Chapter 21: Hide and Go Seek

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Andrew stopped at a stop sign and didn't move forward again. He turned and smiled at me.

"Which way, Alli?" The road split three different ways, each leading to some remote part of the country.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head.

"Pick your fate," Andrew said in a mock menacing tone.

"I think I'll pick my fate the right way," I smiled at him and grew still. He gave me a funny look.

"Would you just tell me already?"

"I did. I said I'd pick my fate the right way," I used extra emphasis on the word, right.

Andrew scoffed, "Tell it to me straight."

"Nope, I said I wanted to go right, not straight." Andrew's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion before transforming to an annoyed look.

"Gosh Alli, I give up." Andrew pressed the accelerator and turned right. We continued on the small two lane road. I smiled triumphantly, but didn't speak.

Andrew sighed and gave me a sidelong glance, "Lets play twenty questions."

"I'm game." I smirked.

"I'll go first," Andrew paused, "What's your favorite color?"

"Sky blue," I answered instantly.

He smiled, "Your turn."

"Favorite book?"

"Romeo and Juliet. Favorite name?"

This time I didn't speak for what seemed like a long time. "I think I might like the name Andrew a little bit."

"Now you're talking," Andrew smiled broadly at me, clearly happy I had mentioned him. We asked questions quickly until it was his turn for the last question.

"This is my last question. And...and...well, Alli, I would like to know what you like about me." Andrew's gaze connected with mine and I tried to hide the blush from my face.

Oh, gosh. What do I tell him? I didn't move for almost five minutes and Andrew didn't speak; he was being patient. Here goes nothing.

"Well, I like the way your eyes dance when you smile at me and the way your voice gets soft when you speak my name. I love the way you love God and trust him and how you're so brave. Most of all, I love the way you love me." For the first time in a long time confidence shown through my words. I was proud I had just gone ahead and said what I felt.

"Wow, Alli," Andrew smiled at me, but seemed at a loss for words.

I cleared my throat. "My turn," I erased all emotion from my voice. "Okay, so Andrew, what have your other relationships been like?"

It was Andrew's turn to appear nervous. He continued to navigate us along the many dirt roads and he kept his eyes on the road, but not before I noticed he looked uneasy.

"I don't want to make you upset, Alli," His words were soft and I barely caught them.

"It's alright. I'll be fine." I offered him a reassuring smile even though he wasn't looking at me.

Andrew stumbled over his words. "I was in a serious relationship with another girl not too long ago. Her name was Brenna. She...I--"

"Just tell me," I whispered gently because I could see the war he was battling inside him.

"We dated for a long time, you know? And...and I thought I really loved her..."

"But you didn't," I finished.

Andrew's eyes darted my way before returning in front of him. "Yeah, I didn't love her. But the thing is," he cleared his throat, "The thing is, I didn't figure it out until after I proposed." His voice broke into a desperate plea, "I broke her heart Alli. I broke her heart when I told her. When I told her I didn't love her a month after I proposed." He shook his head, trying to erase the emotion that was causing tears to well in his eyes.

Something ran through my head that I didn't want to think. Did Andrew not love me? I looked out the window and watched the deserted field that stretched as far as I could see.

"Stop the truck, Andrew," I told him firmly.

He looked my way quickly, a distraught expression on his face. "What? Alli...Alli I," he whimpered.

"We're going to walk, I'm not leaving you," I said and turned to look out the window to hide the look of amusement from my face despite all that was happening.

Andrew pulled over to the side of the road and I climbed out. I started across the field that the sun had turned golden with its rays. Andrew caught up to me and he still looked distressed.

I took his hand in mine and smiled at him. "Let's forget about that right now and have some fun exploring, okay?"

"Sounds good to me," Andrew had effectively erased the pain from his voice. The field was overgrown and clearly had not been taken care of in a long time. Some of the grass had managed to grow taller than me.

Andrew suddenly laughed and I snapped away my gaze to look at him. "I know, lets play hide and seek." His smile was daring.

"You're on. I'll hide and you seek," I told him. You're never too old to play hide and seek.

He nodded, "Alright. When I count to ten I'm coming after you," he closed his eyes and I disappeared into the grass, "One, two, three, four, five,"

I maneuvered through the grass as best I could and headed towards the center of the tallest grass.

"Six, seven, eight, nine, ten." I crouched down in the grass and attempted to quiet my breath.

"Ready or not, here I come," Andrew's voice called, mimicking a young child. I chocked back my laughter and listened to the steady thump of his feet on the ground. I looked up and could see the sun was beginning to set.

"Where are you?" Andrew called even though he knew I would not answer. I could hear him getting closer, but he suddenly moved farther away again.

Suddenly, my phone broke out into a caterwauling of chimes. Yikes! I hurried to silence my phone, but Andrew had already found me.

"Gotcha!" He cried out and pulled me into a tight hug.

I pulled away, laughing, "Hold on, it's Uncle Rob. I should probably answer." I flipped open my phone and smiled into it.

"Hi, Uncle Rob."

His voice sounded worried on the other end of the line, "Where are you?"

"Oh, Andrew and I went for a ride," I eyed Andrew and smiled at him silently. He winked.

"Is Claire with you?"

"No, why?" A worried feeling began to form in the pit of my stomach.

"She still hasn't come home. We've looked everywhere, Alli. Claire's missing."

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