Chapter 22: After Dusk

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I nodded subconsciously even though it couldn't be seen through the phone, closed the phone, and stared blankly at the LCD screen. Andrew had his arms around me in an instant even though he didn't know what was going on.

I pushed him away not taking note of the hurt expression that crossed his face.

"Take me home," I said flatly.

He nodded slowly, "Okay, let's go." He tried to guide me, but I shrugged out of his grip and set out in front of him. I didn't bother to see if he was still following.

Claire. Claire was missing. My cousin. My best friend since I was a little girl was missing. This was all my fault. I should've been more careful. Make sure I'd known where she was at all times.

I dissolved in to tears and wiped furiously at my face. I reached the truck and climbed into the pasenger side, slamming the door for no reason. Andrew got in a few moments later and started the truck. I stared out the window and didn't speak as he began to navigate the dirt roads.

A few minutes later I began to notice we had passed the same location multiple times. We were going in circles.  I stole a glance at Andrew and saw him pull a hand through his hair in frustration.

He saw me watching him and began to speak softly, "I'm sorry Alli. When we drove down all these roads I didn't think to make sure we knew how to get back."

"Part of exploring, huh?" I whispered, almost harshly. I didn't know why I was being so cruel, but I didn't want to pretend to be happy.

"I guess so," Andrew frowned. I noticed he was being extremely patient with my attitude.

"Do you want to know what happened?" I spat.

Andrew looked at me, concern wrinkling his brows. "Alli, you don't have to tell me. Only if you want to."

I was getting frustrated with his kindness. I wanted a reason to be mad at him. "Look. Claire's missing, okay?" I sighed angrily, wanting to cry, but not wanting him to see me break.

An expression of pure shock crossed his face, changing to sadness, and then finally to determination. "We'll find her."

"I don't want your help." I don't know why I said the words, but I did, and there was no taking them back.

Andrew still refused to get angry. "Look, Alli. The more people that help, the faster we'll find her," His words were annoyingly calm.

I wanted to yell at him and tell him to stop being kind, but I couldn't argue with his point and all I wanted to do was find Claire.

I crossed my arms, "Fine. Where do we look first?"

"When did you last see her?"

"Last night. She left early this morning to see Jet. I should've asked where she was going." I realized that I had let a little bit of my emotions slip and closed my eyes to try and hide it.

"You can't keep up with everyone, Alli," Andrew's words were gentle.

I opened my eyes. "But she's only sixteen. She's got a lot of life ahead of her."

"And you're only eighteen. You've got a lot of life ahead of you too." Andrew looked at me pointedly.

I ignored him and looked down at my shoes, "Do you have Jet's number?"

"Yes. Let's call him now," Andrew pulled over and flipped open his phone. He pressed a button and a loud beep announced it was on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Jet's voice sounded confidently over the line.

"Hey Jet. It's Andrew. Alli and I were wondering if you saw Claire today."

"Yeah, I saw her," Jet said quietly.

"Um, when did you last see her?" Andrew picked up the conversation again while I fidgeted in the passenger seat.

"I took her on a date. We went on a the woods."

"And?" I spoke up, frustration sounding in my voice. Andrew gave me an apologetic look.

"I left about six hours ago. She said she wanted to walk some more. You know...think about things," Jet began to sound nervous. The line grew quiet, "Why?"

"No one has seen Claire today," Andrew spoke calmly, saving Jet from an angry shout from me.

The other end of the line grew a deadly quiet and I began to wonder if we lost the signal.

"I'm going to the woods now. I can't-- I can't talk," Jet's murmur was hard to decipher.

"No, Jet, wait," Andrew paused and then continued when he didn't hang up, "We need you to tell us where you walked at the woods." Jet gave Andrew the directions shakily and then hung up. I was almost tempted to feel sorry for him, but I was also angry with him for leaving Claire alone.

A few minutes later, Andrew pulled over. Dusk had begun and the trees shook ominously. I almost fell out of the truck as I hurried towards the trees. I heard Andrew's footsteps beside me and then smelled his recognizable perfume as he draped his coat around me.

"Thanks," I murmured. He took my hand and didn't release me even when I tried to jerk away.

"The last thing we need to happen is for you to get lost too, Alli," Andrew offered me an explanation; his words were tainted with worry.

I began to shout Claire's name and Andrew joined me. The silence that met us was unnerving. Where could she have gone? I refused to let myself think that she was hurt, or worse...dead.

We continued deeper into the woods and the sun sank completely beyond the horizon. Finally, an answer was heard, but not what we wanted.

A growl echoed threatingly among the dark trees and then another and another...

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