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"Come on, Zach!" Gray yelled excitedly as we neared the T-Rex exhibit. Apparently, the T-Rex was about to be fed and he wanted a front row seat, so he had a tight grip on my hand as he pulled me up the steps.

"Can he slow down?" Zara yelled from behind us in that annoying British accent. We just met up with her a couple minutes ago, and I already hated her. I honestly missed Andy. Don't tell her I said that, though. That's freakin' embarrassing.

"Nope," I called back to her and continued to follow gray into the exhibit.

We soon made it into tube-like room that held us above the enclosure and Gray didn't hesitate to run up to the window to watch he T-Rex feast on its meal. I smiled a little bit at his joy, and stood back to let him do his thing.

My phone suddenly rang, and I quickly pulled it out of my pocket, seeing my mothers icon come across the screen. I remembered I had promised to answer her calls instead of ignoring them like I usually do before Gray and I boarded the plane, so I pressed the green button and brought it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Honey, you were supposed to call me when you landed," was the first thing she said and I mentally cursed. I always forget shit like that. "Are you guys having fun?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess," I told her, being cut off by the yelling behind me, telling me the T-Rex just happily enjoyed its meal. "Aunt Claire gave us these passes so we don't have to wait in line."

"Wait, she's not with you?" My mom asked. I shook my head, even though she couldn't see me, and she sighed. "Alright. Well, have fun, and look out for your brother! I love you!"

"Yeah, love you too," I muttered and hung up just as Gray came running back to me.

"That was awesome!"

I smiled, and rested my hand on his shoulder guiding him out of the exhibit and back outside again. I looked around for our so-called "tour guide" and saw her arguing with someone on the phone, obviously not paying attention to us at all.

I suddenly got an idea. Gray and I both really wanted to go to the Gyrosphere ride and there was no way in hell she was coming with. She'd just ruin it with her annoying accent and her nasty attitude. Her attitude was honestly worse than mine and that's saying a lot.

With my hand still on Gray's shoulder, I pushed him forward a bit. "Scatter."

Gray looked up at me with confused eyes. "What?"

"We're ditching her." I told him, pushing him again. "Run, go!"

He must have agreed with my idea, because broke off into run through the crowd, and I quickly ran after him. We ran out of sight of our babysitter and through the crowd, weaving through the many people scattered around. Gray suddenly stopped running, and I stopped with him, looking behind me to make sure she didn't see us. She didn't, of course, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

I rested my hand on Gray's shoulder again, breathing heavily. "C'mon, let's go to that Gyrosphere ride thingy."

- - -

While standing in line for the Gyrosphere, my eyes met those of a cute girl in front of us. She must be interested, because she sent me a smile. I smirked as I looked her over. She honestly looked like someone I already knew, but I didn't really know who at the moment.

She was pretty; not the pretty I'd be into. . .but I guess it doesn't hurt to look. Her wavy brown hair fell just past her shoulders and her jean shorts seemed to make her tanned legs look even longer. She was one of those girls that looked a lot older than she actually was. Andy was one of those-

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