Chapter 6: Small Talk and Ravioli

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After we had finished our meal, which Andrew insisted on paying, we got in his truck to go visit his mom.

"Ready?" Andrew asked, smiling at me, after he took in a shaky breath. It seemed like he was the one who wasn't ready. I nodded anyways and smiled reassuringly. He started the car and slowly backed on to the main road. Andrew set his mom's to go order on my lap and I held it against me, the warmth spreading through my body. After a couple more minutes, Andrew pulled in to a parking lot and stopped the car. Curiousity took hold and looked out the window to stare at the tall tan building, towering over the truck. My eyes wandered to the black lettering that stretched across the front part of the building: Ratliff City Hospital. I looked at Andrew and he met my eyes almost nervously. Andrew pointed to the building and shrugged.

"We're here." He flinched, as if anticipating something horrible from me, but I just smiled at him and got out of the truck, carrying the food in my hand. I walked around the truck to where Andrew was waiting.

"Let's go," I said calmly, hoping to ease his nerves. He smiled shakily at me and we entered the building. The smell of sterile equipment and hospital food overwhelmed me as we stepped through the glass doors. I slipped my hand in to Andrew's and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I had seemingly grown more bold with Andrew, and I liked it. As he held my hand, I noticed him trembling and I looked up at him worriedly. Andrew didn't meet my gaze. He pulled me through the lobby to the elevators and pressed the UP button. I waited patiently, but he didn't seem so patient; he was tapping his toe on the cold tile floor. The elevator door opened with a loud clang and we entered. The buttons went all the way up to 22, skipping 13. He pressed 19 and the elevator moved effortlessly up 19 stories. I leaned up against the elevator wall as we rocketed skyward. I wasn't a fan of elevators. This time Andrew was doing the comforting as he smiled at me from the other side of the elevator. Finally, the elevator came to a stop and the metal doors clanged open. I walked out, a little too quickly, and followed Andrew down a long hallway. The walls were bare and the floor was a similar white washed color of the walls. An arrow hung above the hall with the words, 'Cancer Treatment Center' displayed boldly.

We came to a tall wooden door and Andrew knocked quietly upon it, his voice quiet. "Mom?" I murmur came from the other side of the door in reply. The door creaked as he pushed it open. I walked in to the dimly lit room and waited for my eyes to adjust. His mom, frail and small, lay huddled beneath the bleached covers. Her face still contained the resemblance of youth and her thick black hair curled down to her shoulders. Cancer treatment, thankfully, must have not caused her hair loss. Large, deep, beautiful brown eyes smiled at me; reminding me so much of Andrew.

"Alli!" Andrew's mom smiled at me in recognition. "Andrew's told me so much about you. Come...sit." The friendly women waved me over to a plastic chair beside her hospital bed. Her voice was surprisingly strong, but it had a motherly softness to it.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Holland," I smiled politely and sat down in the chair.

"Call me Sara. Or Mom." Her eyes twinkled and I tried hard to hide my blush. Andrew shifted akwardly at the other side of the room, then shuffled through the room to stand beside me.

"Mother," his voice was pleading, begging her not to embarass him.

"Oh come on, honey. I'm just joking," Sara reached for his hand and squeezed it reasuringly. I liked Sara, she was funny and sweet and kind and just perfect. I looked down at the food that still remained in my hands.

"This is for you, uh..Sara," I thought a moment before continuing, "We brought you your favorite...ravioli." I set the bag of food on her lap and she smiled gratefully.

"Wonderful! You two are too sweet."

I gestured to Andrew. "Oh no,  it was all his idea."

Andrew shoved me playfully. "Take a compliment, Alli." I rolled my eyes and looked back at Sara who now ate her ravioli quickly.

"Mmm," she rubbed her belly and smiled, reminding me once more of Andrew. I looked between them both noticing more similarities. We talked for what seemed like all day before heading back to Aunt Darcy's. She would be missing us. We got in the truck and just smiled at each other.

"That was so much fun. Thanks Andrew," I spoke softly.

"I'm glad you had fun." Andrew started the truck, turned on his headlights, and pulled out of the parking lot. He looked relieved.

We rode the rest of the way home mostly in silence, just enjoying being in eachother's company. The front porch light was still on, meaning someone was waiting up for me.

"There going to be wanting to hear all about my day," I said, feigning annoyance.

"Well, go tell them!" Andrew said, leaning over my lap to open the door for me.

"Hey, I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself." He shrugged and smiled cheekily at me.

"Get out of here."

"Fine then," I pretended to be mad as I stormed up to the door. Before I went in, I looked back at him, smiled, and then opened the door. He waved at me and smiled back. He's so adorable. When I stepped in, Joy and Alyssa were waiting for me. I raced down the hall to my room, Joy and Alyssa in hot pursuit. I slammed the door and leaned against it as they tried to force it open.

"Alli! Come and tell us all about it," Alyssa called out jokingly.


"Let me in," Joy whined. I ignored her and held my ground.

"Aw, come on," Alyssa called through the door.


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