Chapter 24: College Call

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There is a time in everyone's life when they finally begin to understand the meaning of life. What they are made to do. I may not know yet what I need to do, but here in this moment I know I need to be there for the boy who was always there for me. The one who made me smile when no one else could, the one who loved me more than I felt I deserved, the one who held me in his arms, the one who told me he loved me for the first time, the one who never gave up on me. I owe everything to this boy.

I awoke to the sound of my loudly ringing phone. The number was unrecognizable. I used my arm to push myself into a sitting position and pulled open the phone.


"Hello, this is the University of Arkansas calling. Is this Alli Owens?" The man on the other end of the line sounded professional.

My heart began to pound, "Yes, I'm Alli Owens."

"I was looking at your transcript and I was very impressed with your grades. You've already got a few college credits as well."

"Er, yes," I said nervously, running my hands through my messy, tangled hair.

"You're interested in a veterinary medicine major, correct?"

"Absolutely," I smiled to myself.

"Well, I would like to invite you to the University of Arkansas on a scholarship for pre-vet. An official letter will be arriving shortly."

I clamped my mouth shut to keep from squealing. "Really?"

"Yes," I could hear the amusement in his answer. "I hope to talk to you again."

"Thanks. Bye," I shut the phone and pulled my pillow to my face to muffle the squeal I emitted. I dialed in the number and hit call before I knew what to think.

"Hello, Alli-girl," Andrew's sweet deep voice came from my phone.

"Andrew! Andrew, guess what?" I screamed excitedly into the phone and heard him chuckle in response.

"Alli, calm down," he continued to laugh, "What is it?"

"Someone from University of Arkansas was on the phone! They offered my a scholarship there for pre-veterinary medicine!"

"Arkansas, huh?" Andrew' smile was made clear by his voice.

"Yeah, I can't wait. I'm going to miss you though," I frowned. Andrew still hadn't made his final decision on where he wanted to go to college.

"Don't worry about that now, Alli. You just got accepted into Arkansas!" Andrew tried to distract me.

"I guess so," I allowed a half smile to pull up the corners of my lips.

The other end of the line grew quiet for a moment, "Hey Alli, I'll be over in a bit. This calls for a celebration." He didn't wait for my response as the line clicked off.

An hour or so later after I had put on a nice yellow frilly shirt and dark jeans I walked into the living room.

"Surprise!" Andrew stood up from the coach with a pretty bouquet of yellow carnations and a "Congratulations!" balloon. He shoved them into my arms before giving me a half-hug around the flowers.

"Thanks," I said, still staring down at the flowers with a shocked expression. I finally looked up at him, eyes shining, and sat the flowers and balloon on the counter.

Aunt Darcy walked into the kitchen, smiling. She looked at me, then at Andrew, then at the balloons, before finally speaking, "So what do you have planned for today?"

Andrew smiled at me as he spoke, "I'm going to take her horse-back riding and we're going to have a nice picnic."

I felt a rush of excitement and my eyes reflected that. "Really?"

"Why not?"

"Let's go!" I refrained from jumping up and down and settled for tugging on his arm.

"Alright, alright," Andrew feigned annoyance. He escorted me towards the door.

"I'll be back in time for dinner, Aunt Darcy," I turned to smile at Aunt Darcy.

She smiled back, "Sure you will."


We arrived at Andrew's a few minutes later. I got out of the car and headed for the barn before Andrew had time to open the door for me.

"You head out to the barn then and I'll get the picninc basket," Andrew's voice faltered when he realized I was already gone.

I barely took time to breathe in the warm smell of hay and horses before I stopped at Annarose's stall. "Hey girl," I whispered. I reached up to stroke her forward and she breathed warm air into the palm of my hand. I opened the stall door and reached for a brush to stroke the dust from her back.

Annarose turned and nuzzled my pocket with her snout. I dug into my pocket and retrieved a peppermint.

"How about one of these, girl?" I unwrapped the mint and offered it to her.

"Annarose sure is glad to see you," Andrew leaned over the stall door casually and smiled at me. I moved to pick up the saddle, saddle blanket, and bridle.

I stopped in front of Andrew and smiled back, "I think I've got this down now." I ignored Andrew's smirk and quickly saddled my horse. When I turned around Andrew had already retrieved his horse. He raised his eyebrows.

"You've had practice." I brushed past Andrew and mounted Annarose. Andrew followed my lead.

Kicking lightly on Annarose's flank, I eased her into a trot while Andrew kept pace beside me. We trotted in comfortable silence for a few minutes, heading across abundant fields of sun-kissed grass.

Andrew looked over to me, "Are you having fun yet?" I nodded silently, looking over at him then straight ahead again.

Finally, I sighed and looked back at him. "I'm just so worried. You don't know where you're going to college--it could be California for all we know--and I just...I'm--"

"Afraid?" Andrew looked at me somberly, our horses walking close enough together now that he could reach over and hold my hand. I looked down at our entwined hands and frowned. "I know how you feel, Alli. I'm afraid too," he took in a deep breath and waited for me to look at him, "but the thing is, if we're meant to be together, then God will find a way to keep us together."


I shoved away the uncertainty and tried to smile. The mere thought of us being together forever as questionable sent my heart into a panicked frenzy.

"Just trust me, okay?" Andrew smiled again. The sweet and sincere look on his face reminded me while I was so desperately and completly in love. Our horses had come to a stop by now and were both grazing quietly. We both slipped from our saddles and began to walk through the tall golden grass in no certain direction.

I looked up at Andrew and he looked back at me before turning away. He was too late though. I saw the sadness that glazed his eyes. I saw the uncertainty there, the loss, the heartache. It was all in his eyes.

I took his hand and pulled slightly. "Andrew, look at me." He turned his head towards me, but still did not look directly at me.

Nothing more was said.

I gently tugged on his arm and slipped into his embrace, supporting him as he leaned into the hug, seeking comfort there. I let him put his head on my shoulder and softly ruffled his hair with my right hand.

I spoke in a soothing whisper, "It's going to be alright, Andrew. Everything is going to be okay," I paused and then softly added, "I promise."

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