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"This is so cool, this is so cool, this is so cool," Gray said over and over again as his leg bounced up and down. He looked up at me and smiled excitedly, and I smiled back.

I then smiled over to Zach who was on my left, but my smile slowly faded when I saw he was too busy in his phone to notice. But for some reason, he looked sorta upset as he stared down at it. I was trying not to seem weird, but my eyes wandered down to the screen anyway, noticing a pretty blonde that looked about our age. She was prettier than me, I'll give her that. It was probably his girlfriend. Lucky bitch.

I nudged my shoulder with his, making him quickly look up at me. "Who's that?" I asked calmly, bringing my hands up to my hair to start making a side braid. We were about to get soaked, and my hair wasn't pretty when wet.

He looked down at his screen, and locked it, putting it in his pocket before looking back up at me. "It's, uh, no one. Just my girlfriend."

My eyes furrowed. "You seem confused about her. . .may I ask why?" My fingers fumbled to get my hair in the right places for the braid and I mentally groaned. I was usually good at doing my hair, but braids weren't my thing.

"She's just really clingy and bratty." He told me, shrugging.

"She can't be that bad-"

"She told me she loved me after a week of dating," he interrupted, looking back at me with a smirk. "Oh hey, do you want some help?" He asked, referring to my hair. I arched an eyebrow at him. "My mother made me do her hair as a kid," he explained, taking my hair in his fingers as he began to weave it.

"So if you don't like your girlfriend, why date her?" I asked him. It really didn't make any sense why he stayed with her. There was no point, really. But, of course, I don't know the first thing about relationships so I don't think I really knew what I was talking about.

"I really don't know, to be honest. I'm probably going to break up with her once I get home to stop this hell," he sent me a smile before focusing back on my hair. "But why are you asking? Are you jealous?" He wiggles his eyebrows as he exaggerated the last word.


I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "No way."

His smile morphed into a smirk. "I'll pretend like I believe you." He said, just as he finished my hair. "There, done. You got a hair tie?"

I brought my left wrist up, to show that I do, in fact, have a hair tie on me. If I didn't, then I would attempt to put my hair in a braid. He quickly slipped the band off my wrist and tied it around my hair to make sure the braid stayed in place.

As he finishes, he looked back up at me, making our faces only a couple inches apart. My breathing got hitched for a split second, and he opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by someone tapping on the microphone, telling us that the show was starting. I turned my attention to the water, and not to Zach's hot face.

"Hello. And welcome." The woman's voice came through the speakers. "Before the show starts, I recommend that you put any electronics away, as you will get wet."

"That's what she said." I mumbled, followed by a quiet chuckle from Zach. I gave him a smirk, then focused back on the show.

"Now, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today," the lady said, as a crane was placed above the water, a dead shark hanging from it by the tail. "She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes up."

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