Chapter 15: Li and Clai

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The next day the sound of my buzzing phone woke me. Who would be calling me this early? Without looking, I lazily pounded my hand along the side of the bed until my hand came in contact with the phone. I studied the caller id. Claire! Claire was my cousin, not to mention my best friend. She was one of those people I could be myself around and not have to worry about her judging me. I smiled and flipped the phone open.

"Clai!" I squealed into the phone.

I heard her laughter before she answered. "What's up Li?" I smiled at her use of my nickname.

"I'm wondering what you're calling me for. That's what I'm doing," I responded, waiting patiently for her answer.

"You know I'm a sophomore. Well, I'll be a junior when the summer's over."


"And I turned sixteen."

"And you got your liscense!" I laughed loudly into the phone. The two years that seperated us didn't make a difference in our friendship.

"And that means," I could hear the smile in her voice, "I'm coming to see you!"

"When?" Excitement began to overwhelm me. She was my best friend after all.

"At about ten."

I glanced at the clock. It was 9:30. "You mean to say, you'll be here in thirty minutes?"

"Yes!" She screamed into the phone and I accidentaly dropped it. I scurried to pick it up and listen to the rest of her response. "You better be ready. We've got stuff to do!" The phone clicked off and I didn't waste a second getting ready.

Nearly thirty minutes later, I rushed out of my room and towards the front door. I gasped in suprise when I bumbed into a solid wall of warmth.

"What's your hurry Alli?" I melted at the sound of his voice and looked up at him quickly.

I was too excited to worry about being shy. I even managed not to blush. "Claire, my cousin, is coming. And I can't wait to see her!"

Andrew laughed. "Do I get to meet her?"


"I don't think I've ever seen you this excited," Andrew chuckled. I tried to move around him, but he pulled me into him. "You're trying to run off without even properly greeting me?"

"Sorry," I smiled up at him, returning the hug. I moved away from him and ran out the door. I heard him follow.

"She'll be here any minute now," I murmured to myself.

"Easy killer. You could spend time with me why you wait," Andrew looked at the ground in mock hurt.

"Alright, alright," I groaned and moved back to stand beside him. He smiled down at me.

"You're too easy."

"You mean I'm too nice," I corrected.

"Oh...yeah. Uh huh, that's what I meant." I gave him a light swat for extra measures. "You're really mean to me you know."

"Now's not the time to annoy me," I laughed playfully, challenging him with my gaze. A flash of white appeared in the corner of my vision and I turned to study the white car that was slowly pulling down the long driveway.

"Clai!" I shouted suddenly.

"I thought you said her name was Claire."

"Same difference." I looked up at him and smiled.

He shoved me gently. "Go on, go catch up with your girlfriend." He slurred the word girlfriend and I couldn't help but burst into an uncontrolable laughter. The car grew nearer and I rushed to meet it.

Claire stopped the car and got out quickly, her dark brown hair that was pulled into a neat ponytail swayed as she approached me and her green eyes flashed with excitement.

"This is the best suprise ever," I shouted at her, smiling broadly. I could hear Andrew's protests from behind me, but ignored him.

"Who is that?" she whispered into my ear as she hugged me.

"Come on, come meet him!" I could tell she knew that I liked him. Claire and I marched up to where Andrew was standing on the front porch.

"Someone told me your name was Claire, or was it Clai," Andrew spoke. I shot him a glare.

"Only I can call her that. Anyways, Claire, this is Andrew." Claire smiled politely and gave a little wave.

"I'm her boyfriend," Andrew stated bluntly. I watched as Claire's eyes grew wide. She looked to me and I gave her a tiny nod, confirming it.

"Wow," was all she said, looking between him and I.

"It's kind of a new thing," I said, breaking the akward silence. "I would have told you already if I had had the time."

"Sorry about that Claire, I've kinda been taking up all of her time," Andrew let out a deep laugh.

"Naw, that's alright." Claire gave me a huge smile.

A little while later, after Claire had greeted everyone, we returned to the porch.

"Let's go do something!" Claire said, bumping into me playfully.

"Like what?"


"Sounds like fun to me," Andrew smiled, "I bet I can catch more fish than the two of you combined."

"Oh, it's on," I smirked.

Claire joined in, "Sorry to burst your bubble and all, but I am an excellent fisher."

"We'll see," Andrew challenged.

We packed up the fishing rods and climbed into the gator. Andrew insisted on driving. I squeezed in the middle between Claire and Andrew. The had fun leaning against me so I could hardly breathe.

"You two need to quit tag-teaming against me," I hissed through gasps.

"Someone's getting feisty," Andrew teased and wasn't suprised when I sent another swat in his direction.

"Oh, she's always feisty. You should have seen the time when-" I quickly cut off Claire waith a glare.

"Oh, you wouldn't."

"I would."

"You better not."

"I will!"

"Please, no," I begged now, pleading her with my eyes.

"Fine," Claire huffed and leaned back in her seat. We were nearing the pond now.

"I'm going to make it my life goal to find out what you did now," Andrew laughed.

"Good luck," I murmured sarcastically. Andrew stopped near the pond and we piled out, grabbing our fishing rods along the way. He led the way along the edge of the pond. Claire and I tripped numerous times, grabbing on to eachother for support.

Andrew came to a sudden stop and I ran into him. I laughed, but grew silent as a deathly hissing sound reached my ears.

"S-s-nake," I quivered. I saw it's lethal eyes peering up at us through the water. Andrew stepped slowly forward and I followed. I didn't notice until it was too late that my shoe had caught in an upturned root. My right foot slid on the muddy bank, my left foot pulling free from the root but it was too late to regain my balance. I toppled over, landing with a crash into the murky pond. The hissing sound I had heard earlier echoed in my ears as my head connected with a rock.


A special thanks to muffingoesboom98 for the amazing cover! I love it! :) Tell me what you all think of this chapter!

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