Chapter 17: Young Love

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<One Week Later>

Claire paced the ground in front of the couch. Aunt Darcy was busy stirring something up in the kitchen.

"Claire, you're making me nervous," I smiled at her and she stopped pacing.

"Sorry. I just haven't seen Jet since that day. And, well, I don't know what to expect," she paused, "At least you'll be there too."

"What's to worry about? I can tell he likes you and you like him too."

I smiled replaced her worried expression, "I guess you're right." Claire and Jet had invited us to go to the picnic as expected and today was the day. I had just gotten out of the hospital the night before. Andrew of course was there almost every waking minute. I managed to convince him to leave during the night time at least. He was the one who escorted me home. I smiled at our conversation the night before.

----12 Hours Earlier----

"I'm glad you get to go home, Alli," Andrew's smile was warm.

"Me too."

"When you...when you got hurt. I thought I'd never get to see your smile again."

"My smile?"

"Yeah, it lights up my world."

"That's an exaggeration."

"No, it's not. I mean it."

"I hate my smile."

"It's the most beautiful. Keep using it." Andrew ignored my comment.


Claire snapped me out of my reverie. "What should we wear to this picnic?" She had moved to sit beside me.

I thought for a minute. "I don't know. What do you think?"

"Well, let's wear something nice."

"OK," I said indifferently, smiling slightly.

Aunt Darcy called us into the kitchen to eat. "Mm, yum," Claire licked her lips at the sight of the fluffy pancakes.

"Delish," I smiled in agreement. I couldn't wait for the day to officially begin.


Andrew grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. My yellow summer dress that hung down an inch or two below my knee swung as I nearly collided into him. I laughed along with him, but let him continue to hold my hand. With the help of Claire, my hair had been placed into neat curls that outlined my face and held with a small bow that matched my dress.

Claire and Jet walked a few feet in front of us. Her dress was a light blue, yellow floral patterns stretching across her midsection in a belt fashion. Her brown hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail that was held by a large daisy clip. Jet wore dark jeans and a neat black shirt. I smiled as they looked at each other nervously.

I felt Andrew squeeze my hand and turned to watch him. He was smiling at me and its contagiousness caused me to smile back.

"What are you smiling about?" I whispered, laughing softly.

"Do you think we were like that?"

"Oh, why'd you ask? Much worse...I don't know about you, but I was much, much worse."

Andrew smiled to himself. "I'm glad you're not too shy of me anymore."

"So am I," I squeezed his hand before releasing it and walking ahead of him. Claire turned to smile at me.

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