Chapter 10: Something Wonderful/Terrible

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Andrew and I sat on the soft grass for hours, not speaking, not even saying a word. I was nestled in his comforting arms, listening to the rhythmic pounding of his heart. Finally, I pulled out of his arms and looked up at him. His warm smile met mine and sent my heart to racing.

"Do I always have that affect on you?" Andrew smirked, continuing to look down at me.

"What affect?" I blurted instantly, event though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You always get all weird when I smile at you. Should I frown?" Andrew tried his best to frown at me, but a smile tugged at his lips. Defeated, he broke into a wide grin.

"I don't," I whispered defensively.

"You do."

"I do not," I growled, pulling completely away from him.

He wiggled his eyes brows at me and spoke in a mocking tone, "You do too."

This time I stood up and stalked towards the horses. "Whatever." I heard Andrew stand up beside me and follow in pursuit of me. I broke into a run and got to the horses just before he did. I flung myself on top of Annarose and gave her a gentle, but firm kick. "Yah." Annarose jumped forward and increased into a full gallop. Andrew was still in the process of getting on top of his horse. I closed my eyes against the wind and listened to the thudding of hooves upon the ground, the whistling of birds above, and the deep chuckle of Andrew. Wait...Andrew? My eyes snapped open and I glanced beside me. Andrew had managed to get close enough to me, grabbed the reigns, and pulled Annarose to a stop.

"Got you." I rolled my eyes and looked away. Still holding on to Annarose's reigns, Andrew jumped off his own horse, who pulled at the grass beneath him, and pulled me down from Annarose.

"Why are we getting off?" I questioned, pulling away from his grip. His eyes softened and I suddenly shied away from him, looking down at my feet. He loomed dangerously close and I swear I could hear the pounding of his heart. I tensed up and continued looking away.

His voice sounded melodically in my ears, "Because I wanted to do...this." Andrew lowered his head towards mine. Shock, unfortunately, made me freeze as I realized what he was doing. I tried to tell him to stop, but all that came out was a quiet gasp. He continued his decent towards my lips and I squeezed my eyes shut. He put his hands on my cheeks and I felt my face grow warm beneath his hands. They fell away abruptly at the loud chime of his cell phone. It continued brazenly, having interrupted this moment. He moved away from me after giving me an apologetic look. I merely turned around to pat Annarose's nose quietly. I turned back to Andrew and watched as his face paled. His eyes darkened and his lips began to quiver slightly.

"Are-are you sure?" I heard him whisper into the phone. He must have gotten an answer because the phone fell limply from his hands. I watched it fall to the dusty ground almost noiselessly. Without looking at me, Andrew got up on to his horse, turned, and fled.

"Andrew," My cry echoed after him, but he didn't turn around. With a feeling of loss and dread surrounding me, I climbed on top of Annarose and raced after him. The dust from Raider's pounding hooves caused my eyes to burn and I closed my eyes helplessly. Annarose seemed to know where she was going as she guided me back to the barn. Inside, I quickly put Annarose in her stall and ran after Andrew, who was walking rapidly towards a small car, which I assumed was his mother's.

"Andrew, stop!" I shouted, "Stop," I quieted into a whisper. Andrew suddenly stopped, but his back was still turned to me. I stepped towards him and laid my hand on his shoulder. He flinched due to my touch. "Andrew, please tell me what's wrong," I whispered soothingly, turning him to face me. His eyes were clouded and sad.

"It''s.." Andrew had trouble processing his words.

"What is it Andrew?" I continued to speak softly.

"It's my mom." He looked as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders and I could see he was at a breaking point.

"Andrew," I whispered, suddenly pulling him into a hug. He let out a shaky sigh. "Let's pray, okay?" He nodded and I prayed quietly for him and his mother. I felt him relax, but I hugged him tighter. "I love you, Andrew," I spoke meaningfully and he pulled away from me and managed a half smile, but I knew it wasn't real. Tears pooled silently under his eyes and began to run down his cheek. I put my hand on his soft cheek, wiping away his tears, and pulled him closer to me. I took a deep breath and pressed my lips against his.

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