f o u r t e e n

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The second we walked into the evacuation center near the water, Owen had picked me up and set me on one of the empty cots, passing me off to one of the island's paramedics. Apparently, I had some pretty nasty road rash on my knees, thighs, and forearms that needed some attention. I guess I didn't know it was that bad. 

I noticed Owen was standing behind the man now, watching with worried eyes. I waved him over, and patted the spot next to me on the cot, and he hesitated, but sat down by me anyway, wrapping an arm around my waist. 

The paramedic picked up an antibacterial wipe, and turned back to me. "Alright, this might sting, sweetie." Owen's arm around me tightened.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Owen, I'm fine. It's just a couple scrapes-" I felt a stinging sensation from my right knee and my teeth gritted a bit as I grabbed the nearest thing to grip onto, which was Owen's knee.

Owen chuckled, taking his arm from around my waist to grab my hand that was now latched onto him with an iron grip. "It's okay to not be a little badass every second of your life, Andy." I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Plus, that was the hardest part," Said the paramedic, Jackson, was his name as it was printed on his nametag. He sent me a smile and began to wrap the gauze around the first knee. "The next couple times will be easy as pie."

Jackson finished the first knee fairly quickly, and immediately began on the second one. Owen soon left after that, probably to go find Claire or something. It was probably her, as they needed to figure out what the heck to do with this place now. Even though I already missed his presence, I decided that it was a good idea that he left, so I could focus on finding someone else in particular. I haven't seen him since we got here, and I wondered if his parents were here yet. 

After scanning the crowded room multiple times, I finally found him. He was sat down at a table with his brother, and next to them were two younger looking adults; one man, and one woman. I'm assuming they were their parents, only because I could tell how much Zach and his father looked alike, even from this far away. I felt my heart melt from the happiness that was overcoming me as the family looked so delighted to be with each other, and safe. I then wondered if my parents were around, or even decided to fly out here to see if their daughter was okay. I haven't seen them yet, but for the first time in a long time, I actually wished they were here. That was a surprise.

I was caught off guard when Zach's eyes then met mine, and I could feel the blush creeping up onto my cheeks as I could not find it within me to wave, or even send him as something simple as a smile. To say he looked gorgeous, even after an entire day full of hell, was such an understatement. I was somehow finding it hard to breathe, and all he did was look at me.

He suddenly mouthed something, and I was too busy drooling over him, that I almost didn't catch it. I think it was just a simple "Hey", but I wasn't sure. 

I'm such a freak.

"Is that your parents?" I decided to mouth back to him.

I saw him smile, then look over to his parents who weren't paying attention as they were both catching up with Gray, before looking back to me and nodding. "Wanna meet them?"

"Alrighty, kiddo, you are all set," Jackson suddenly said, as he finished the last thing, which happened to be my right arm, before setting the tools back on a nearby tray and pulling his rubber gloves off.

Well, he couldn't have had better timing.

He gave me a hand as I hopped off the cot, and I thanked him for his help before heading towards Zach, and his family. I wasn't going to lie, I was nervous. He was about to introduce me...as his girlfriend. I felt like that would be a bit of a shock to them, only because he had one before he came here. I needed to make a good impression. 

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