Chapter 12: Fantasy or Reality?

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<12 Days Later>

Light filtered in rays through the trees, touching my skin with warmth. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the rough bark of the tree. I imagined Andrew right there beside me, his warm smile loomed in my head almost hauntingly. In all honesty, I missed him. I had finally found someone who could make me laugh no matter the circumstance, and him being gone for these twelve days crushed my soul. He had invited me to the funeral, but I refused. I didn't want to take away from his last time with his mother, he needed to say goodbye to her on his own.

Cows mooed softly a few feet in front of me. A new calf that was born three days ago stared at me curiously. I couldn't keep my mind from wandering to Andrew. He had been the first to show me the cows after all. I pulled at the grass beneath me unconsciously. I was falling apart and I knew it. The sound of the gator approaching caught my attention and I opened my eyes again to watch it approach. Alyssa, Joy, and Jake waved at me giddily and pulled to a stop in front of me.

"We're going for a drive. You wanna come?" Alyssa asked happily and Joy scooted to the middle to give me a spot. Jake sat in the back.

"No thanks. I think I'll just stay here," I muttered softly.

"Aw, come on Al," Jake whined like a child. I was too down to put up a fight, so I just shook my head silently.

"You've got to quit moping over that boy," Alyssa remarked, but I continued to look down at the grass, defeated.

"Get up Alli," Joy spoke annoyed.

"I'm not going," I repeated quietly. They eventually gave up and pulled away. Dust from the gator burned at my eyes and I rubbed at them furiously. Tears threatened to spill and wasn't just because of the dust. The heartache that I was feeling was becoming unbearable. I didn't even know it was possible to miss someone that much.

I decided to do something instead of moping, so I stood up to walk deeper into the forest. The trees stood tall above my head and the wind tossled my hair playfully. The cows watched me leave quietly, although ever so often they would moo softly. I began to hum to myself songs I had learned in church choir. My voice seemed to bounce off the trees and echo ominously.

"There you are," I heard a voice say behind me. I continued on humming, not stopping to even see if the voice was real. I was probably dreaming it all up.

"Alli," the voice softened and I felt someone touch me. My humming came to a abrupt stop as I felt a familiar electricity jolt through me. I couldn't make this up, could I? Despair came through me as I realized that there was no way I wasn't dreaming and I dropped silently to my knees. Tears began to rain silently and a whimper or two escaped from my lips. I didn't even bother to turn around.

All of the sudden I felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me into it. The familiar smell of a certain cologne reached my nose and I instantly relaxed into his arms.

"Andrew." I whimpered.

"It's me," he replied, his words softer that I'd ever heard them before. I wasn't dreaming. I didn't move away from him to look at him because I was too afraid to leave his warmth in fear I would never feel it again. "I've missed you so much, baby girl." He had never called me that before, but I found comfort in his words.

"I've missed you too," I choked out, closing my eyes against him. There are no words to describe the feeling that was going through me in waves.

My next words fumbled out unsteadily, "I didn't. Know what to do. Without. You." A fresh wave of tears began to flow down my face. Andrew began to stroke my hair and I relaxed even further into him. Instantly, I felt guilty. He was the one who just lost his mother and I was crying all over him like an infant. I tried to pull away, but his hand brought my head back to his chest.

"Relax," he whispered softly and I listened to his words. He began to stroke my hair once more and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I asked him, gaining a little more control of my voice, but not much.

"I am now," he whispered, still continually stroking my hair.

"I'm so lucky to have someone like you," I murmured, my voice fading as I grew tired.

"I'm even more lucky to have someone like you," he whispered in return, squeezing me in a playful hug. I managed a soft giggle and closed my eyes. He continued speaking to me, but all I could hear was the soothing rumbling of his deep voice. I gave in and slipped into a peaceful sleep.


I blinked open my eyes to the sound of chirping crickets and looked at the blackened sky. I was suprised to see I was still in Andrew's arms and he was still stroking my hair faithfully after the moon had long rose in the sky. He was staring silently up at the sky. I turned over to look at him and he returned the look when he felt my movement.

"Hey Alli," he whispered.

"Andrew," I spoke softly, "why didn't you wake me up? I would have walked home. You didn't have to sit here all this time."

"I wanted to be with you."

I opened my mouth to argue, but thought better of it and decided to just smile at him instead. I blinked slowly as he looked back down at me.

"I love it when you smile, Alli," his words were kind, genuine. I didn't like my smile, but I was too comforted by him to argue. I attempted to pull out of his arms again, but this time he let me. "I'm really sorry I was gone for so long. I should've come back sooner." Andrew frowned.

"You needed time, Andrew. I understand, I just missed you so much. More than I've ever missed anyone," I realized that the words that come from my mouth were completly true. Andrew's lips transformed into a smile.

"I missed you more than anything. I didn't want you to see me in the horrible state I was in."

"You're never in a horrible state," I smiled, laughing softly. Andrew chimed in the laughter, and the familiar feeling of my heart melting returned. Something about his laugh lit up my world.

"I don't ever want to go back. I want to stay here with you forever," I said meaningfully.

"We might want to go back if we ever want to eat or drink again," he laughed, "but I completly agree."

I couldn't help the huge grin that formed on my lips. "Well, what are we going to do now then?"

Andrew rubbed his chin, feigning thought. "I could do this."

"Do what?"



"If you would be still and quit talking I could show you."

I grew still, "Fine."

Andrew leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips. It took me a while to even be able to breathe; my stomach fluttered and my heart stopped beating for the few seconds his lips were on mine. He moved away slowly and a smile took its place on my face.

"That was..."

"Incredible?" he finished, a small smile playing on his lips.

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