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I hesitantly looked over to Owen as we rode up in the elevator to the control room, and man, did he looked pissed. You could basically see the steam coming out of his ears, he was that angry. 

Maybe I won't have to be the one to kick ass when we get there.

Owen's eyes then ripped from his spot on the wall in front of him, and they met mine. He let out a long sigh, and ran his fingers through his curly mess of hair. "You got my back, right?"

"Damn straight," I said without hesitation and he cracked a smirk. "But you are not seriously going to kick the ass of your own boss, are you?" 

He chuckled, quietly. "That's what I have you for."

The elevator suddenly dinged, and Owen's small smile instantly faded, his jaw clenching. He walked through the doors, me quickly following after him, into the control room that was full of multiple panicking people. And it didn't really help that Claire was stood behind the people on the computers, yelling out orders to them. God, she was a bitch.

"I need to see a badge," One of the security guards said as he approached Owen, holding his hand out. Owen completely ignored him and pushed past, then grabbing onto my hand tightly to pull me after him. "Sir, sir! You need a badge to be in here!"

"What the HELL happened back there?!" Owen demanded, and Claire quickly turned around at the sound of his voice. "There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear!"

"It must have been a technical malfunction," she suggested, then turning back to the large screen in front of her.

"Were you not watching?!" Owen screamed back at her. I squeezed his hand in attempt to calm him down. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye before sighing. "She marked up the wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped."

"Hold on, we're talking about an animal here," she stated, sending him a glare that made me want to smack it right off her face.

"When is all of this going to get through your thick fucking skull?!" It was my turn to yell now, and I could feel my anger levels rising already. "That 'animal' is a highly intelligent, man-eating hybrid that doesn't know the difference be food and innocent people."

"Four hundred meters to beacon," one of the girls said, who I soon recognized as Vivian, from control management.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Claire said in an uncertain tone that made me want to smack her even more. "Asset Containment is on their way out there right now."

"You really think a group of guards is going to stop her?" I questioned. "She broke through a steel supported concrete wall, for fucks sake!"

"They can handle it," she spat back at me, making Owens grip on my hand tighten. "They are trained professionals that have enough tranquilizer to knock out the whole park."

"How the hell do you know it'll work on her?" Owen spoke up, his eyes following the red dot on the screen, which symbolized the I-Rex's path.

"It'll work," she said, turning to the screen herself. Staticky voices then came through the speakers, and the large screen where live footage of the ACU's progress was being shown, along with the members stats and heart monitors.

"You're going after her with non-lethals?" Owen questioned, as the most confused yet shocked look came across his features.

Jesus Christ, how else can this day get totally fucked up?

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