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"We know she's in sector five," I muttered to the many InGen guards surrounding the table, while pointing to the exact sector. I wanted to comment on how fucking ridiculous they looked in their matching uniforms, but my mouth stayed shut. "This is a game we call Hide-and-Seek. It's a scent drill. We've done it about a thousand times with these animals." 

"How do you know it will work?" a random guard asked, followed by a couple different guards sneering. 

I hope my raptors kill you all.

I felt my jaw set, but I decided to ignore him. No use in bickering with the man now, he'll die in ten minutes anyway. "When the girls get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage," I told them. "Raptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone. That's where we'll take our shot. Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you've got. And for the love of freakin' God...don't shoot my raptors."

If you do, Andy will kick my ass.

"Are you done, pretty boy?" the same asshole from before asked. "Some of us want to stay alive, here." And of course, this was followed by multiple snickers.

I had the lump of the I-Rex's flesh from earlier today in my back pocket, so I took it out and under-hand tossed it towards him. He freaked out, just like I thought he would, and made the most funniest face as he tried to dodge the flesh, but failed miserably. 

I had to hold back my already growing smirk. "Dude, you're screwed if you get scared by just the damn flesh." I sneered, making him send me a glare.

Turns out Andy and I were right. These people have no clue what they're getting into. Great.

Barry tossed the flesh back to me and I decided to be the bigger man, and walk away before anything else happened. It was time to head out, anyway. I wouldn't want my raptors being let out without me.

 I kept the flesh out, and took out my clicker as well as I approached the first raptor cage, which was Blue. I held the lump in front of her, and clicked the clicker a few times. Blue sniffed the flesh a couple times, before growling. That's it, girl. That's your target. I then moved on to Charlie, then Delta, and lastly Echo. 

"Stay safe out there, girl" I whispered to the oldest raptor. "Andy would never forgive me if I let you die." Echo's eyes softened at the mention of Andy's name, before she chirped, which usually meant she was listening. I gave her a quick scratch under her chin, which was her favorite spot, before I decided to finally head off to my motorcycle.

I ignored the fast beating of my heart as the engines of the vehicles started up, and hopped onto my bike, turning the key. I held the handlebars tightly as I revved the engine, and turned to Barry, who was on an ATV beside me, giving him a nod. 

I then turned back to the worker that has fallen off the rail earlier, which also happened to be the ass that Andy had saved, who was holding the switch that opened the girls' cages. I gave him the signal, and he hesitated for second, before pressing his thumb to the button. 

This is it.

After a couple seconds, the girls bolted out of the cages, disappearing into the trees beyond them. I wasted no time following them, while Barry and the truck full of armored men pulled behind me. 

The girls were fast. It was almost hard to keep up, but I managed. All four girls seemed to easily whip through the jungle, but that wasn't surprising. I wasn't lying when I said they're pack hunters. They know their target, and they get on target quick. 

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