Chapter 4: Stingray, you--!

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        A/N: Little note, since you've got this far without leaving in disgust, just know there's a TON of curses and foul gestures and some mildly explicit words and situations further on, so don't complain if you read it and are mentally scarred, 'cause I don't wanna get sued....Also, here's some Keys:

-----: Beginning/End of A/N

~~: Continued story

***: Timeskip (Used only occasionally)


"Uh, yeah, whatever, anyways, where's Alice?" I asked but he only looked at me, dumbstruck as my words slowly processed in his mind.

Finally, his expression brightened and he slurred, "Oh! She's down the hallway, not really sure, but I saw her come in here only a few minutes ago."

"Ah, shit, really?" I asked and glared at the door. Fu-- you door.


I sighed and headed towards the door, lazily. Might as well search for her....


Your P.O.V//First P.O.V

           Getting out of the crowded bar was a pain, quite literally too. Trying to shove my way through, all I got was a painful jab to my ribs and almost a shiv in the lungs. I hissed, clawing rapidly to escape, which, with the mercy that was granted upon me, I finally got out with just a few bruises.

           Sighing, I looked left and right to find the perfect route to take. It was quite hard to decide which way to go, but I decided to go right, because right is always right, am I right?

          Although, I kind of regretted doing so, as the place was pretty, well, pretty easy to get lost in, but still, I went on, ignoring the painful screams and grunts along the way, which I didn't even bother to investigate. I didn't want to become a big ass meal tonight, no way in hell.

          "Where the hell is she?" I asked myself as I looked to the left of an intersecting hallway. As if luck was on my side, I noticed a familiar tint of red hair.

         Grinning, I made my way through the barren corridor until finally I reached where I assumed she would be and oh man was I surprised.

          Alice was, in fact, here, alive and breathing, but I was shocked (and disgusted) to find her in a leather, and revealing, uniform of some sort, dry humping a male of similar muscular properties, except he was littered with tattoos.

           "Get out!" Alice shouted looking as if she was going to burst.

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