Vacation: Day 1 ; Part 3

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WARNING: This is kind of read at your own risk ('Д' ) 



          Stingray chuckled, which shortly turned to maniacal laughter, causing me to look at him with a concerned expression. I would've NEVER guessed this guy was a lunatic (Sarcasm). I stepped back, back against the wall, before all of the sudden, the lights burst and all I could see was darkness....


First P.O.V//Your P.O.V

           I opened my eyes.


          I opened them again, focusing on at least anything....


          I shook rapidly, the feeling of isolation tearing my form into bits and pieces of flesh, one by one. I didn't know where I was, I didn't know when it was, but all I wanted to know is if my well-being was safe. I quivered some more, fearing the most horrific of situations to come.

Snap Snap

          It sounded like a snap from someone's fingers.

          "Hey? (N/Nickname)? You awake?" a voice asked, but your mind was to hazy to comprehend the origin of the voice, yet it sounded familiar......

          Oh, of course, it was the one and only, Lord Stingray.

          "(Y---/----N)," he called again, this time letting the syllables slip off his tongue in a ever so slowly fashion.

         "Y-Ye----s?" I croaked, and coughed, realizing my throat was parched.

          "Good girl," He grinned, my eyes unable to see his form by the fabric that separated my eyesight from reality. "Now, we have a few questions, and I ask for you to cooperate," a smirk grew on his feature, paralyzing me in fear, "or there will be consequences."

          He seemed giddy at this, and I shivered in protest, not knowing whether this would refer to just plain torture......or worse......

          I set that aside, waiting for the sadistic male to continue.

Mistake (Male Super Jail x  reader)Where stories live. Discover now