Land Ho!: Day 1; Part One

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((A/N: Ugh, I guess I could continue the story on here . . . but I will update sooner on Quotev:

Also, this was made a while ago, so it's quite cringy. I apologize.

Author's P.O.V.

Daylight struck the horizon with its bright rays, blinding every inmates eyes with it's light. It was just around six, which was a normal time for every inmate to wake, but for others, it was a begrudging hour.

The large mass lurched forward, taking every awaken or narrowly awaken inmate by surprise. Foreign birds from outside cawed in protest as a loud "thud" resounded throughout the entire corridors, eventually seeping into every room in the floating abode. Everyone knew the long, strangely slow trek was over.

Now that's out of the way, shall we take the appearance of the heroine yet again?

Reader's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open with slight resistance and a short, audible groan escaped my parched lips. Finally, my frontal lobe recalled what happened, and I laid there in thought. I wondered where Alice was, what she felt, or more specifically, what she felt of . . . me.

I let another sound, this time of regret. It happened so suddenly, it was hard to recall all details and . . . did I pass out? I was guessing so, since the sun was set firmly on the horizon, it's image making it's appearance through the curtain's small crack. Then I realized something more . . .

We weren't moving.

I let out a small chirp of relief, my gratitude of the journey to point A to point B was finally over. Though my gratitude was cute short as the movement of another being jolted my figure. Dramatically, I turned my head to see the creature that spooked me,

or in this case, "creatures".

My breath hitched as I remembered the figures. The blindingly yellow figure was obvious, his arm wrapped sloppily over my moist torso and the other took a little bit more time to recognize . . . Oh, of course!

Obviously it was one of his close "friends" or whatever Stingray called him, which, if I remember correctly, was Nicky? I'm gonna assume that's correct. His body looked as if it'd been thrown on the bed like a rag doll. One of his legs were off the bed, but the rest of him was positioned in an odd manner. I didn't heed to it much.

Well, that brings one question, though, the only question that was blinking in flashing yellow lights in my head: "Was I taken advantage of?" I whispered quietly, my form going from cool and relaxed to jittery and surprised.

"Oh, shit," I muttered, looking down and sighing in relief when I realized I was fully clothed, but that only supported half of my doubt.

I sat up, the cold fabric drooping lazily off my skinny form. I ran my fingers through my hair, hissing when my fingers didn't go cleanly through. I really needed a brush.

I shrugged that thought off before thinking it was a good time to observe my surroundings, which were definitely not pleasing to the eye. I decided to look for . . . other things, but instead, I found another heap lying on the floor with slightly bloody clothes staining the yellowish fabric. I recognized the figure as Ash, the sweet and reliable figure I occasionally talked to in my spare time and also the victim of Alice's assault.

Not caring if I woke up the other two figures, I hurriedly got up and scurried to the side of the unconscious male. It looked like he was trying to go somewhere, but instead, he fell unconscious. I prodded him with a finger before thinking of a better idea. I checked his pulse like any Good Samaritan and a smile lit up my face as I felt his heart beating at a steady rate. The smile was short lived as a intercom from somewhere in the hallway blasted a loud message for all to hear . . .

"We have reached our destination! Everyone, gather your stuff and change your clothes, we're going on an adventure!"

Of course, it was the Warden, but the only thought I could think of was the fact he called it an 'adventure'. I groaned and let out a long string of curse words. That must've awoken the others for the bed springs creaked. I looked behind my to only become face to face with the infamous "Lord" Stingray. His eyes were furrowed beneath his mask, or what I assumed to be a mask. A sly grin was prominent on his features,

"Hey, babe," he flirted but I only frowned. I wanted to bitch slap that fucker but the only thing I could muster was a groan of protest, which, if I remember correctly, I've been doing a lot recently.

I turned my body, my back now facing him and I smirked as he let out a hiss. Then, as I resumed my useless observation of Ash, a pair of arms looped over my shoulder and lightly choked my figure with it's grip. I continued my observation like nothing happened. Of course, the male became upset and tried another tactic.

"Hm, wasn't last night fun?" the male chortled, his breath against my ear, knowing fully well I was becoming alarmingly uncomfortable.

"What . . . What do you mean?" I asked, my gullible nature sinking in.

"Oh? You don't remember? I'm surprised," I could practically feel his smirk against my neck now. "You want me to to elaborate?"

I knew he was probably gonna say something I didn't want to hear, but my curiousness got the best of me and I nodded my head. I could tell he was satisfied by my answer.

"Well, first of all, you came here in the middle of the night, assuming lay drunk and asked to ------ my -------. I then proceeded to talk you out of it, I swear, but you kept persisting!" I cocked a brow, my eyes as wide as saucers, but he was obviously enjoying the story telling, so I begrudgingly allowed him to continue. "Then you pushed me out of your way, and stripped your clothes and ----- your --------- -----------"

"W-what," I muttered in shock, my face heating up.

"Oh, but that's not the end of it," he chuckled. "Wanna hear the rest?"

"No, dude, I think that's enough," a voice interrupted. I turned around to see Nicky wide awake. He looked at me and smiled, "He's lying, you know that."

I let a deep sigh of relief, feeling incredibly grateful of his statement. Stingray and growled and said, "Way to ruin it," before letting go of my quivering form. I looked back at his retreating form before letting out an impetuous giggle. Stingray smiled a little in turn, but that was short lived as the intercom repeated it's commands yet again, but in a more forceful manner.

Sighing, Nicky got up before stretching and lazily searching for some unknown object. By this time, a small moan escaped the shyer one's lips. I looked down to see his eyes fluttering open in confusion.

"Where . . . ?"

I cooed a good morning to him with a small smile. He looked up, still confused, before a moment of realization hit him. By this time I finally noticed how serious his wounds were when he got up but failed to do so.

Figuring it would be unkind of me to leave him in the condition he was, I offered to help him sit up but all he could muster was a simple nod. So, by wrapping my right arm under his arm, I tried my hardest to pull him up. It worked, but i wouldn't say it was perfect, either.

"Hey," Nicky cut in, "let's change those bandages, alright?"

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now