again.

     "What to do, what to do," I asked my self, lowly. I rest a finger to my chin in thought before my senses perked up to the light sound of struggling.

     Quietly, I turned my cranium to the source of the sound, thoughts swarming my mind, most of which were why all this weird sh-t was happening to me, and slowly, but steadily, bent down towards the underside of the cushioned heaven before my eyes violently searched for the culprit.

     Another shuffling resounded from underneath the furniture. I wasn't being paranoid after all.

     This time I hissed and hastily dropped to the ground to inspect the source of the obnoxious sound before spotting a dim silhouette underneath the heavy fabric.

     "Who are you?" I asked, the silhouette seeming oddly familiar.

     Oh, that's right!

     "Oh? I'm surprised a person of your stature couldn't recognize me of all people," the voice retorted rather rudely.

     I cocked an eyebrow before realization set in and my eyebrows raised in fake surprise, "Oh, yeah, the fish."

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