Chapter 3: Rare Occurance

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Andrew stared at me, almost longingly, for a moment before moving towards me. I shied away and he reached his hand over and took mine tenderly in his. My face heated and I tried to pull away but his grip just tightened.

"Alli…Alli, I just- I wanted to tell you that I think you're a really great person." What? He didn't even know me. What made him think this?

"Your aunt has told me a lot about you; I can tell you're a really great girl. You know…different," he stated- confidently now. My head snapped up and I studied him for a few seconds. His expression was soft, gentle, like no other expression I'd seen before. He seemed genuinely serious.

"But…what makes me so special?" My voice weakened as I said the word special. I lost all confidence once more and looked down. He surprised me again by lifting my chin with his index finger. I peered up at him slowly. He flashed a silly smile, wiggling his brows at me. I couldn't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said prophetically. I couldn't take him serious and I laughed more.

"Now, back to what we were originally doing- the tour." He actually started the gator this time and pulled out into a large pasture. I was more interested in him, than the tour at that moment so I glanced at him curiously.

"Whatcha looking at?" he asked jokingly. I quickly looked away and glanced at the trail in front of us; filled with bumps and potholes, the gator jerked like a ship out at sea in a tropical storm.

"Ladies and gentleman, er lady! Please keep your hands and feet and nose and eyes and ears and all other body parts inside the vehicle at all times," Andrew announced loudly, smiling. I laughed quickly, already seeming to loosen up with him. We came to a cluster of trees and he entered in between them slowly. With a quick jolt, the gator stopped and he shut off the engine.

"What are we doing?" I asked, curiosity temporarily overtaking my shy nature. He looked at me, pointed to a cluster of cows lying lazily among the trees, and spoke happily.

"Now for the fun part." My mind began to whirl at all the endless possibilities when he approached me from my side of the gator.

"My lady." He bowed, putting his left hand behind his back and offering me his right. I blushed, of course, and allowed him to assist me down from the gator. He nodded curtly and released my hand. The disappointment that went through me in waves surprised me and I mentally scolded myself for falling for him so quickly.

"Do you like animals?" I debated what to say for a moment before speaking.

"More like love," I said cheerfully. Animals were my refuge; they seemed to understand me.

"Really?" he looked pleased to have something in common with me. I nodded and he led me closer towards the cows.

"Rob asked me to check on the cows for him everyday. All the cows are expecting and this hot weather makes him worry," Andrew explained why we were here, "So I could use some help if you don't mind." I shook my head quickly and stepped closer to him, uncomfortable by the bull who was eyeing me steadily. Andrew noticed me and spoke up.

"Don't worry, he may look tough but he's really just a soft-hearted puppy." He laughed as if he was reminiscing about something. I nodded and proceeded towards the cow Andrew was glancing at.

"That's Lilly. I've been worried about her. She hasn't been doing well." My heart got heavy with worry and I knelt down next to her, stroking her neck softly.

"Hi Lilly," I whispered softly in her ear. The cow watched me carefully, and then extended her snout to sniff my hand.

"She likes you." Andrew's voice came from behind me and I nearly jumped. I had forgotten he was there.

"Easy," he said, laying a hand on my back and giving me a reassuring pat. I turned my head to look at him. He noticed me looking and knelt down next to me, taking my hand in his and pressing it to the cow's large belly.

"Feel that? That's her baby moving around in there." Andrew whispered in my ear and a tingling feeling passed through my spine. I took in an abrupt breath of air as I felt the movement beneath my fingertips. I looked down, amazed.

"When is she due?" I asked quietly.

"Any day now." Andrew released my hand and began gently massaging the cow's neck. Lily's tense body relaxed and her eyes fluttered closed.

"Wow. You're- you're amazing," I remarked in awe. He shook his head.

"Naw. I'm nothing special." I sure thought he was, but I didn't say it aloud. Night was falling and I yawned, my eyes growing heavy with sleep. Andrew caught on instantly.

"Hey, we should get you back. You look exhausted." I protested quickly, "But you haven't finished checking on the cows. What if one of them is sick?" My breath came in quick pants. His face softened with worry, but I had a feeling it wasn't about the cows.

"How about I get you inside and then come straight back here to check on them," he offered. I thought for a minute, and then nodded.

"Okay." He looked pleased and I smiled up at him. Andrew helped me into the gator then drove back to Aunt Darcy's home. I entered the house to be greeted by Aunt Darcy.

"Did you have fun Alli?" She looked from me to Andrew, smiling widely.

"Yeah, um, we went to check on the cows," I said before she could get to ahead of herself. Her eyes flashed with disappointment, but it was gone before I could think much about it. Andrew pointed towards the door.

"Well, I've got to finish checking on the cows," he said to Aunt Darcy and then looked at me, "Goodnight Alli." His voice softened and I nearly lost it there. He was so handsome. Every time Andrew looked at me, I was certain I was dreaming. I managed a weak smile and receded to my room. Joy and Alyssa bounded into the room right after me, like toddlers excited to hear their bed time story.

"So, how'd it go?" Alyssa smiled, raising her eyebrows. I shoved her playfully.

"How'd what go?" I answered, faking confusion.

"We saw it Alli," Joy burst out, "We saw him hold your hand." Alyssa groaned.

"Joy, we were going to let Alli tell us…remember?" Joy's face dimmed.

"Oh…yeah." I watched them closely.

"Well, I'm telling you, nothing happened."

"Liar!" Joy shouted.


"Liar. Liar. Liar," she repeated annoyingly. I shooed them away with my hands.

"Go away. I'm tired." I pretended to yawn. Alyssa watched me speculatively.

"You're faking it. But, I'm going to go anyways and be a good sister." She smiled at me angelically. I shooed her out once more and Joy followed Alyssa out the door. Sighing, I dropped down onto the bed and lay there. Andrew. Andrew. Andrew. Ugh, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I closed my eyes tightly and attempted to force him from my mind. Andrew. Andrew. Andrew.

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