Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 4

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Lucky, I was. My room was free from torment and I was able to retrieve my essentials from the confines of certain areas, whether it be between the mattresses to retrieve my "phone" or under a wide array of junk in the bathroom for a sheet of important epistles. It wasn't too hard, however, and with the time to spare, I brushed my teeth with the hygiene products the Warden generously provided my room with. I decided to take that, too.

And with that, I left to join the rest of the group in this newfound land. What awaited us?


I took my last step down the descending stairs leading to the aforementioned land that the Warden, as well as most of the others, were quite giddy about. I couldn't help as I observed my surrounding, taking in the lively scenery about me. Avifauna sang their quaint songs, fluttering about from tree-to-tree. The vast amount of vegetation and deciduous trees swaying in the wind to say its little "Hello". The only offsetting appearance the island had to offer was its dark interior, surrounded by dense trees and verdure. However, the exterior delighted me, mostly due to the sun giving it a comforting atmosphere. I couldn't help but let my lips upturn into a bright smile, glad I could experience such a wonderful sight to behold.

A loud clapping broke myself out of my dazed state and I forced my attention to the one who brought us here in the first place, the Warden. He held a beaming smile and seemed as ecstatic as ever to give us delightful news; or at least, I hoped it was delightful.

"Welcome, everyone!" the Warden began. "Jared will inform each and every one of you what we will be doing in this land of opportunity!"

Jared burst anxiously through the crowd, quite confounded not only due to these new surrounding but also due to the fact the inmates weren't willing to part for the smaller male. He idly adjusted his uniform and coughed into his hand, looking down onto the papers he so meticulously made. I almost scoffed but I didn't because that'd be just rude.

"We'll first set up camp a little ways through the forest and after that . . ."

"-We'll explore!" the Warden interrupted, happily. I sighed. I'm not fond of exploring unknown lands, nonetheless with the treacherous Warden. Who knows where we were? For fuck's sake, we could even be lost! Now that didn't appeal to me one bit.

Jared tried to inform everyone of the rest of today's plans, which he vaguely explained in the galley, but I was too dazed to heed it. My attention was brought to the sky, which I vacuously watched, looking like quite the idiot. I didn't really care, it was just so captivating how the dawn sky coalesced with vivid pinks, reds, oranges, and light blues. It made it more eye-catching with the verdant trees touching the sky's gracious colors. However, in the pit of my stomach, I knew that our adventure would be quite the contrary. I looked back to Earth, focusing my attention on tedious things, all but Jared. I already heard this before and I could tell he was rambling on about random things that didn't correlate with the adventure on hand.

"-and always remember to stay away from anything ominous," Jared resolved, folding his papers and stuffing it into his pockets. Oo . . . maybe I should have listened? Maybe common sense will save my ass?

"Alright, everybody!" the Warden called abruptly, his face adorning a beaming grin. He's quite excited about this, isn't he? "Any questions?"

The Warden looked into the large crowd of inmates but they were either dawdling or too hyped up on drugs to cogitate what he said. The Warden briefly frowned.

However, soon enough, a few hands rose into the air, anxious to have their queries answered. I, myself, decided to raise my hand, as well.

"Ah, yes!" the Warden exclaimed. "You there! What do you say?"

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now