Chapter 14: Most Special Day

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To my utter and complete shock Alyssa and I were told that Jake and Andrew had gotten together to plan something for us to do. To make it worse, I didn't much agree with their choice and neither did Alyssa. Andrew had informed me that they were going to take us dancing. The problem was that we could most definitely not dance.

I brushed through my short hair several times until it shone. Alyssa stood beside me, carefully combing through her own hair.

"Why did they have to choose this?" I muttered. Alyssa turned to look at me before looking back into the mirror.

"Well, we have told each other we wanted to learn how to dance." I remembered that time, two years ago now, when we had danced around with our imaginary partners, spinning and laughing like idiots. We didn't necessarily think it would ever happen to us until the day we were to be married. But to our misfortune that moment had in fact arrived.

"What are we going to do? We're going to trip over ourselves!"

"Oh well..." Alyssa said dryly. Sighing, I turned away from the mirror and retreated to my room to get dressed. I pulled on a light silky blue dress that hung loosely to my ankles and was carefully stitched in a swirled pattern. Turning I placed a diamond cross necklace around my neck and pulled on a pair of black flats. I took a few seconds to stare at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn't satisfied with my appearance, but I gave up and left the room to find Alyssa.

I found Alyssa standing in the living room. She wore a beautiful black dress that fell to her knees and swung graciously with every movement she made.

"Wow..." I murmured softly.

"Like it?" I nodded my head quickly and turned when I heard a knock at the door. I couldn't see who it was because the sun had already fallen, but I knew it must be Andrew. Jake suddenly appeared from the other side of the house and stood at Alyssa's side. I saw him murmur something to her, most likely about how pretty she looked, and then turned to open the door.

Andrew stood there, a beautiful smile etched on his face and spoke softly to me. "You look amazing, Alli." I blushed hard under his gaze and looked away. When I finally regained my confidence, I turned back to him and noticed he was wearing a suit. Not to mention, he looked incredible in it.

"You look so handsome," I murmured, wishing I had the confidence to say it louder so he could hear me.

Andrew stepped forward and whispered in my ear, "I heard that." I felt my face grow red and turned away from him to get myself under control. I eyed Jake who was wearing a polo and tan shorts. Well, I thought to myself, they obviously didn't talk about what they were to wear. I smiled in spite of my self and walked over to where Andrew and Alyssa were talking.

"You know, we don't know how to dance," Alyssa was saying.

Andrew replied with a grin on his face, "All the better."

"How is that better?" I asked, having come up behind Andrew without him noticing me.

Andrew spun to greet me, "You'll see." He gave me a cocky smile and I hit him lightly. He threw up his hands in protest and I smirked in return.

Jake cleared his throat to get our attention and we turned to face him, "Okay, are you all ready to go?" We all nodded our heads slowly as Joy skidded into the room. Aunt Darcy followed.

"Why don't I get to go?" Joy was whining.

"You don't exactly have a dancing partner, do you Joy? You and I are going to have our own fun."

"Alright." Joy decided to send me a jealous glare and I returned her look. Sh marched out of the room as quickly as she had arrived.

Aunt Darcy smiled at Andrew and I and then spoke happily, "Have fun."

"We will," Andrew returned her smile.


<Two hours later>

Jake and Andrew stepped out of the car, each opening the door for us. Andrew smiled at me and took my hand in his.

"Are you ready for this?" he whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him and smiled, "Not really." I turned my head to see where we were heading. A beautiful stone building, carefully designed, stood to the left of an arch. The arch was decorated with pretty white flowers and led to a podium. It was an outdoor restaurant.

"Wow, where did you find this?" Alyssa whispered from somewhere behind me.

"Andrew and I looked into it," I heard Jake say back. I smiled to myself as I looked at the tables and chairs that were set up in front of me. A few people, mostly couples, sat at them and talked quietly amongst themselves. There was a small platform where people were swaying to soft music. I gulped as nervousness began to overwhelm me. Andrew gave me a worried look and I tried to smile reassuringly. He gave my hand a squeeze before heading to our table. Jake had already spoke with the man who stood at the podium. We were lead to two different tables, but they weren't far away.

Andrew pulled back my chair for me and I wasn't surprised when I felt my face heat.

"Sheesh, Alli. You always blush," Andrew joked.

"You're lucky we're in public and I'm not going to hit you," I shot back. Andrew gave me a cheeky grin before looking down at his menu. The waiter approached a few minutes later and we ordered our food.

Andrew caught me off guard when he suddenly asked me to dance.

"I'm not so sure about that. I already told you I cannot dance," I said nervously.

"Come on. It'll be fun," he said reassuringly.

"Fine. But just this once."

"Once you start dancing with me you won't ever want to stop," he laughed.

"What makes you so sure?" I said speculatively.

"I just know." I didn't believe him, but I nodded anyways. Andrew stood up, took my hand, and practically dragged me to the platform. Jake and Alyssa followed shortly. Alyssa gave me a look that I was sure mimicked my own. We were both nervous.

"Okay, now put your hand on my shoulder," Andrew instructed softly. I did as he said. "And put your other hand in mine." His hand was warm and I smiled as he pulled me closer to him. I stole a glance at Jake and Alyssa and saw they were doing the same.

Andrew smiled down at me. "Now you just have to follow me." He began taking slow steps to the music and I followed him. I was a little stiff at first, but I felt myself loosening up. I looked over his shoulder and watched Alyssa and Jake dance. Alyssa was smiling and Jake was talking quietly to her. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled as he began whispering softly the words of the song.

"You know this song?" I asked quietly.

Andrew stopped to answer me, "Mom used to sing it to me when I was little."

I felt bad and stopped dancing to look at him, "I'm sorry Andrew. I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine Alli, really. I'm glad you asked," Andrew's smile was sad, but I knew he was serious. He continued moving to the music and took me along with him.

"You're a good dancer," I smiled warmly, changing the subject.

"It's one of the things you learn down in the country," he laughed.

"I wish I had learned earlier."

"Well, you know now don't you?"

"I guess so." I smiled at the thought. "Thanks for teaching me."

"I'm sure you'll use it again in the future. Maybe at one of the most special days in your life."

"I hope so. Do you think you'll dance again on the most special day of your life?"


"What makes you so sure?"

"Because the person I want to dance with hopes to dance on the most special day of her life too."


*The most special day- wedding ;)

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