Land Ho! Day 1 ; Part 3

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A/N: First of all, this is mostly based off the rough draft that YamiBaki has provided me. I decided since they aren't particularly active in this story that I'd do my own thing and recreate it entirely (as it was already in the process of being made). Hopefully, this doesn't upset anyone!

I'd also like to say that I'm nowhere near fluent in German so please bear with me.

Also: ereyesterday: Day before yesterday. It's not technically English, as the word practically died, but I'm still using it.


I gagged voluntarily, almost practicing to be dramatic for the day. I might as well talk to the posse too. At least, that's what I usually do. Do I have any variety? I always hang out with the same people, it's kind of funny, really, heheh . . .

Welp, I guess I'll indulge in "fine dining".


I patted down my attire, my lips curled in disgust. Petty inmates and their clumsy nature! Now I have this unknown nosh staining my garments! It's the only outer garment I have . . . so changing was out of the question.

"Maybe if I add a tad bit of water?" I queried to no-one-in-particular whilst involuntarily fiddling with the cloth. I shrugged, giving the question a bit of thought. Might as well head back to my sojourned living chambers. Won't be going back in a while so might as well.

I let my appendages fall to my sides before letting a sigh slip from between my chapped lips. My eyes fluttered as I glanced about the empty galley. I had an omnipotent creature to thank for the lack of dialogue with Alice. She seemed totally oblivious to my being. I guess I was doing the same, however.

I kicked the ground before coughing into my hand a little. It was a bit too quiet in this large space. It made me feel compelled to leave, but somehow I stayed.

"Fuck it," I said, pushing the fact that I was loitering profusely in an empty dining hall. It was pointless and tedious. I'm going to stick with what my encephalon says, instead of my body feigning fatigue. Damn this cursed body!

My boots echoed across the tiled floor as I made my departure. I had a few things in mind when I left this behemoth of a vessel. Plus the repetitive use of yellow was quite blinding and was beginning to induce a migraine on my cranium. However, I digress yet again. I was to collect my necessary belongings, most of which I lack due to certain circumstances. Let's say my old attire up and left mysteriously as well as some other belongings from ereyesterday. Who honestly is counting? Oh, yeah. The author.

The corridor was also deathly silent.

Oh, but I lied. It was bustling with activity! I mean, this was their chance to flee from this treacherous rocking boat that left them to the mercy of the sea's mighty tendrils. Many of us have become ill from the motion. I would be lying if I wasn't a tad bit queasy on the trek here. Wherever "here" is.

I looked at my arm, seeing rough epistles drawn crudely onto my arm with a drained sharpie. It was hard to read, but there were no words! I mean, how else am I going to navigate in such a place without a proper map? I don't recall of having a map, and if I did, it must be in the recesses of some unforgiving alternate world for all I care. The maps around here were quite vague. Not like my arm made it any better.

I quickly sped through the halls and just like that there was my designated room. I failed to mention of a certain figure blocking the entrance, however. I scowled as I recognized his putrid, atrocious visage.

"Doctor," I seethed, already knowing this was going to be a bad encounter. He was here voluntarily so what did he want? I just want to relax and rid my body of this shaky mass that has lead us so far.

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