Chapter 20: Fact

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As I sat on the cool dark leather of the couch, I thought of all the fun Andrew and I had had together the past few days. After he had taken me home, he dropped by every day to talk and check up on me. My bandages had been removed, but ugly scars remained.

I noticed that Jake had been avoiding me and only saw him when we were called in for lunch and dinner. Even then, his gaze had remained on his food and he pretended I wasn't even there in his conversations. Like I cared.

With a rush of excitement, Joy bounded into the room and skidded to a stop in front of me. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and her hazel eyes shone.

She flung her hands skyward and exclaimed, "Guess what!"

I rolled my eyes, stifling a chuckle. "What?"

Joy leaned closer to me and whispered, "Jake and Alyssa are going on a date."

I groaned, "And this matters why?"

"Jake told me he was going to ask her something important. Like probably to get married or something." Joy's expression was charged with excitement about her latest gossip.

"Honestly, Joy. You know Alyssa's only a freshman in college. She still has three years of college left."


Joy was known to not think things over before coming to a conclusion.

"They're not getting married Joy," my words were edged with frustration. Even though the likelihood of a marriage proposal was slim, the thought irritated me.

The door swung open and I swiveled to see who had entered. Uncle Rob stood tall in the doorway and smiled at us.

"Hey girls," his greeting was warm. I smiled and offered a small wave, Joy doing the same.

Uncle Rob scanned the room, his gaze eventually returning to us. "Where's Claire?"

"Probably with her new-found friend, Jet," The word friend was laced with sarcasm. Uncle Rob nodded and closed the door again. I wonder what that was about.

Deciding to do some detective work, I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed Claire's number. Her bright cheery voice was heard through the phone about leaving a message. A feeling of worry replaced my earlier mood. Claire never turned her phone off. Shrugging off the feeling, I turned back to Joy.

"So where are they going on a date?" I was simply curious.

"Jake told me he was taking her to this place called Bella Vita or something."

La Bella Vita. That was where Andrew had taken me on our first date. I smiled at the memory, but wasn't so happy Jake had chosen the same place.

Joy noticed I was done talking and left the room. I watched her disappear out the door, probably to ride the gator.

To my complete dislike, Jake entered next. His eyes caught mine, but darted away before I even managed a sneer. He looked uneasily about the room, coughed slightly, then turned and went out the back door. He was probably looking for Alyssa.

Thinking I finally had the place to myself, with Aunt Darcy on a trip to the grocery store, I stretched across the couch and laid my head on the leather arm rest. I sighed and unconsciously ran my hands through my hair.

"Alli!" A mock squeal made me jump.

I didn't even look to reply, "Alyssa." Alyssa walked around from behind the couch and smiled at me, the kind of smile where you know something is up.

"What are you doing?" I said the words slowly.

"Guess what! Guess what," Alyssa didn't give me time to answer, "We're going--"

I stopped her. "I know. I know. You're going on a date." Alyssa seemed disappointed that I wasn't more excited.

She frowned and dropped down onto the seat beside me. Alyssa sat there silently for a moment before finally speaking. "Why don't you like Jake?"

"He just makes me so mad. There's something about him," I shrugged and offered a slight smile.

Alyssa didn't bother to return the smile. "Well, I hope you can find a way to like him." She looked a little  angry by the way her jaw clenched and unclenched.

I nodded slightly, before raising from the couch, "I think I'm going to go on a walk now." I didn't wait for Alyssa to respond as I exited out the front door and down the pavement.

The hot air struck me like a viper and the sun heated my face. My confusion kept me moving, I needed some place to think. I needed to know what to do about Jake.

My first thought went to the shaded clearing where Andrew and I had talked. The soft grass and tall trees beckoned me. I knew if I went there, though, I would be lulled to day-dreaming and think only of Andrew.

Right now I needed to think of Jake.

Joy had taken the gator so I decided to walk towards the barn. Although the barn did contain memories of Andrew, I came to the conclusion that every where I went would remind me of him.

I entered the barn and the sweet scent of fresh hay took over my senses. Sitting down, I leaned against a bundle of hay.

What was wrong with me? Why did I allow someone like Jake to control my mood? I thrust my head back in a melodramatic way and smiled to myself. I wasn't going to let him control me any longer. I welcomed the new me and stood.

Well, that didn't take long.

I stepped out of the barn and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Andrew standing there.

I moved past my initial shock and sneered at him, "How long have you been standing there?"

Andrew pretended to look at his nonexistent watch. "I'd say about a minute."


"Hey there. Who's the one who saved you from the dark, scary woods, huh?" Andrew smirked at me.

A twinge of pain passed through my scars in reminder of that day, but I smiled despite it. "You did," I crossed my arms over my chest and pretended to pout.

Andrew nudged me and I straightened my arms at my side.

"Well, I heard a little rumor that Alyssa and Jake are going to La Bella Vita on a date. You're excited right?" I cocked my head at him and smiled.

"Fact or rumor?"

I groaned, "Fact."

"Forget that, Alli. I have a little fun planned of my own." Andrew leaned against the frame of the barn doorway.

"You do, now? Am I invited?"

A rush of air escaped from his lips. "Pssshh."

"Is that a no?" I resumed my crossed-arms position.

"That's a yes, Alli."

"I think I should study up on my--what kind of language is that?"

Andrew thought for a moment, "The language of pffft."

I harrumphed, "Creative."

"Thank you," Andrew's deep brown eyes were sparkling.

I stepped farther out of the barn and scanned the horizon to find a dark green speck, known as the gator, moving along by the fence and Joy's long brown hair flipping around in the wind.

I turned back to Andrew, "What was that we were going to do?"

"Let's go exploring!" Andrew smiled at me childishly.



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